1420 Words

DWAYNE “Prepare to die now. I have to do what my father has always hesitated to do. He applied a lot of leniency on you, but me, I don't have even a little of that." Maurice says when he sees me. He gets off his horse and walks slowly towards me, a tall man with the same features as his father. “I am the one who applied a lot of leniency on that sorcerer. I should have killed him long time ago but then I figured that he has a family. Look what kind of family he has? Sons who support their father's ill motives." I say. He seems to be irked by my statement because he pauses to digest it and probably to plot a comeback. “Our father is virtuous and a role model to all of us." He says. I want to laugh at that but I notice that I am almost getting nervous. “Where is the virtue when he steals

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