Chapter 10

1086 Words
Otsana’s The dream didn't scare me. Rather, I needed a means through which I could get out of there without getting caught. The alpha was never going to stop me from leaving this place. My duties started as always. From the kitchen to the laundry room. It was just like home. The same way I was treated back at the pack was the same way I was being treated here. However, I was determined not to be a mistress. Once I finished with the day's work, I made sure to look around. I wanted to be aware of the environment, and how the guards were positioned to make sure everything would be in place for my escape. “Where have you been!” The manner at which the girl approched me caused me to flinch. “My goodness, you scared me,” i replied with my hands on my chest. Since I started working in the kitchen, she had been the only one who looked out for me. She also considered me a friend, and shared lots of funny stories with me. “Scared You?” She quinted her eyes, and pouted her lips. “Well, I didn't mean to scare you, but You are needed by the head-chef.” I swallowed. “Really?” My heart thumping. The head-chef was really mean, and being summoned by her when we are done for the day was another big news. “Do you have any idea why she needs me?” I asked, and she shrugged her shoulders. “I don't, but I don't think she's angry. She just asked me to call you to meet with her.” I nodded, dragging my feet towards the kitchen. I wondered what she would tell me, but knowing that I had an escape plan made me aware that I shouldn't be scared anymore. Finally getting to the kitchen, I pushed open the door, and the moment I walked in, she gave me a cold gaze. “Are you done with your chores?” She threw the first question. “Y-yes.” I answered, but when she looked at me, I swallowed, and made the necessary corrects. “Yes ma'am.” She scoffed. However, I noticed the tension in her facial expression died down. “The Alpha asked me to give you your meal,” she finally stated why she called me. Deep down, I felt really happy. I hadn't eaten, and none of the other ladies dared give me what they were having to avoid the wrath of the Alpha. “Thank you so much!” I was really happy. I was actually starving, and didn't wait to eata. However, she caused my heart to leap with her next words. “The Alpha asked to see you as well.” I instantly felt the hunger I was feeling disappear, and the images of my nightmare reappear on my mind. “Have you suddenly grown deaf? Eat quickly, and go to the Alpha's room he wants to meet with you quickly.” I was stiff. My hands were shaking, and I didn't how to escape this. I didn't know next move. Quickly, I ate the meal I was served. However, all my thoughts remained on the Alpha's reason for calling me. Once I was done, I proceeded to his room, my heart hammering in my chest. I couldn't take the pressure. I was sweating so much. The Alpha's scent was getting stronger which meant I was close. Only the moongoddess could determine my fate. Soon, I was standing before the door, my hands shivering as I attempted to knock on it. I was worried as hell. “Come in…” my hands were almost at the door when he spoke. It seemed like he had perceived my scent. With his command, I pushed open the door, as i froze in place when I was greeted by his bare chest. Alpha Ralph laid on the bed with a stern look his face. There was no doubt he had a punishment for me, but not knowing what it was killed me. “You are here to satisfy my needs.” He broke the curiosity I felt, and replaced it with fear. I was so scared. Did he call me here to have s*x? I really couldn't tell. “Alpha, I–” He frowned, his brows knitting tighter with creased lines scatter across his expression. “Are you trying to question me?” His tone was strong, and authorative. “No, I… I don't–” I immediately burst into tears. I couldn't imagine giving myself away to my mate who didn't love me. Yes, I was supposed to be excited, but I couldn't. Whenever I thought I was being used for pleasure, it killed me deeply, it shattered me. “You have no choice, you have to do as you are being told. I told you, I own you now. It doesn't matter what's on your mind. All you have to know is…” he trailed, moving out of the bed. My heart stopped. He was showing off his rock hard abs, and perfectly made chest, but I couldn't focus on that. I was too busy crying. “Stop crying, and take off your clothes already. Don't let me get to you before that happens.” I sniffled, and immediately started taking off the button of the gown I was wearing. He didn't even care if I was coming from the kitchen. All he wanted now was my body. I lowered my gaze, and took off the first piece of clothings on me, only to be left with the undergarments. “Good…” his voice came out husky. Immediately he said that, I raised my head towards him, and noticed he was already hard down there. I swallowed, scared. I knew what was coming, and I couldn't avoid it. If only my dad was still alive. If only my uncle didn't send me to him as a peace offering. “Come close…” He gave another command I couldn't disobey. I found myself dragging my feet towards him. A lot of wild thoughts ran through my mind. I was now scared of him. I had learned to fear him because of the rumours, but he wasn't here to play. When I was close by, he came close, and ran his hands through my hair, staring at me in a manner i didn't understand. “I have a present for you…”
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