Chapter Eight

2263 Words
Arden: I looked in the mirror, straightening my bow tie. Not even deep breathing could vanquish the feelings in my stomach. Am I nervous? I had not been nervous about anything since high school football. This is just another thing about Ashton that I could not comprehend. She is a beautiful young woman, intelligent and focused. But she is also… sexy, sophisticated… delicious. I knocked on her door before realizing I arrived thirty minutes early. She must have been waiting at the door for me because it opened before my hand even lowered to my side. She stood stunning in a black evening gown. Her hands cupped the top of her chest. “You’re early!” Her red lips revealed a sparkling smile. “I guess I am. I could come ba—” Her eyes shot wide, her hand reached out, taking my forearm, and the shoulder of the gown slipped down, almost showing me her perky t.i.t.s. “NO! I mean, I could use some—uh—would you mind?” She turned around, and the zipper of her gown was undone, showing me her tattooed back, a phrase that started at her shoulders and ran all the way into her black lace panties that peaked just above the zipper, which had me curious. “Of course,” I sounded more gentlemanly than I expected, but the demon in me roared to life the moment my knuckle grazed the bend of her back, and her body reacted with chill bumps that covered the entirety of her back. “Thank you.” Her soft tone, goosebumps, and a.s.s in that tight f.u.c.k.i.n.g dress was almost too much to rein in. The urge to smear her pretty lips returned, this time with a fire that burned far too hot to ignore. She let her hair fall from the clip, loose curls fell down her back, curls I wanted to tangle my fist in. “I’m ready when you are.” She grinned, slipping into her heels. “I’ve been ready for three hours,” her giggle made my palms sweat and my stomach flutter. But I managed to lead her to the limo quickly enough. I had something special planned, something I was excited for her to experience. I almost felt the knot in my stomach from the fear she would not enjoy herself. A fear that stuck with me the whole drive to the helipad. “Where are we going?” She asked. Her large eyes sparkled in the lights of the helicopter. I could lose myself in those beautiful eyes. “It is a surprise. I thought we could eat and then enjoy a show.” I shrugged as if my heart were not in my ears, hammering like it would burst. Her small snickers in the headset did not help. Knowing she was enjoying our ride had my chest puffing up. Ashton: We landed on the rooftop of a tall building. The whole place was empty except for one table set for two. Mr. Pike pulled out my chair for me, scooting me in effortlessly. “Wine?” A gentleman holding a bottle of very expensive-looking wine. My cheeks flushed as I nodded, thanking him. “This is a bottle of 1947 Chateau Cheval Blanc. I had been saving it for the day that I landed this deal. It is only right to share it with the woman who landed it for me.” Mr. Pike held his glass to me, smiling when they clinked together. “Thank you, Ashton. I could not have pulled this off without you.” His plush lips sipped the wine, and I followed. “You would have landed it either way, Mr. Pike. You are an exceptional businessman.” “Arden.” He replied. “Hm?” “Call me Arden, Ashton.” “Yes, sir,” I replied, a knot in my stomach, a flutter I tried to ignore. “This is business, Ashton. Stop trying to make it something more.” While waiting for our food, he asked me something that reminded me of the struggle I was having with the zipper of my dress when he knocked on my door. “What does your tattoo say?” “I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity,” I replied with a blush, thinking of what my future would hold. “Edger Allen Poe.” He smiled. “It is.” I returned the smile. Benjamin thought it was from Alice in Wonderland when I got it, saying it was silly. “I got it for my mother.” I offered an awkward piece of myself. “Has she passed?” He asked, seeming to be very interested in anything I said. “No. she—um—well… she… She is in Broken Oaks. She was admitted there after suffering a mental break. They say it is Schizophrenia, but I think the truth is that my father drove her to her point of no return.” Our table fell silent as he looked at me for a long time. “I’m sorry.” He said softly, never taking his enchanting eyes off me. “Don’t be. I have accepted what my future may look like. I just hope wherever my mind takes me, there is another bottle of this wine there.” I chuckled, trying to laugh off the depression I had poured onto the table. “My mother is in a long-term care facility. Alzheimer’s.” he swallowed hard. “I’m so sorry, Arden.” Something in his eyes darkened when his name left my lips; a heat spread through my chest, watching an animalistic nature take him over. Just as I was ready to break the silence, to do anything to keep my panties dry, our food was sat in front of us, and we both decided to use this moment to stuff our faces, to keep the silence, but let the awkward part slip away. “Are you married?” I blurted, just wanting to know more about it. If he said he was, I could stop fantasizing about my boss, a man anyone would say was too old for me. “I was once.” He replied, wiping his lips with a napkin that probably cost more than most things I own. His reply only added to another thing I didn’t know how to respond to. “What about you? Is there anyone special in your life?” I cleared my throat. I cannot say I never saw that question coming after I asked mine, but I did not know how to tell him. “Not anymore,” I muttered, looking into his eyes that seemed softer than moments ago. “Sir, the pilot is ready to move you and your lovely