Chapter 021 She Can't Wait to Seduce Men

1093 Words

Samuel was taking care of Celia in the hospital. She was asleep. Not to disturb her, Samuel stood up and went to the window to answer the phone. "What's the matter?" Samuel was stern and straightforward. Samuel was strict with Steven, but Steven was good for nothing. "Samuel, help me. I'm really in trouble," Steven cried. "You have three seconds." "It's your wife. She has a lover." Sitting in the passenger seat, Elizabeth twitched her mouth and kicked Steven, who was driving. Steven's driving skills were good. He rolled his eyes at Elizabeth and continued driving. "Samuel, you are so unlucky. Your wife cuckolded you. I saw it." "Who is my wife?" Steven and Elizabeth could feel Samuel's anger from the other end of the line. Steven coughed and looked at Elizabeth triumphantly. He co

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