Her sacrifice

1127 Words
*Leroy POV* Cali is eighteen and I can’t restrain myself. Sky is also behaving weirdly. Does that mean she is our mate? The rest of the day spins out of control. One moment I am possessing over Cali, the next Sky is screaming Mate to one of the gorgeous women I know. Phoebe is everything a man can ever ask. Drop dead gorgeous, graceful and just perfect for my Luna. Both Sky and I reluctantly let Phoebe return home. “It’s okay. We will mark her the next full moon and she will never leave our side,” I comfort my whining wolf. I have also made certain that our mate is protected. Her pack knows that she might be in danger and will have two of their best Betas protecting her. “And Cali?” Sky links and I have no answers. “That’s your tuff. You tell me!” I snap at him. “She has no wolf. I still don’t know,” Sky responds and I can’t believe this. “Seriously? The fact that Phoebe is our mate means Cali is obviously not!” I snap at Sky again. It is almost dark, I am heading home when Marcus calls. “Is Cali with you?” Marcus asks the moment I answer the phone. “No. Why?” He hesitates as if deciding how much to tell me. “Marcus?” “I just got home and she is not here,” Marcus blurts out. “What do you mean she is not there?” Marcus sighs loud. “I last saw her when I met my mate. She told me that she was returning home but she never called the driver. She is not here.” My head starts spinning. Phoebe and I spent sometime with Marcus and Flora during the day. I was so engrossed with my mate I did not even ask about Cali. “Check Leon’s place, I will go to Carl,” I instruct and Sky immediately takes over. The guards outside Carl’s mansion must have spotted Sky from a distance because they open the gates and bow. Carl looks really shocked to see Sky dash into his lounge. He pushes the woman on his lap aside and puts on his shirt before running behind Sky who is running through every room. “Your Highness?” Carl asks breathlessly when he finally cashes up. I shift, taking over from Sky who is now snarling at Carl. “Where is Cali?” Carl looks at me with confusion on his face. I am tempted to think he has no idea what I am asking but he is sneaky and has be looking lecherously at Cali, hence Sky’s reaction to him. Carl is still looking at me like an i***t when Linda calls. “I heard the big news,” she says and I can’t already hear a conjunction. “But?” “I did not say anything,” she says defensively but I know her too well. “Exactly!” “What about Cali? I was almost certain that she was your mate,” she asks curiously. “I honestly don’t know, Linda.” “She looked shaken when I met her. How is she?” Her words send chills down my spine. I walk away from Carl to have some privacy. “Where did you see her?” “What’s going on?” Linda asks instead of asking me. “She did not return home. Marcus and I are looking for her,” I explain. She, Marcus and I have been through a lot together. We trust each other with everything. “She had some altercation with Carl and Leon. She told me about you and Marcus meeting your mates and ran off before I could…” “I will call you back,” I cut Linda off and storm back to Carl. My fist lands on his stupid face, sending him flying on the floor. “Where the f**k is Cali?” I roar and the i***t stammers. “I…I..” “You were the last person seen with her. Where is she?” I shout with my fists clenched, fighting the urge to snap his neck. He trembles as he sits up and presses his bleeding nose with a shaky hand. “Leon and I only teased her. We left her with doctor Grey, I swear.” “I did not pick up her scent here,” Sky links. “Do you think she ran away?” he adds, sending chills down my spine. I am standing above Carl when I remember something and storm out of Carl’s mansion. Sky takes over again and dashes towards the lake. It’s already dark, even if Cali did go there as she planned, she would have returned home by now. I still head there just in case and sense them from a distance away. The bastards have her pinned on the ground and Sky completely looses it. He leaps and charges towards the biggest he-wolf snarling at Cali. Razor sharp teeth sink into his neck and severs it. The other three leave Cali and charge towards me from different directions. I don’t get to check if Cali is okay but I can see her sit up with the corner of my eye. Sky hauls, summoning our warriors. They should be here in few minutes, these rogues know it too. They exchange looks and simultaneously jump on Sky. One on one they have nothing on me. It’s a different story when they attack at the same time. I focus on the one in front of me. He tries to dodge my attack. Sky’s teeth miss the neck and sink into his front leg, breaking it. He groans and falls on the ground. It takes longer than my liking to silence him. The wasted time gives the other two time to regroup. They charge again, catching Sky off guard, twisting his hind leg and falling backwards. A sharp pain pierces through his leg but that is the least of his worries. I curse inside when I realise that they strategically have Sky cornered. Behind him is the a steep cliff. Falling behind will be deadly and forward is the two rogues charging towards him. They are quite smart and well organised, I will give them that. Sky tumbles on the slippery surface while trying to get back on his feet but their bodies are already on the air charging towards him. Out of nowhere, Cali jumps between them and Sky, using herself as the shield, more like a sacrifice. It’s too late by the time Sky finds his feet. The she-wolf’s teeth sink in Cali’s neck and I can’t bare to look.
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