Chapter 8

1120 Words
Otsana My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard someone wanted to see me. I guessed whoever it was surely was the Alpha's relative. She was called the Alpha princess after all. “T-the alpha princess?” I stammered with fear, and she nodded with her head. She was also looking really sorry for me. The girl who's name I was yet to know moved closer to me. She had this worried look on her face, and there was no doubt she was scared about a lot of things. I smiled at her, trying to convince her that everything was going to be fine, but I knew this was only the beginning. Taking the items she brought, I cleaned the room while she helped me pack the dishes. I didn't mind her helping. My mind was occupied with what would happen to me when I meet with the princess. “Where can I meet with the Alpha princess?” I questioned, in the process of cleaning up the place. “She is in her room. She's staying on the floor above the floor you're in.” Once I had taken note, I quickly finished tidying the place, and moved towards the floor she described. I didn't know how her attitude would be towards me, but I hoped she had a good heart, and was better than her brother. Slowly moving towards the place, I felt fear eat into me. I was worried beyond anything. As I inched closer, my feet slowly tried to stop me from going to her, but then I knew that was definitely going to land me in trouble. Finally getting to the door, I knocked, hoping she wasn't going to answer. However, after the first knock, she asked me to come in. The lump in my throat refused to be pushed down as I grabbed the door knob with shaky hands. Upon opening the door, I was greeted with total darkness even when it was still bright. “So you're the little thing they brought for my brother, huh?” She asked before I could even open my mouth to greet. “Yes Alpha princess, good evening,” I greeted, but she didn't reply. I couldn't clearly see her face, but the way she pierced her eyes on me caused me to get all sweaty. My hands were shaking like there was no tomorrow. I was really worried, and I was hoping I would leave the room without being killed. “What's your name?” She asked, munching on what I couldn't see. However, the smell was that of berries. “Otsana…” I answered, but in the next few seconds, she frowned. “What kind of name is that?” disgust filled her tone. I couldn't reply. I knew very well this was a trap, one I didn't want to fall for. “Well, you may go,” The relief I felt when I heard her words caused me to smile inwardly. I was so happy about everything. I honestly wanted to leave her sight as soon as possible to avoid any form of problems. “Thank you…” I replied, swiftly moving my legs to the door when she called my attention again. “Wait!” She yelled, making me to hult abruptly. “Yes, Alpha princess?” I answered, and she kept silent for about five minutes before dismissing me. “You may go.” The moment she said that, I quickened my pace, making sure I left the room before she could say anything else to me. I rushed back towards the hallway I followed, but a strong scent caused me to pause. I was finally experiencing my wolf speak to me, for the first time, she purred, not minding that it was the same alpha who caused us pain that we craved. “Common, snap out of it…” I urged myself, feeling the need to go into the room. It was almost like his wolf was calling mine, and for a few seconds, my legs were moving towards the place where the scent was the strongest. Just when I got towards the door. I paused, fisting my hands tightly to prevent myself from making a very huge mistake. The lesson I learnt today was enough for me to not even crave him at all. I got back to my room, and I was shocked to see Miradeth there. I saw the worry on her expression the moment I entered the room. She rushed to hug me, as I embraced her tightly as well. “What happened? I heard the Alpha's sister summoned you, and from what I heard, she’s a really wicked soul who didn't even care about anyone.” I sighed. “I don't even know what to say. I am just tired of how my life turned out. I wish things would get better.” Miradeth rubbed her hands gently on me to comfort me. I could tell she wanted me to feel better. “Just believe everything would be alright, and it would. Besides, what did the Alpha say?” She asked, and I just raised my arm to show her the markings of his fingers when he pulled me tight. “He did this to you?” She asked with raised brows, and I nodded. “Yes he did. I don't know what I did to him, but I'm honestly tired. I don't think I can stay here anymore. I really can't,” I explained, holding her tight. “What do you intend to do?” She asked with her eyes fixed on me. I knew what I wanted to do, and telling her wasn't a bad idea because I knew she was going to accept whatever I said. “Let's run away.” She widened her eyes. “Are you alright?” She asked, then I noticed her expression formed into a frown. “Do you know what could happen to us? We might end up not being dead, or we might end up being the ones who would be hurt.” I ran my hand through my hair. That was the response I wanted to hear. Why was she against this? “Listen, staying here kills me every day. I'm trying my best to stay positive, but I don't know if I can be. I'm going to die here, and I'm not kidding. I feel life drain out of me. My mate hates me!” My chest was now moving like my drumming heart. “Just calm down. I have only one fear.”.I turned towards her, trying to stay composed. “Which is?” She asked with a puzzled expression.
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