“Who’s Maria?”

1193 Words
Carls reluctantly released Arya’s arms, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and frustration. “So this is why she was nervous earlier?” Leonardo asked, his tone low and steely. “You don’t understand. Women should always be put in their place,” Carls said dismissively, his family watching him with a mixture of fear and astonishment. Leonardo’s expression darkened. “Put in their place?” he sneered, raising an eyebrow. “Carls, you’re playing with fire. But this... this goes beyond our usual dealings. Don’t lay a hand on my woman ever again,” he spat. A hush fell over the room as people hurriedly exited, wary of Leonardo’s notorious temper and ruthlessness. His reputation for being a formidable force meant that no one wanted to be caught in the middle of a confrontation between two powerful mafia families, especially with Leonardo being the more dominant. “Your woman? You can’t just claim to love her after meeting her once,” Carls scoffed, clearly incredulous. “It’s none of your business. She’s marrying me, which means she’s mine. And I do not tolerate anyone touching what’s mine,” Leonardo replied, his voice dripping with disdain as he stepped closer to Carls. “I’m sorry, Don. I forgot my place. She belongs to you now,” Carls said, his voice now laced with resignation as he backed away from the tearful Arya. “Come to me, amorina,” Leonardo said, his voice softening as he extended a hand towards Arya, inviting her into his embrace with a hint of possessiveness and affection. Arya walked towards Leonardo, her steps hesitant but determined, and took his hand. “You forget, father-in-law, that she stays here now,” Leonardo said, his gaze fixed on Carls. “Forgive me, Capo Dei Capi. I intended to discuss her status with her after the reprimand,” Carls said, bowing deeply. “Leave. You may come to the wedding tomorrow if you choose, or not,” Leonardo said, his tone final. Carls and his family exited swiftly, their limo departing from the villa as Leonardo watched them go. Once they were gone, he turned his attention back to Arya. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice filled with quiet gratitude. “Let me see,” Leonardo said, referring to her injured hands. Arya extended her hands, wincing slightly as he examined the wounds. Leonardo’s expression hardened. “I don’t like people messing with what’s mine. This is why you can’t stand up to your father, isn’t it?” “If it were just me, I’d have run away. But if I did that, he’d hurt my mum, and I can’t let that happen,” Arya said, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “He can’t hurt you anymore, amorina. I might be a bad man, but hitting a woman is where I draw the line,” Leonardo said, his voice firm. He wondered why he felt such a strong urge to protect her. “The night is cold. Let’s get you inside and ready for dinner,” Leonardo said, signaling to one of the maids. “Get her ready for dinner,” he instructed the maid, who promptly led Arya to her prepared bedroom. Leonardo stood watch until they disappeared into the mansion, his right-hand man, Roberto, approaching him. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d assume you were in love, Don,” Rob said, a smirk on his face. “Get the car ready, Roberto. I’ve got a rat to deal with,” Leonardo said coldly. Rob nodded and walked away. *** Arya entered one of the master bedrooms, guided by the maid. She marveled at the opulence of the room, which seemed far grander than her own at home. “You can make adjustments to the interiors if you’d like, la futura moglie di Don,” the maid said. “Oh, please, stop with the formalities. I’m Arya,” she replied, trying to ease the stiffness. “Forgive me, miss. If I don’t maintain formality, I risk losing my job,” Rosa said apologetically. “What’s your name?” Arya asked. “Rosa,” the maid replied. “Rosa, please help me out of this dress,” Arya said. Rosa quickly assisted, her smile barely concealed. She had taken a liking to Arya. “Does the family normally have dinner together?” Arya asked as Rosa worked. “Yes, miss. The family always dines together,” Rosa replied. “Does that mean they’re very close?” Arya inquired. “I can’t say, miss. No one really understands them,” Rosa responded. “How long have you been working here?” Arya asked, trying to make conversation. “Since I turned eighteen, five years ago,” Rosa answered. “Oh, nice,” Arya said, feeling awkward. “Are you okay, miss?” Rosa asked, noticing Arya’s discomfort. “Why do you ask?” Arya replied, curious. “I was thinking of Maria. I assume you’ve heard of her,” Rosa said, inadvertently revealing something she wished she hadn’t. “Who’s Maria?” Arya asked, watching Rosa’s expression shift to one of regret. “Maria is one of the boss’s mistresses,” Rosa confessed. Arya pondered this. If Maria was notable enough for Rosa to mention, she wondered if Leonardo had strong feelings for her. “Does Leonardo love her?” Arya asked. “I don’t think the Don is capable of love,” Rosa said with a chuckle, finally loosening the last knot of Arya’s dress. Arya nodded, taking in the information. *** Leonardo entered a dimly lit, jail-like room where a figure stood, battered and bruised. “Oh, he can still stand. That’s unfortunate; it means my men didn’t do a thorough job,” Leonardo said, observing the figure. “Please, let me go. I’ve done everything you asked. I’ve told you everything,” the figure pleaded, his voice weak. “You see, life doesn’t work on wishes. I won’t let you go,” Leonardo said, a taunting smirk on his face. “Please, please…” the figure whispered, crawling towards Leonardo in desperation. The soft yellow light from the lamp illuminated his wounds and bloodied form. “I’m sending a message back to your boss. Next time, he’ll think twice before sending rats like you to sabotage my business,” Leonardo hissed. “No, no, please spare me,” the man begged, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Rob entered and stood beside Leonardo. “I think we should get rid of him now, Don. The stench is overwhelming,” he said. “That would be too easy. I’ve given Frederick many chances. They now think I’m weak, but don’t worry, Roberto. I’ll show them. Take him to the torture room and set up the cameras. We’re sending a message to Fred,” Leonardo said with cold determination. Rob signaled two of their men to move the captive. As they were escorting him, the injured man seized his chance, pulling a gun from one of the guards’ holsters and aiming it at Leonardo. A single gunshot rang out, echoing through the room.
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