date to your next destination.” Arden did not correct the man and tell him I was not his date; he only paid the man, stood, and offered me his elbow to walk back to the helicopter. “Thank you for dinner; it was lovely,” I said through the headset he and I could communicate through. “The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for joining me. I hope you enjoy what is next.” He smiled a cheeky grin. The rest of the ride was spent with me admiring the view and catching Arden stealing glances in my peripheral. We landed on the top of an opera house, elegant but soft. “I hope you enjoy the show.” The pilot said as we stepped out. I could not contain my excitement anymore. I was in Paris, at an opera house. I let this man lead me through a crowd of overly dressed people, women all dressed to the nine. I felt out of place already. He took us to our seats, a private balcony just for us. “The show will start shortly. Could I offer you some wine?” Arden asked. “Sure.” I nodded, my excitement about to make me erupt. I sipped on the wine he offered, shifting in my seat. “Are you uncomfortable?” he asked me softly, and I flushed again. “I—um—I don’t know how to sit in this dress,” I admitted, looking at the floor. Syd’s a.s.s was much smaller than mine, and I felt like the entire back of this thing was ready to blow out sitting in this seat. His warm hand took my face, making me look into those enchanting eyes again. “Stand.” His voice held a command that made me feel like lightning struck. I stood, not questioning him, assuming he would switch seats with me. Instead, he turned my back to face him. He hiked my skirt up until the tension on the fabric was more comfortable and pulled me into his lap, settling me softly with my back against his broad chest. I could not breathe. His warmth, his body against mine, his cologne. Jesus, he smells good. “mhm.” I hummed an approving sigh, settling into him. Maybe just this once, I could let myself enjoy the skin of a man without fear of judgment. The room was dark, and in the same way, I lost myself in the touch of my best friends on a dance floor in a sweaty club; I lost myself in Arden; only with him, I fell deeper into that whirlpool of lust and adrenaline than I ever had with my best friends. My eyes were closed as Verdi’s La Traviata began. “You smell delectable.” He whispered in my ear. My hips worked against his lap as the slick fabric of my dress slid, pushing me closer to the floor. His hands gripped the skirt, slipping it the rest of the way around my waist. His big hands gripped my hips and pulled me back against him tightly. “I’m so sorry.” I rumbled. My embarrassment finally broke through the cloud of lust I had been high in. He must have misheard me. “I could fix that, you know?” “What?” I asked softly, confused, my heart racing in my chest as the music picked up, drowning out everyone in the room but us and the lovers on stage. His fingers grazed up my leg, tracing soft circles up my thigh that had me grinding against him. What the f.u.c.k are we doing? He is my boss, and yet… I feel addicted to this, to the way he is pulling up my skirt. I fell back against him like the touch-starved w.h.o.r.e I was acting like. His fingers grazed over my lace panties. His chest rumbled with low satisfaction, feeling how wet I was without him even touching me. “Do you want me to make you come, Ashton?” “I’m—a—virgin,” I swallowed hard, raising my hips to make his grip on me rougher, getting just a fraction of the traction I wanted from him. “I don’t have to take your virginity to make you come, kitten.” His tone was as animalistic as his eyes were earlier during dinner. “Will you fire me if I say yes?” I asked breathlessly, eager for his touch. “Do not think of me as your boss right now. Think of me as a man who has been looking at you with an attraction so strong I cannot stand it anymore. Your job will not be affected, I promise.” He whispered against my neck, his lips kissing a soft trail to my ear. His fingers rubbed me softly over my panties. “I want it,” I said so quickly it seemed pathetic. Without another word, his fingers slipped into my panties, two fingers parting me beautifully. The tip of his finger slipped inside me, not enough to break my hymen, just enough to drive me wild. He pulled my legs wide, one over each of his. His free hand slipped through the top of my dress, his fingers grazing my n.i.p.p.l.e making me push against him, letting his finger stretch me a bit further. “Such a sweet little thing you are.” He pulled my face toward him. His lips met mine in a feverish hunger. The finger that had slipped inside me was on my c.l.i.t again. The agonizing rhythm, the way his hand clamped around my throat, and his tongue tasted of wine on mine, I realized the whole time I had been saving myself; I had not even tried to make myself come in so long I forgot how good it felt. Arden lifted me, slipping my panties off and tucking them into his pocket. It all happened so quickly; I barely realized his fingers had left me before they were back to torturing me. “You are so perfect, Ashton. So, f.u.c.k.i.n.g perfect. Seeing you in my office every day with those perfectly painted lips of yours.” He thrust against me, letting his hard length press into me, making me eager to spread my legs further. The way he was making me feel right now, all I could think about was what it would feel like to have him inside me. As I came on his fingers, and the wet sounds of my o.r.g.a.s.m filled my ears, and the lights danced brightly from the stage, I became more interested in giving my virginity to my boss instead of my ex-boyfriend’s father.
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