445 Words
Her baby bump was just as lovely as It could be, adding extra beauty to the already amazing body. Whiles many women suffered the unfortunately disfigurement of a bad makeover from the hands of pregnancy, Jennifer glowed . If old soldier were to be around he would have had a difficult time keeping his hands to himself. Her extra smooth, bright, enhanced skin tone would have drawn him in, whiles the amazing process of the developing fetus on going with in her belly would have held him spellbound. she didn't feel the weight of the baby but most definitely the movement of the fetus as informed beforehand to her excitement. She felt the army of butterflies indicated earlier by Dr. Asare within her ticklishly, whenever the baby moved. Nothing was comparable to the joyous contentedness she felt inside. Her anticipation to receive hey baby into this world was hyped by all the sensations, both bodily including emotional changes and feelings she felt during this amazing process of nurturing another life inside her. She couldn't wait to meet her mini self. Jennifer admitted being clumsy sometimes after she regained full strength but never failed to endeavor to protect the life in her. In conclusion, she was the happiest at that particular period of her life's transition. She also continued communication with her man overseas taking up the role of a vivid abstract reporter; creatively describing the baby gymnastics to old soldier who forms imaginary illustrative illusions in his mind to compensate himself for his painful absence. What wouldn't he give to be with her? It was not his first baby neither is it his second nor third yet it had always felt as his first from the very word go! In a sense? it is. In the traditional sense it is his first child, in the sense that his lost first daughter was returning back to him as she promised. There is no logical explanation in the real world. However, it is! what it is! The gods worked out another mystery. Their love grew even stronger to the heartbreak of a slowly bleeding within Mansa. Who was now a monitoring spirit, timing all the movement of her acclaimed friend, whiles making plans to distort the peace she enjoy presently. If only she knew she was going to miss her soon enough, but the veil of the invisible manipulator was too heavy a material to left then. she had availed herself to be used and to be used in the wrong way. If only "had I known" came first? She might have been able to reconstruct her thinking. Better yet, woken from her dream of self distraction.
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