Chapter Five

1179 Words
Ashton: I had changed into sweats and a hoodie and let my curls fall free once the jet had taken off. Seeing Benjamin with someone else was settling sore in my chest. “You were never good enough.” “How could anyone love you?” “You’re so f.u.c.k.i.n.g pathetic.” My thoughts were going ballistic while I tried to focus enough to text Syd and Lex in our group chat. Syd: I think she should egg his car. You know, the one he refused to let her drive despite her having four jobs now. Lex: She should stay with us or move into the rental and move on. Cut ties, no contact. Me: I should f.u.c.k his dad. I watched the text bubbles come up and disappear until I locked my phone, tired of the antics. I looked at Mr. Burke, who was dozing in and out of sleep. Then I looked to Mr. Pike, who was flipping through a newspaper. “Is there anything you would like me to be working on, Mr. Pike?” I asked softly, trying not to disturb either him or Mr. Burke. “Not at this moment, Ms. Baylor. Maybe try and rest.” He said, his delicious, warm eyes making honey drip down my spine as he looked at me over the paper in his hands. “Yes, Mr. Pike.” I needed to find something to occupy my mind. All I could think, see, and feel was Benjamin’s betrayal. Lex: Did you ever meet his father? Like, do you even think he has one? Me: No… but… he must have one, right? Syd: Give me a bit. If there is a Mr. F.u.c.k.b.o.y, I will find him. Could you imagine the look on the son of a b.i.t.c.h.e.s face if she let his daddy have her v-card? Priceless gold. Suddenly, my hands were shaking, and my mouth was dry with the realization of what we were talking about… could I give a stranger that part of myself just for revenge?... “Could you please get Ms. Baylor a shot of Tequilla?” I heard Reed’s voice, just as husky as always, ordering me a drink. “You look nervous.” He shrugged when my eyes went wide in his direction. “I am,” I said, still thinking of the antidote I was considering healing my broken heart with. “Don’t be, Ashton. This s.h.i.t. is cake.” He said, smirking at me. My stomach fluttered. Work may be… but what about my sight now that the rose-colored glasses had been ripped off my face? “Despite his distasteful phrasing, Reed is right. This business is like tic-tac-toe.” Mr. Pike smirked devilishly, sinfully handsome. I took the shot the flight attendant offered and looked at him, fighting the urge to laugh at what he had said. “You expect me to believe that running a multibillion-dollar company is like playing tic-tac-toe?” I couldn’t stifle the giggle bubbling in my throat this time. “Mhm.” He hummed, his darkened eye at my reaction made me swallow hard. He is so f.u.c.k.i.n.g hot. I’m hot. I started fanning myself. “Come here, Ashton.” “Yes, sir.” My knees were wobbling, my palms sweating, my heart racing as I made my way over to this godly man. “Sit.” I dropped into the seat without a word. I was fearful I would beg him to let me sit on his face instead of the cool leather across from him if I parted my lips. I watched him pull a pen from the inside of his suit jacket and grab the napkin beneath his whiskey glass. Quickly, he began drawing the board for tic-tac-toe, drew an X in the center of the playing board, and passed me the pen. We sat silently as we tied three games. “You see, Ashton. This business, if done correctly, and with the right people… is never ending.” He laid the pen down after the fifth tied game. “It’s cake.” Reed shrugged, but I was so enamored by my boss’s eyes and the way the flakes of heat within them seemed to brighten when he looked at me. His tanned skin, the salt and pepper in his perfectly styled hair, his perfect teeth. He licked his lips, making me blink out of the daze I was in… the daze where he caught me checking him out. “Cake,” I said with a lazy smirk. Arden: From now on, I need to remember not to let Ashton have alcohol in front of me. I don’t trust myself to be a gentleman when it comes to how painfully bad I want to see myself inside her. Talking to her was easy, too easy. Looking at her is easier. her wouldn’t be so easy, though. I saw how her thighs clenched when I licked my lips. One taste of the girl would have me ready to risk it all. I looked up at her for the hundredth time since she fell asleep while talking about a chocolate shop just down the street from the office. Her lips were still painted black, parted ever so slightly with the weightlessness of sleep. Her cheeks were flushed by that same peace. The demons within me had never hungered so badly to ruin an angel before. Yet here I was, swimming in the reveries of my mind, seeing her lipstick stains on my c.o.c.k and her c.u.m soaking my sheets. So pretty. “Better wake her, Arden. We are landing in ten.” Reed spoke with a s.h.i.t-eating grin. He had caught me staring at her. “No. Let her sleep. We are not doing any business until morning. She can rest.” I could not take my eyes off her. I often believe God is a woman. If that is true, I think she must be before me in the form of Ashton. “How long do you think it will take her to realize she’s working for the devil, Reed?” I asked my long-time best friend. “Does it matter?” he asked coolly. “No. It doesn’t.” I replied with my truth. I am who I am, someone I learned to accept long ago. “The devil was an angel once… did you know that?” Ashton rumbled, never opening her eyes. “Sleep talker. How fun,” Reed snickered. Her words stuck with me as I packed her into the car, never letting me go as I packed her into her suite in the hotel. I had compared her to God, compared myself to Satan, and she called me an angel. My d.i.c.k twitched in my pants as I tucked her into bed. I’m far from an angel; the restraint I am clinging to that is tethering is proof of that, and I am fearful if this little thing doesn’t give me a reason to fire her, and soon, I will take her to heaven and back.
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