Chapter 022 Elizabeth Is Eliminated

1074 Words

Steven's assistant was also a student in the School of Design. His name was Hugo Vincent. He was the assistant arranged by the school for the contestants. He was a gentle and handsome boy with excellent academic performance. Elizabeth thought he was pure. A boy like Hugo must be popular in school. "Miss Jones, that's all. Do you have any questions?" Hugo asked politely. "Not right now. I'll look at Steven's design and come to you if I have any questions." "OK." Hugo lifted his glasses and turned to leave. Steven's friends gasped at the door. They didn't expect Elizabeth's voice to be so sweet. When Hugo came out, they all followed him and asked, "Hugo, is that woman beautiful?" "Yes." Hugo blushed. "Steven has a problem with his eyesight. He lied to us." "Let's date her after the

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