1078 Words

ISABELLE Madness reigns in the entire residence and I am not spared. Ivan comes to the dungeon himself, something he has never done since I was moved here. “You are the cause of this. You are the reason why my four sons died today." He says. I can see that he is not his usual self. He is not the composed man I have known for the days I have been here. “How did I cause death to anyone when I am held prisoner here?" I ask calmly. He is holding a very big sword that can easily harm an opponent who is a meter away. “You are an evil spirit. I have fought many battles and my children have never died. Why is it that they are dying now when you are involved?" He asks me and I am lost at the sort of answer he is expecting from me. “I am sorry Ivan. The loss of a child can be so devastating to

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