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*Cali POV* I don’t see Alloy as I emerge out of the forest and head to my pack house but I can feel his presence. I get into the pack house and meet Dovy who informs me that Leroy sent out every male resident to look for me. “Maybe you should stay away from him, Ma’am. I will inform him of your return,” he suggests. I shrug my shoulder and head up to my room. My door swings open a few minutes later. A fuming Leroy glares at me. I strangely don’t feel a thing. “Where did you go?” “None of your business.” He grabs my hand and sniffs me, inhaling loudly before his eyes warm up. That fuels my anger. He really thinks I am loose. “What did you think I was doing? f*****g the whole varsity?” “What?” “Isn’t that what someone loose with no morals do? Isn’t that the reason my room is on your floor?” “Cali,”his tender voice pierces through my heart. He really did say it. A part of me still thought Rose made that up. “Isn’t that the reason you sent every man to search for me?” “Just calm down. I had to provide a reason why you are on my floor.” Son of a … He explains this as if that’s okay. “That’s what you came up with? I did not want to be on your floor, Leroy! You are tenting my reputation hoping that my mate would not want me.” I am screaming at him now, not caring that he is my Alpha and could end my life in a split second. “Your what?” His eyes are darker, his voice sharp and threatening. I don’t know if it’s him or Sky I am facing but I am too angry to care about the consequences. “Just leave me alone!” He sighs and closes his eyes momentarily. “You left upset, I was worried about you.” There’s that tender voice again. It pulls on my heart strings. I don’t know why his emotions get to me like this. “Right, please leave me alone. I can take care of myself and I know my way back here. I don’t need you or anyone looking for me.” He sighs again and walks towards the door. His phone rings before he exits. “Alloy.” My heart starts hammering. Why is he calling him? Did he know who I was? I swallow my saliva and take a few steps closer to Leroy, hoping to eavesdrop on his call. Leroy’s sexy eyebrow lifts, his lip curling. Only if I could hear what is said on the other side. “I don’t know you to be mesmerised so easily. What was it about her?” Leroy asks. I can’t hear the response but his whole expression suddenly changes. He shoots me a cold stare before his free hand clenches into a fist. “Later Dude.” A cold chill descends down my spine when he ends the call and approaches me. “You went into the woods.” It’s not a question but a rather a statement. “Eeer, yes.” “Do you know how dangerous that is?” he roars, startling me. “Why are you screaming at me?” It’s not like anyone told me not to go there. “Because you are frustrating me!” I am frustrating him? He is the one forcing me to be around his space but I am the one frustrating him! “Then let me go Leroy!” “So you can go around mesmerising other men in the woods?” “What?” “You didn’t think I would find out? Not a day here and you are already seducing Alloy,” he accuses. Now I am really pissed. “I did not!” I hiss, glaring at him, my anger threatening to explode. “Even if I did, it’s none of your business!” He takes quick breaths, clenching and unclenching his fists before storming out. Two weeks later, I have successfully avoided meeting him. Besides the living conditions, Fallow is amazing. Just walking in these passages, seeing the golden boards of the highest achievers dating back to the year it first opened is overwhelming. My name will be mounted there one day. It’s a promise to myself. Humans and wolves study here, in harmony apparently. I don’t know how but apparently humans have no idea we actually exist. I don’t know how they explain the pack house residences that are almost deep in the woods while they stay on the separate side of the university. Like, don’t they hear the howling? Because I have almost every night. I like the humans though. It’s the first time I have friends and they are all humans. I am contemplating living in their world after completing my studies. “Cali,” Phoebe greets and takes a seat next to me. I greet back and brace myself for another lesson. Unfortunately, she and I attend the same lesson four times a week and she makes certain to sit next to me. Too close for my liking. Even when I shift she just gets closer to me until our shoulders are touching. Talk about boundaries. “We have a girls night out this evening. Are you coming?” “No thanks.” The wolf girls from all the packs have been organising outings. It’s announced on the group chat that was created but I never respond and I never attend. She sighs before giving me that look. My lesson is here. “You went out with humans and returned very late last night.” “So?” I am even surprised that she knows that. Leroy must be spying on me. “It might seem so but it’s not safe Cali. It’s like you going into the woods alone. Why are you so reckless?” I look at her in disbelief. This girl suddenly thinks she is my mother. “What is not safe is your mate around me. Despite what you both think, I can take care of myself.” “Leroy vowed never to touch you. Sky would…” “Never risk losing you, I get it,” I complete her sentence. She really believes that crap. Sky has not touched me because I threatened him. “Then why are you being so impossible? Leroy can’t focus on anything because he is worried about you. He stays awake until you come back. It’s not fair.” “Tell your mate to leave me the f**k alone. He is suffocating me.” “Mind your language. Leroy is still your Alpha and it’s his responsibility to look out for you.” It’s really tiring talking to this girl. Leroy obviously has her wrapped around his finger. “Yes Mom.” She shakes her head. Can she and her mate just live their lives and leave me alone. I am relieved when the lecturer walks in and walk out right after him. It’s mid morning but I am feeling very funny and restless since I woke up. I decide to head back to the pack house to rest. The pack members must be attending their lessons. It should be quiet at this time of the day. I will grab something to eat from the kitchen and lock myself in my room until tomorrow morning. I am few distance away when I run into Alloy. His lips part exactly the same enticing way they did when we met in the woods. There is this aura about him. It’s like I have no choice but look at him. The messed up hair, tight t-shirt that’s sticking on his visible eight packs and those tight pants leave very little to imagination. Of course, I have seen better but he is hot, really hot. Unlike Leroy, he is not mated. Why am I even bringing Leroy up? I must ban that name in my mind. Alloy stands in the middle of the pavement, blocking my way.
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