The Engagement 3

1066 Words
“You startled me,” Arya said, glancing at the striking man before her. “I didn’t mean to,” Leonardo replied, settling onto the plush loveseat beside her. “But you did,” Arya countered, her tone laced with a mixture of annoyance and intrigue. “I know, Arya,” he said, acknowledging her frustration. “It’s so unfair that you know my name and I don’t know yours,” she said, her sadness evident as she realized she hadn’t been given the courtesy of knowing her betrothed’s name. “If it matters that much to you, my name is Leonardo,” he responded, his voice steady. Arya studied him closely. With his smooth face and piercing grey eyes, he exuded a bad-boy allure. Yet, beneath his tough exterior, there was a flicker of vulnerability. His broad shoulders seemed to bear the weight of untold burdens, and Arya found herself captivated by the enigmatic Leonardo. “Do you want one?” he asked, offering her a cigarette from a pack. “I don’t smoke,” she replied, shaking her head. Leonardo pulled back the pack and handed it to a passing waiter. “Okay. I don’t like women who smoke cigarettes in the first place,” he said nonchalantly. “Then why offer it to me?” Arya asked, a mix of curiosity and slight annoyance coloring her voice. “I wanted to see if you could be pressured,” Leonardo said with a smirk. Arya crossed her arms, meeting his smirk with one of her own. “Well, you clearly underestimated me,” she replied calmly. “I wonder what kind of woman you are. I can’t quite read you, but I’ll find out in due time, wife,” Leonardo said, his gaze intense. “Did you agree to this marriage?” Arya inquired, her voice laced with unease. “Don’t ask too many questions now, baby,” Leonardo replied, his tone dismissive. “I’m not ‘baby,’ I’m Arya,” she said softly, but he persisted. “Okay... baby,” Leonardo taunted, a grin on his lips. “At least you’re not ugly on the outside... yet,” Arya remarked, squinting slightly. “‘Yet’? Are you threatening me, wife?” Leonardo asked, irritation evident in his voice. Arya was taken aback by his sudden reaction. “No, I meant you’re not ugly on the outside unless you’re ugly on the inside. If you’re a bad man, you’re automatically an ugly man,” she said, trying to smooth over the misunderstanding. Leonardo chuckled. “Look at you. How can you even threaten a bunny? I was just pulling your leg,” he said, amused. “You’re starting to get ugly. It’s not cool to tease people,” Arya retorted. “Come on, Arya. I run many cartels and deal with dangerous people every day. No one dares question me when I speak. I’m not just a bad man; I’m dangerous,” Leonardo said, turning to face her. “Is that supposed to scare me?” Arya asked, her tone challenging. “It should,” he replied, his expression bored. “I’m sorry, it didn’t,” Arya taunted back. Leonardo leaned in closer, his face inches from hers. He could see her dark, luscious lashes and the depth of her green eyes. Arya’s breath hitched as he neared, and she flinched. His expression shifted to one of concern. “Why did you flinch?” he asked, clearly upset. “I thought you were going to hit me,” she admitted, her voice trembling. “Why would I hit you?” he questioned. “You tell me,” she answered, her tone steady. “You know, you’ve got guts. I like that,” Leonardo said, moving away from her. Her scent—roses and vanilla—was intoxicating up close, and he was getting ideas. Arya sat up straight, her gaze drifting to the crowd. She noticed Carls watching her and felt a surge of anxiety, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. “Why are you doing that? It’s disturbing to watch,” Leonardo said, bringing her out of her thoughts. “Then don’t watch,” she snapped back. Leonardo raised an eyebrow at her sharp tone. “I’m sorry for snapping,” Arya said, her anger subsiding. Leonardo looked at her father and then back at Arya, immediately sensing something more was at play. The engagement ceremony proceeded smoothly, and it was time for the ring exchange. Two maids approached, each holding a gold tray with ring boxes. Leonardo took the ring from his tray and gestured for Arya to extend her hand. She hesitated, scanning the crowd for an escape, but found none. Reluctantly, she placed her hand in his, and he slipped the ring on slowly, maintaining unbroken eye contact. The guests cheered and clapped as Arya returned the gesture, sliding the ring onto Leonardo’s finger. They stood close together as cameras flashed around them. “And by the way,” Leonardo whispered in her ear, “I’d never hit a woman, at least not one as delicate and exquisite as you.” His words sent a shiver down Arya’s spine, a mix of fear and excitement stirring within her. As the celebration concluded and guests began to leave, Arya approached her family. Camille enveloped her in a comforting hug. “Let’s go home, sister. You need to rest,” Antonio said, holding her hand. “You seem to be getting comfortable with your husband-to-be,” Carls remarked, his tone edged with sarcasm. “At least he’s not a monster who hits women like you do,” Arya retorted, momentarily forgetting her father's volatile nature. “What did you just say?” Carls thundered, grabbing her arms so tightly she began to bleed. “You think you can speak to me like that because your fiancé is a big shot, huh?” Carls growled. “Let go of her, Father!” Antonio and Dante demanded in unison, their voices filled with anger. Carls glared at them, his grip unyielding. Antonio’s rage flared as he saw his sister in pain. “Let her go, Carls. This is no place for this,” Camille pleaded, trying to diffuse the situation. “I think you should listen to your wife,” a calm voice interjected. Carls turned to see the source, his eyes widening in shock.
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