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*Leroy POV* Forty-five minutes later, I, Marcus and Linda stand at Cali’s bedside. She is hardly breathing but my heart refuses to accept it. “Her injuries are too severe. They are not compatible with life,” Linda explains while I frantically shake my head. “I am so sorry, you have to bid her good…” “No. Fix her,” I interject and storm out. Sky has been continuously groaning and whining, I can’t concentrate. “Leroy,” Marcus calls and follows me. I sit on the stairs with my chest tight and my whole body trembling. Resting my heavy head on my palms, that horrific scene plays over in my head. She sacrificed herself for me. “Are you okay?” Marcus asks. I can hear the sadness in his voice. He treated Cali as his little sister. I respond without lifting my head. “It’s all my fault. I am sorry.” “Leroy,”he calls me again. “It was her birthday. I promised to join her at the lake and I completely forgot about her,” I qualify my statement. “You met your mate. You had no control over that,” he tries to justify my actions but nothing can change to guilt I feel. I let out a cold chuckle. “On the contrary, Marcus. That’s exactly why I should have kept my promise. I was convinced that she was my mate. I am pretty sure that she thought the same. I can’t imagine what she felt when she saw me with Phoebe.” Marcus shakes his head in disagreement. “You can’t control the mate pull and bond, Leroy. Cali knew that.” “I left her exposed to being harassed by Leon and Carl.” “That is on me. You left her with me, you had no reason to worry about her. I am the one who left her exposed,”he says with a soft voice that tells me that I am not the only one filled with guilt. “I was with you and Flora, man. I knew that you were not with her. She jumped in front of that rogue to protect me. I can’t lose her. I just can’t.” Marcus sighs and studies me. I know how strange I sound. I should not care this much about Cali after meeting Phoebe but I can’t help it. “She can’t die. She can’t die,” Sky keeps whining in my head but I have no assurance for him. That only makes him whine more. Linda joins us on the stairway and my heart sinks when I see her bewildered expression. “She is dead, isn’t she?” I manage to murmur while Marcus frantically shake his head. “She should be,”Linda hesitates. “But?” “I don’t know. Something odd is going on with her. You need to see it,” she says and immediately walks back to Cali’s bedroom. Marcus and I spring on our feet and follow her inside. I look at Cali then Linda for explanation. Wolves have the ability to heal faster than humans by days at most, not this. Cali’s bruises and lacerations have completely vanished. Linda shrugs her shoulders and pulls off the bandage on Cali’s neck. I turn away, not willing to see that gaping wound again, but Linda urges. “You have to look. My medical knowledge can’t explain any of this.” I slowly force my eyes to look and my eyes widen with shock. “That’s impossible!” Marcus exclaims and I have no words. “Does this mean she is not a wolf?” “I don’t know. She can’t be a vamp either, nor a hybrid. They don’t do this,” Linda responds, adding to my confusion. No one knows where she came from. The pack just assumed she was an abandoned wolf, but we don’t heal like this. She did not heal this fast the last time she was injured. I wonder if turning eighteen had anything to do with it. “She will live!” Sky rejoices but I’m not so sure that he should. An unknown species with unknown powers and heals this fast could pose danger to us. Marcus and I exchange looks. Including another person could be risky but I have to make the call. “Get the proph…” I have not completed my sentence when Nora knocks and walks in to inform us the the prophet is here to see the Golden spark. I don’t know why he calls Cali that but we all know whom he is referring to. I guess I did not have to make the call after all. “Your Highness, Betas,” the Epsilon greets with his eyes glued on Cali whose skin looks so flawless, no one would believe that she was covered with lacerations and bruises just an hour ago. She looks so peaceful, like she is just sleeping. “What is she?” I ask curiously and the old man laughs. “That is a secret only you will unveil but years of heartache shall brace it.” “Brace what exactly?” I ask, hoping to understand him. “Life is a journey, yours shall transverse love and hatred, pain and happiness but forgiveness will require a sacrifice,” he utters with his usual mysterious aura. “Whose forgiveness shall require the sacrifice you speak of?” “Yours, mine, your fathers, the pack. The Alpha shall bare the responsibility and sacrifice,” he responds, adding to my confusion. I have not done anything needing forgiveness. I don’t even know what that has to do with Cali. “What kind of a sacrifice?” I press on for more information. I might not understand this old man right now but the information he gives me might make more sense in the future. “The ultimate one, Your Majesty.” The room is suddenly chilly, even the light seems to dim off. This old man never says anything that does not come true. The ultimate sacrifice in our world means blood will be spilled. Our pack has been at peace for as long as I can remember. I can’t think of anything that will require such a sacrifice. “You are not making any sense,” I finally break the silence in the room. “All shall be revealed in due time,” he responds, his words carrying the weight of something I dread to to comprehend. “Is she a wolf?” “Why not?” he asks. I don’t know what his question means. It is not a confirmation nor a refutation. “This is useless,” I finally declare, no longer willing to hear anymore of his riddles, but he continues. “The full moon shall uncover hidden matters. Don’t let her off your sight, so shall be your eternity.” With that, the old man gazes at Cali for a moment before leaving the room in dead silence. “Sky was cornered and off balance when Cali ran between him and the rogues, taking the hit for him.” “It was not your fault,” Marcus maintains. “The she-wolf that bit her dropped dead without me touching her,”I inform them and see shocked expressions on their faces. “What are you saying?” Linda asks. “I don’t know what she is but a werewolf she is not,” I let them in on my thoughts. “You don’t know that!” Sky strongly objects. I don’t bother responding to him. He has been acting very strange since Cali got hurt. “I will do some research,” Linda suggests. Our eyes are still on Cali when she sits up and rubs her sexy eyes. I can’t help noticing that the golden colour of her eyes seemed more intense than usual. Sky immediately takes over and rushes to her side.
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