Deserted pack house

1213 Words
*Cali POV* I jump off the bed with my heart pounding. Hopefully Phoebe does not read too much into this. It’s a stupid hope but I still hope. I insisted on sleeping with my clothes instead of the shirt Leroy offered me. Fully dressed looks innocent, right? Leroy is still fast asleep. Yesterday’s fight for dominance with his wolf must have exhausted him. “Phoebe…I,” my mind blanks out. “How is he?” she asks with the same worried voice she had yesterday. I look at her in disbelief. How is he? Seriously? Like she did not just walk in on me in her mate’s arms? What’s wrong with this girl? “He…is fine, I think.” “Thanks Cali. I can’t thank you enough.” I frown and nod my head. Am I being crazy for thinking this is weird? Am I reading too much into it? I think I would be enraged if I was in her place. I would crash everything in this room. The whole pack house would know and hear my roar. I would be many things but grateful. Her next words completely paralyse me. “Do you think you and Leroy could be related?” Now I am shocked. “What? Why? I don’t think so.” Leroy is the Alpha. His father had mistresses but none ever produced a pup. I met his sister and she looks nothing like me. His late mother couldn’t have had me in secret either. She was already the Luna with a one year old Leroy when I was born. “You don’t know your parents. You two fight like siblings. He worries about you like crazy and you basically have the same delicious scent.” I choke on my saliva and starts coughing violently while she gently pats my back. My eyes are blood shot by the time it subsides. She studies for a moment. “You didn’t know? I thought you knew why I sit so close to you in class. I love that scent. I want to bask in it.” I swallow my saliva. Alloy and Neptune were not making that up after all. I leave Leroy’s room so confused. Can’t I meet someone who knows something about me? This uncertainty is eating at me. Two more weeks pass. Leroy and I are actually getting on very well. We watch movies on weekends and even go sightseeing with him and Phoebe. I decide to return to the woods. Something about that haunted house has been bugging me. I don’t tell Leroy, he banned me from coming here. I stand in front of the debilitating structure and instantly feel pooled to it. Taking two steps forward, I stop when I hear footsteps behind me. I am not surprised when Alloy shows up. Is he always in these woods? Of course not, I see him on campus and I know his pack house. “Gorgeous,” he greets with his smooth baritone voice. “Know anything about this house?” His eyes sparkle before his lips part in that perfect sensual expression. “Legend has it that it belonged to the wealthiest pack in these parts.” I look at him in disbelief. The structure is deserted and debilitated. “Seriously?” He shrugs and stands next to me. Too close, our shoulders touch. “I know, right?” “I want to go in it.” “I’m pretty sure that is against the rules but for you…” “You are the best,”I beam and take a step forward. Even if there’s a dangerous creature in there, I am safe with him. I am fully aware that he is not following me when I hear Leroy’s voice behind me and freeze. s**t! “Alloy,” the cold husky voice greets. I don’t have to see his face to know that he is mad. “Leroy,” Alloy greets back right before the irritated Leroy grabs my arm and walks away without another word. His grip is too tight, my fingers are tingling. “Let me go Leroy.” “Don’t force me to drag you,” he warns and I know that he means it. He takes big strides, too big for me. I have to run behind him to keep up or he will dislocate my arm. We get curious looks at the pack house. The Alpha dragging his loose pack member must be very peculiar. I can only imagine what they think I did. He does not let me go until we get into his room where we find Phoebe sitting on the couch. “If you act like an unrestrained teenager then I will treat you like one!” he yells, his nostrils flaring. “Excuse me?” “I told you not to go to the woods. Can’t keep away from Alloy, huh?” “You two at it again?” Phoebe asks without even looking up from the magazine in front of her. “Hi Phoebe. Speak to your obnoxious mate, will you? Tell him I am literally your age. I am not a child who needs babysitting!” “Leave me out of whatever this is.” “You are his mate. I can’t leave you out of it. Don’t you care that your mate is suffocating me?” She shakes her head and turns her attention to the magazine. “ You know what? I’m moving in with you whether you like it or not.” “No, you are not!”she exclaims while Leroy gives me the ‘are you insane’ look. “Why not?“ Phoebe sigh, like answering me is such an inconvenience. “Firstly, I am not going against my mate for you. Secondly, you are crazy. There is no way I am dealing with you.” “Argh! To think I was starting to like you,” I huff while she laughs at me. The following day I wait for Leroy’s lecture to begin before skipping mine and heading back to the woods. I don’t mean to piss him off but there is something in there that’s calling me. Maybe it is curiosity but I have to go. This time Alloy does not show up and I manage to walk in. Although not maintained, this looks like all the other pack houses except it has golden features everywhere. I love gold. Although old and a bit scary, I can imagine how beautiful it use to be. There is familiarity I feel towards it. Like I could clean it up and happily leave here. Maybe it’s because it’s deserted like I was as an infant. I look around, entering every section and every room. All the furniture is still here. All the four floors are fully furnished. Everything is rusted but it’s like people were living here and never packed up. Like they just left without notice. I stand at the fourth floor balcony and enjoy the view. There’s a beautiful scenery of the forest, the river and the waterfall. It’s breathtaking. “What happened to your pack? Why would they desert you?” I ask the empty walls before the floor below me collapses, sending me crashing to the ground floor.
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