Chapter 126 on Stellera chamaejasme

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Chapter 126 on Stellera chamaejasmeOnce again diving to Kevin's side, Melody's saliva flowed down. "Imperial master..." "Stop it!" As soon as Melody spoke, Kevin saw through her stratagem and looked at her with a smile and a smile and said, "I can't take it." "I am hungry." Melody's pitiful blink of those big eyes, cattail leaf fan-like eyelashes trembling. Kevin's Adam's apple rolled down and his whole body tightened. Did she realize that such a move would make him have no mind to do anything? "There is still a little baked. Do you want to eat it?" Kevin stared at her and said. "Yes!" Melody nodded like garlic. "Then... give me a kiss." Kevin stepped forward specially, his cheek facing her. "All right, just one kiss." Melody stood on tiptoe to gather up... Kevin smile

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