Chapter 4

1119 Words
Otsana When I woke up, it was completely dark. I opened my eyes, but it was so dark that I couldn't see well. I decided to follow my sense of smell. I detected an unfamiliar scent, with a force, pulling me towards the door. The scent was complex, but also enticing. I sat comfortably, trying to remember what had happened. "I had left the Dark Shadow Pack to the Moonlight Pack, where I met a captivating young man, and suddenly, everything went black." "Oh no!" I covered my mouth with my hands, my eyes widened as I recalled everything that happened. "s**t! Why did that have to happen?" I exclaimed as I had more flashbacks of falling to the floor. "After all I did to avoid looking weak in front of the Alpha, I ended up fainting in his arms. How could I be so foolish?" I shook my head, holding it as I tried to hide my embarrassment. I jumped out of bed feeling better than before, making sure not to bump into anything." In the darkness, my eyes couldn't see much, which was a problem for a wolf, But, I could still feel what was around me. As I was about to take another step, the door suddenly opened, and a bright light spilled in. I was startled and fell back pretty hard because I didn't expect anyone to enter. In seconds,the whole place quickly lit up, and I saw Alpha King Ralph standing near the light switch. When I saw him, I immediately stood up, lowered my head, and straightened my neck to show respect. I felt really embarrassed because he had already seen me in a weak state, and I didn't want him to see me like that again. He remained silent, and after a while, I glanced up to find him gazing in my direction. "Seems like you're completely alert and bursting with energy, " he remarked. You even appear ready for some playful mischief." I hesitated, unsure whether to express my gratitude. For what it's worth, he was the reason I felt really rested, but did he truly deserve a 'thank you'? "What should I call you?" he asked firmly, his arms crossed, while I stared at his strong biceps in awe. I wondered why he was asking. Was it necessary? "I'm Otsana ," I replied, and he raised an eyebrow, expecting more. I blinked at him, not sure what he wanted to hear. "Just Otsana ," I added. Although he seemed like he had more questions, he nodded, and I was relieved. A couple of times, I've encountered people who upon learning my name, invariably inquire, "Why are you just Otsana? What's your last name? Where are your parents?" and pose similar questions. "Some people made fun of me and tried to mimic me, but I didn't really care. "Why did you agree to be my Luna ? You know I can be quite ruthless, don't you?" He moved in closer. "Was it for power, money, or some other reason?" He asked once more, and I shook my head. Those were good choices, but I hadn't thought that far ahead. I just did what my Alpha told me. I didn't have the freedom to aim for something better. Was I going to be his Luna? That idea worried me. "I don't think about those things, Alpha," I said plainly. "Alpha Grayson gave me an order, and I followed it," I explained nervously as I watched him come closer. "Why'd you agree to marry a total stranger? What did you get out of it? tell me, make me understand," he asked, his tone getting more serious. He went from being friendly to a bit scary. I was scared but strangely drawn to him. "The Alpha said I had to marry you to stop an attack, or he'd hurt me. I'm not a spy; I'm just loyal to our pack." I wondered why he's questioning me now, given that this matter should have been settled during the peace treaty negotiations. Before I could complete my thought, the Alpha burst into laughter. A chill ran down my spine. My emotions became a jumble. My legs trembled, and I had to sit down to prevent myself from falling. I took a deep breath as I observed him approaching. He came so close that I started to feel a bit sweaty. The room was quite warm, so hot that I needed to use my hands to cool down the sweat. I noticed him licking his lips, and I started to feel a sense of anticipation and longing for his touch. Alpha King Ralph bent down to my eye level, appearing concerned. He took a deep breath and remarked, "I can sense your excitement." "You can feel the mating bond right," " he asked looking into my eyes. A mischievous grin crossed his face, and I couldn't help but release a soft moan. Was his presence truly enchanting, or was it simply my restlessness today? "Would you like to feel me inside you?," he asked. "How do you think it would be?" I could guess what he meant, but I attempted not to dwell on it. I bit my lip, struggling to maintain control, but failing miserably. My body was in heat, and I felt like I was going crazy. The overwhelming feeling of pleasure had left me oblivious, I didn't know when I suddenly grabbed him by the collar and kissed him passionately. I could feel his tension, and I opened my eyes, stepped away from him, to see his reaction. He gazed at me with those entrancing eyes, and with each step he took towards me, I found myself captivated. His presence filled me with excitement. Could Alpha King Ralph be my mate? I had no wolf, how could I possibly have a mate?, I wondered, eagerly anticipating his next move? As he drew nearer, I closed my eyes, poised my lips, and awaited his kiss. Suddenly, he gripped my neck. "You must be a big joker," he exclaimed. "What makes you think I would want a wolfless Omega as my mate and future Luna?" You and your uncle, Alpha Grayson, should prepare for my wrath. I promise to make you suffer, along with every member of your pack, for taking me for a fool. Your uncle knew you were very weak and had no wolf, yet he offered you to me as my bride. Fear enveloped me as tears ran down my cheeks. I tried to speak, but in an instant, he forcefully pushed me onto the bed, making me tumble onto my back, my eyes filled with fear as I gazed up at him.
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