Chapter 3

1018 Words
Ralph's POV "Amazing,"I thought to myself when I saw the girl that the Dark Shadow Pack brought to me as my Luna. We hadn't talked much when she suddenly passed out in front of me. I managed to catch her just in time and briefly closed my eyes to contact the pack's doctor through our mental link. Her friend seemed concerned as I picked her up and took her to the room I had set up for her, while her friend followed behind. While carrying her, I noticed how delicate and light she felt. She was almost weightless when I gently laid her on the bed. I took another look and saw that she was bleeding, and my arms were covered in her blood from her back. I lifted her to investigate. I found multiple scars on her body, some old and some new. She had fresh wounds that were poorly stitched and oozing, creating a gruesome sight. Fortunately, the pack's doctor quickly arrived and rushed to her side when he saw me nearby. I observed our female nurse starting to take care of her injuries by cleaning and stitching them up. After she finished, she gave her some medicine. "Alpha King Ralph , this lady hasn't eaten well, and it's clear she's weak. Those responsible for this left her with broken bones and no strength." I sighed. From her breathing, I could tell she had no wolf, which is why she appeared so sick and weak. Her wounds wouldn't heal easily. I tried to control my anger, but strangely, I found myself clenching my fist and punching my other hand, causing my claws to prick my palms, and I breathed out hot air in frustration. It was hard to look past the insult the Dark Shadow Pack had directed at me. They didn't seem to respect my position. How could they send me a severely hurt Omega as a Luna, I couldn't believe it, and I wasn't going to let it go unnoticed. When I got to my office, Out of anger, I clenched my fist so tightly that it started bleeding. Farkas, my Beta, approached me, likely to offer some advice but I stopped him with an intense glare. My eyes turned completely black, and my breathing grew heavy. I tried to calm down, but my anger wasn't cooperating. I raised my hand and shattered my table into two pieces. Important papers flew into the air. I was very angry. When Farkas saw me, he didn't say anything. He simply lowered his head as a sign of submission. They offered me a severely hurt Omega as part of our peace agreement, and they dared me to prevent an attack on their Pack with such a Luna? I shook my head. "She and her pack will have to face the consequences for disrespecting me." "Yes, they will." "When she wakes up, take her and her friend to the area where the maids work. Ensure they are penalized for any mistakes and given extra tasks. Do you understand?" I asked my beta, Farkas, who nodded. "Also, send a thank-you present to the Dark Shadow Pack for sending us the girl. Let them know I appreciate her," I said as my eyes returned to their usual color. "Alpha, are you sure about this?" Farkas asked, puzzled. 'Do as I have instructed,' I stated firmly, as I watched as Farkas run off to carry out my orders." I perched on my long armchair, deep in thought about the weak girl entrusted to me as a Luna . Suddenly, a resounding knock echoed through my door. "Who is it?" I inquired. "Your majesty, there's been an attack in the pack," came the urgent response. I promptly rose from my seat, a surge of tension coursing through me. "Enter at once," I commanded the guard. "Speak!" Your Majesty, the Rogues have raided the pack. "I heard that already, speak up!" I urged. "Sorry, Your Majesty," he began again, "According to the information reaching us, the Rogues broke into the pack and are attacking. They've killed innocent wolves, including young ones." I stood up, clenched my fists, my eyes turning red. "And what have the guards done about it?" "We are on it, Your Majesty." I gazed at the guard for a moment as he knelt on the floor, his face down. "You may go now," I instructed, "close the back gate, ensure the Rogues are apprehended and dealt with. I'll join you shortly." "Run along," I commanded. Walking to the window, I noticed my pack members were in chaos, and I witnessed the Rogues attacking them. Unable to bear it any longer, I decided to go and fight the Rogues myself. Walking through the hallway with a surge of anger, I suddenly felt something akin to an electric current coursing through me. It drew me toward one of the doors, unmistakably the chamber for the sick. As I approached the door, my wolf echoed with the word "Mate." "Mate?" I pondered in astonishment. Attempting to take another step to open the door, I was abruptly seized by a sharp pain at the back of my head. A Rogue had just launched an attack on me. I immediately rose from the spot it had pushed me to. I transformed into my wolf form, with my claws and sharp teeth at the ready for battle. The Rogue appeared thin and weak; it was a female Rogue. Female Rogues tend to be more aggressive. It pounced on me, attempting to bite. I struck its stomach, forcing it to the floor. I delivered a series of blows to its face. "How dare you come into my pack to terrorize my members," I muttered as I continued the assault until it grew weak. Exhausted, I slumped onto the floor. Shifting into my human form, I rose and began cleaning myself absentmindedly. Suddenly, the Rogue struck me again, throwing me off balance. I stumbled into one of the rooms, with my robe covering my head. As I lifted my head, the scene that unfolded left me feeling embarrassed.
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