
1376 Words
*Cali POV* Ouch! My leg stings like hell and bent in an unnatural way. s**t! I broke my leg. Leroy is going to kill me! I try to sit up but I am stuck between two heavy rods. These will need very strong people to move. Where the hell is Alloy when you need him? I take out my phone from my pocket. Marcus is too far. Calling him will only worry him. Leroy will go crazy, I can’t call him. My human friends will have no idea where I am. Directing them will take too long. Not only that, I will have too many questions to answer about this place and other pack houses. Phoebe is the only other person I talk to and whose number I have. “Cali. You missed your lecture,”she scolds the moment she picks up the call. She completely freaks out when I tell her what happened and of course tells Leroy who shows up with all our pack male Beta’s. They all have questioning looks as they free me but too scared to utter a word. Our Alpha is so mad, all the veins in his neck are bulging out. I want to beg the doctor to keep me overnight just to avoid Leroy, but I can’t. He is sitting right there and has not said a word since my rescue. He has this stoic expression the whole time. He did not even smile when a nurse flirted with him. “Shout at me and get over with it,” I say the moment we are alone, unable to take his silence anymore. “You could have broken your spine or your neck. You could have died. I would have failed Marcus, you and myself.” The way he says it makes my eyes well up. He gets up from the chair and sits on the bed facing me. “Do I have to be by your side twenty-four seven to keep you safe? Don’t you know that there is no reality for me where you are dead, Cali? Tell me what to do to keep you safe and I will do it.” I can’t hold back my tears. Burying my face in his chest, I weep. Thanks to my accident and casted leg, Leroy is literally by my side every day. I don’t know why I did not heal as fast as I did previously. I can manage to walk with crutches but he insists on taking me to my lecture hall. I am convinced he memorised my schedule because he is by the door to pick me up immediately afterwards. My human friends are convinced that we are an item. They think he is the most romantic and supportive boyfriend ever. I thought they would believed me when they meet Phoebe. Now they and some of our pack members are convinced that we are in a polygamous relationship. I don’t know a lot about myself but that is not in the cards. I was jealous of Leroy and he is not even my mate. I will never share my mate with anyone. Days and weeks pass by very fast. I look out through the window as we drive back to Ruber city for the full moon ceremony. Leroy locks his hand on mine. It’s a very familiar feeling. Comforting, too comforting. “Hey. Whatever happens, remember what I said. It does not matter who and what you are. I will die first before anyone touches you.” I nod my head. Unfortunately, I have not developed any immunity against his tender tone. Marcus is standing outside when we arrive. I literally run into his arms. He squeezes me into a hug. “Too close,” Leroy says disapprovingly. I stick my tongue out at him before letting go of Marcus who goes on to hug his best friend. I am walking into the mansion when Leroy calls out. “See you tonight, Cali.” I sigh. I know what that means. Tomorrow is the full moon. He will mark his mate, hopefully severing this thing between us. I wonder if he is coming over to say his goodbyes or make sure I don’t flee? I would flee if I did not have a cast on my leg. I was really dumb to go to that pack house. That evening I lay on the bed facing the ceiling with Leroy next to me. “Did you know that we have the same scent?” I never asked him this before. “Yeah. It started on your eighteenth birthday. It’s like you are me but in this hot irresistible body. You frustrate me like hell but pull on my heart strings like no other. I just can’t help it.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” “And say what? I love you and I love my mate. My wolf is crazy about you. Things were so complicated and messy.” I let out a sigh. “Yeah, they were. Thank you for rescuing me. You were quite frustrating yourself.” He chuckles and plays with my hair. “I will always be there, Cali. I think we are linked forever. Friends?” “Friends. I like that and your mate is great.” He lifts his eyebrow, not believing me. “When she is not mothering me,” I add and he laughs. “Welcome to the club. She does that to me too.” I don’t know when I fell asleep but it’s soon morning and I can’t help but be anxious. Nora has prepared all my favourite dishes but I can’t get anything in. What will my wolf look like? What rank will I be? What if I am not a wolf? Will I finally know who I am? Marcus insists on taking me shopping. He is taking this too serious but I can’t turn him down. Ruber city, Palmland, Lily town and Limedale packs are all here to witness the biggest moonlight ceremony congregation in history. Hierarchy is strictly observed with all the Alphas on top of the mountain, then the Epsilons, follows the Beta’s, Gammas, Omegas and finally the nameless slaves. All of us who recently turned eighteen are grouped together in one side. Those who met their mates and here to mark each other are also grouped together. Leroy and Marcus are in that group. I can see the Alphas mouths moving in synchrony but I don’t hear what they are chanting. Thanksgiving and blessings probably. The Lycans take over but I can’t I make out what they are saying either. The moon comes out at exactly midnight and howls fill the air. I hear the sounds of bones breaking or maybe moulding and others shifting next to me. It’s their first time shifting. I hear louder howls as mates mark each other. It is all so beautiful and overwhelming, except nothing happens to me. Time passes and the moon disappears, still nothing. I want to cry out and curse my luck. Not here. “Oh? Cali, you have no wolf!” Trust Rose to take every opportunity to embarrass me. “I guess you are an Omega now. You will have serve the palace and us Betas again. At least you are no longer nameless.” Her words hit me like a tornado. Being wolf-less instantly makes me an Omega. Slave forever. I can’t use Marcus’s rank anymore. They will never let me continue with my studies. Unless…I run far away and never return. I swallow my saliva, keep my head down and walk away. I need to get out of here. I keep my eyes on the ground and run into someone. That’s when I lift my gaze and find myself surrounded by Epsilons. They are chanting something I can’t make out, except ours. He is just staring at me. This can’t be good for me. I see Sky advancing towards us but a humongous pitch black wolf blocks his way. That must be Neptune’s wolf Dane or maybe his father, Terrence. Leroy vowed to be there for me. I am grateful that he meant it but he has no chance against the Lycans. I am doomed.
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