Chapter 127 He who lives wants her, and he who dies wants her body.

1800 Words

Chapter 127 He who lives wants her, and he who dies wants her body.The morning light slowly opened the curtain, and the air along the river was cold in the morning. Melody, who had been tossing and turning for a long time last night, slept in Kevin's arms. The quilt on her body disappeared, and the cold feeling gradually hit her. She opened her eyes. Kevin's handsome face came into view. And the quilts were all wrapped around the people beside them. Damn it! She didn't have any quilts. 'sneeze '... … … Melody couldn't help sneezing and rubbed his nose miserably. Alarmed Kevin slowly opened his hazy bleary eyes and looked at her in astonishment. "What's the matter?" "I'm cold!" Melody stared at him, pulled the quilt from his body and covered it. "A sneeze" is another sneeze. "

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