Chapter Four

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Ashton: "We should celebrate!" Syd said, looking for any excuse she could grip onto as a reason we should go out tonight. I wanted to catch up on the sleep that Benjamin's games kept ruining for me last night. I just wanted to snuggle into his back. I didn't even care about dinner at this point. That was until I crept into a dark and empty apartment, a silence, an emptiness that can often be haunting, and then I agreed. "You know what, we should go out. I'll get ready. Come get me." Syd and Lex's squeals were almost enough to perk up my exhaustion that had turned into loneliness in seconds. I laid out the skimpiest dress I owned. "Thank you, Syd." I snickered, looking at the little black number. I chucked some red stilettoes to the floor, thanking her again. I showered, curled my hair, pinning it delicately in a looser version of the one I wore to work this morning, painted my lips black, and paired it with a delicate smokey eye, and despite doing all of this, I still wanted to put my joggers on and go to bed. "That's because you don't care if Benjamin runs all over you for the rest of your life… Do you honestly think he could love someone like you?" Just as my thoughts were about to get the better of me, Syd called. They were outside waiting for me. I took a deep breath and stepped out of my comfort zone into the nipping night air. "GAHTDAMN!!" They both whistled at the same time, further proof that not only were they made for each other, but they clearly shared a brain. "You wear that dress so much better than I ever did," Syd smirked as soon as I sat into Lex's car. "Hush, you're perfect. I would kill for half of your fine ass." I smirked. "I wanna dance." I have a hot boss who told me I did good today, and I haven't seen Ben in days." I shrugged, sipping the cup Syd handed me, a drink that made chills run through my body. "Then dance we shall!" Lex chuckled, pulling away from the curb. They know all the hot spots; unlike me, they go out frequently. Within twenty minutes, we were inside a club with blaring music and neon lights, a place I wasn't made for. But was determined to enjoy it despite my already heavy eyes. Syd and Lex kept pumping me full of fruity drinks until my teeth were numb and my body was loose. They pulled me onto the dance floor, sandwiching me between them. Their hands roamed my body as theirs melted into my front and back. They do this when we go out because they know other people trying to dance with me, while being with Benjamin makes me want to leave. What they don't know is that every time they do this, they set my body on fire, reminding me of how touchless my life truly is and how good it feels to have someone's skin against mine. "She looks so beautiful like this." I heard Syd tell Lex. Both were clearly more wasted than I am. "She does." Lex agreed. I let myself drown out the chatter, focusing on the beat and my happiness while it lasted. I felt like I had been there for hours, just lost in their hands dancing lightly across my a.s.s and waist, and then their shock shattered my moment. "Ashton." Was all Syd could muster around her slack jaw. "You're going to stay with us. Let him have the apartment, son of a b.i.t.c.h." I didn't understand what they were saying. I was still lost entirely in the feeling of euphoria that washed across my skin while my eyes were closed. "Wha—?" I tried to figure out what the h.e.l.l. They were on about when Lex turned me roughly, pointing to a man with his tongue down a beautiful girl's throat. I still didn't get it until the alcohol in my stomach turned sour when they turned, and in front of me was Benjamin. I didn't even feel myself moving, but I was getting closer. I didn't hear the music anymore; my heart was beating too loud. I couldn't see them kissing anymore. All I could see was red. I couldn't feel my nails in my palm anymore because the fist I had been squeezing so hard had landed against Benjamin's nose, and the red I was seeing was his blood. "Oh, s.h.i.t!" Lex's laughter broke through the barrier my heart rate had put between me and my surroundings. "We're done." My voice sounded louder than the music, but it wasn't. I was calm, dangerously so. "And if your broken nose wasn't clue enough, I'm moving out." I spat. "Ash, wait." He reached out to grab and stop me, and I probably would've forgiven him if not for the bouncer who snatched me up before, leading me out of the herd of people who parted like that red sea. The next thing I knew, I was in my apartment, packing a suitcase, shoving everything I could into Lex's back seat while they raved on how bad a.s.s I was for hitting him like that. But I was so focused on getting out before I backed out that I couldn't pay attention to anything