Leroy’s scent

1339 Words
* Cali POV* I stand on the pavement facing Alloy who does not seem to be in a hurry to go anywhere. He is just staring at me. I fold my arms across my chest and stare back at him. I am not saying the first word this time. “The mystery girl.” He breaks the silence, his baritone voice filling my ears. I bow my head slightly to acknowledge his rank. “Your Majesty.” “Hello. I told you my name and you ran off,” he accuses, walking closer to me. “You are partly inferno, steel and lycan. You are a dangerous breed to be alone with in the woods.” He grins, exposing his unrealistically white teeth. “I sound hot when you put it like that. What’s your name?” “Daisy.” I do love daisies and I can’t tell him my name without him knowing who I am. “Hot. You are pretty dangerous too, Daisy.” The way he says it piques my curiosity. I don’t know much about myself. Maybe his lycan blood can sense something. “What do you mean?” He shrugs his shoulder. “Just. No one has ever summoned Alloy like that.” None of what he just said makes any sense to me. “You are Alloy. Why are you referring to yourself in third person?” “My wolf and I share the name. I was referring to him.” “Oh?”now I am intrigued. “So? What’s up?” he asks, getting closer and towering over me. I instinctively back away when his breath touch my face. “With what?” “You summoned me, Gorgeous. Here I am.” He spreads his arms out, his shirt lifting to expose the skin above his waist. My cheeks starts heating up as I catch sight of the tight cord of muscles and the hair overlying them. I quickly look up and focus on his face. I hope my skin tone is able to hide my blush. “I what?” “You heard me.” “How exactly did I do that?” He frowns before circling around me like a predator closing in on its prey. As if this could not get weirder, he lifts my hair loc and sniffs it. I am trying to keep my cool when he holds my jaw and looks deep into my eyes. “Weird,” he says with a frown. “What?” I ask, my eyes still on his. This whole interaction is weird but I am curious to know what he is particularly referring to. “Your eyes are beautiful, never seen anything like it and you don’t have a wolf.” My eyes widen, my heart jumping to my throat. “Like forever?” He seems surprised by my reaction and question. “What? No. I mean I have no idea how you are doing that.” “What exactly are you talking about?” He waves his hand dismissively. “Your scent. Do you know Leroy?” “Yeees?” “f*****g him?” I am taken aback by his question. Like what the hell? “What? No!”Maybe I sound defensive but this is so out of the blue. “Why do you have his scent?” “That is impossible.” I have been avoiding Leroy like plague since our last fight two weeks ago. I wake up and leave the pack house before everyone is awake. The library has become my second home. I have only been at Fallow for two weeks and I already know the library staff and them me. That’s because I spend most of my time there. He knits his forehead right before his uncle who is younger than him joins us. Neptune is rare and the most powerful of the wolf species. He is probably my age but cocky and hot like hell. Apparently his wolf is humongous and his aura literally commands respect from every Alpha out there. He and his father are the only ones in this country and basically the kings of wolves. “Neptune, meet Daisy. Daisy, this is my uncle, Neptune,” Alloy introduces us but his uncle is already being weird. It must run in the family. “Hi Cali.” My whole body stiffens. s**t! He knows who I am. “Cali?” Alloy asks, clearly shocked. “Yep. Leroy’s golden spark. Didn’t you pick his scent? She is immersed in it,” he tells his nephew in a matter of fact tone. Like it’s something so obvious. I don’t know what this scent thing is about but I am still stuck on him placing my ownership on Leroy. “I am not his!” I smack my lips shut but the words have already escaped my lips. s**t! I have just snapped at a Lycan. I know that I am not suicidal, then what’s wrong with me? He shakes his head and chuckles. Maybe he is not so volatile. “Some personality, interesting.” He sounds amused. He starts circling me like his nephew did a few minutes ago and I can’t help but hold my breath. Lycans are unpredictable and dangerous, very dangerous. “What..what are you doing?” Something must be wrong with these Lily town wolves. He lifts his hand to silence me. “Hold still. Dane wants to see something,” he commands and I am immediately frozen in one spot. I know that I can move but it’s like I am hypnotised to just stand there at his command but then something in me starts revolting the moment our eyes lock. I feel bare, like my whole existence that I don’t even know about is open for him to view. Panick washes over me. What if he finds out that I am really a threat? He is the ultimate king of wolves. He will kill me, that’s what. I can’t let him look into my eyes, ever. An adrenaline surge pulses through me. I use all my energy to push him away. “f**k off! And who is Dane?” He seems surprised by my outburst. I should probably get on my knees and apologise but I am pretty dumb in these situations. “Feisty and a virgin,” he smirks before lifting up his arms in surrender. “Dane’s my lycan. You summoned him.” I look at both of them suspiciously. This must be some plank they play on the new girls. I somehow doubt anyone is capable of summoning him. “You are not my mate, not Alloys, not Dominique’s, not Oscar’s and not Leroy’s. Whom do you belong to?” He mentions all the Alpha’s in Asherway as if my mate has to be limited to them. “I…I don’t have to belong to anyone.” I sound defensive but I don’t have to be mated to an Alpha of a Lycan. I will love my mate no matter his rank. “She does not have a wolf yet,”Alloy says and somehow that yet brings me comfort. “This full moon is gonna be interesting. Wanna have a Lycan pup?” He asks still towering over me. “I promise I will be gentle for your first time. Your genes, mine, mmmh. That pup will be an out of this world creature.” King of wolves or not, this guy is creepy and arrogant. “f**k off!” “I gotta try conserve this rare species, you know and Dane approves.” I roll my eyes and leave them there. I can hear them laugh but don’t bother looking back. I play the interaction with them in my head. Do I walk around with Leroy’s scent? How is that even possible? Did I really summon them? Why would I do that? Argh, they were just pulling my leg. I conclude as I grab my food and head to my room.
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