else. Not even the ringing of my phone that finally broke through my panic-driven haze. “F.u.c.k!” I growled. I took a calming breath, telling the girls it was my boss to be quiet. Thankfully, they listened. "Good evening, Mr. Pike. What can I do for you?" I said, using my best customer service voice. "I apologize for calling so late, Ashton. Duty calls. I need you to pack a bag. We will be gone for three days. Can you meet me at the office in forty-five minutes? I can take you to the jet myself." I was stunned, silent. I just caught my boyfriend in the clutches of someone else. I need this job more than ever. I looked at my best friends, who both eagerly nodded yes at me; Lex was already packing the bag that Mr. Pike had mentioned. "Yes, sir. See you there." "Good. Thank you, Ashton." His tone eased some of the rage ravaging my mind. The man was like a walking Advil, a melatonin, a s.e.x.y, dark God. "This is perfect; get out of town for a few days, turn your phone off, and if we need you, we will email you," Syd said, taking me by the shoulders where I was still frozen to the carpet as my reality caught up. "I'm homeless," I grumbled, turning my phone over and over in my hand. "Hush, my father has a rental property; it's yours," Lex said, taking me by the arms. "You don't have time to change if I am going to get you there on time. Looks like daddy Pike is going to see how fine you look this evening." She wiggled her brows, but I was just insecure. So, I texted him. Me: I have been out with friends this evening; I am not adequately dressed, but I will change once we board the jet. I apologize. Mr. Pike: Don't apologize, Ashton. I am interrupting your off time. I should be the one to apologize. I watched, waiting patiently as those text bubbles formed and disappeared. I laid my phone down once they stopped popping up. "Something tells me this is a terrible idea," I told my friends, who were raving about the last few hours. They have hated Benjamin since we met in college… I should've listened to them. They had been right about him all along. Arden: "Don't get out. I will help her." I snapped at my driver when I saw Ashton standing on the sidewalk waiting for us. The slight breeze was caressing the hair that had fallen from her updo. Her dress was barely long enough to cover her ass. Her long legs were mouth-watering, accentuated by the red heels. She looked… beautiful, heavenly… addicting. Reed just smirked at me from across the back seat of the limo. "Wipe that look off your face," I said quickly as I stepped out to her flushed cheeks and plump painted lips. "Good evening, Ashton. You look—" She looked panicked. "I know, Mr. Pike. I'm so sorry." She crossed her arms, hiding herself from me. Something I never want her to do again. "Ashton." I took her by the chin, my thumb itching to smear her lipstick. "Yes, sir." She said softly, her blue eyes blown wide by my closeness, by my grip on her chin forcing her to meet my eyes. "I was going to say you look exquisite. Now lower your arms." I said lowly, my lips almost against her ear with my whisper. "Thank you, sir." I bit back the need to praise her quick listening when her arms relaxed at her sides. "Good. Now get inside." I whispered in her ear. Seeing her like this made me realize no matter how many girls I have Reed send over to my office, none of them could ever compare to Ashton Baylor, and as she twisted her round ass into the car while I put her bags into the trunk, I realized just how much trouble I was in. I am a good twenty years her senior. That thought never stopped me from pursuing what I wanted before, and I'm not sure it will this time. I scooted beside her, my fingers itching to touch her soft skin. "Good to see you again, Ashton," Reed said with a glint in his eye. If I could hear his thoughts, I knew exactly what he would be thinking because I was also thinking it. "You too, sir." Ashton smiled politely. I felt smug when I noticed he had next to none of the effect I have on her. "Call me Reed." He purred. She only nodded, making me smile into my coffee. Judging by the smell of alcohol wafting off her, she could use some, too. "Ashton, would you like some coffee?" I asked softly, letting myself look at her momentarily, her body making my mouth water more than the coffee. "urm… Yes, please." F.u.c.k, she's precious. I nodded at Reed, who instructed the driver to pull off and order her something at the nearest shop. The rest of this ride was spent staring at her long, smooth legs while she sipped on coffee and talked with Reed about what this trip was and her expected role. I couldn't pay attention to any of it; my mind was filled with only one thought. Ashton Baylor was like a drug, and I was slowly becoming addicted.
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