14. PDA

1378 Words

Brad Kim had latched onto me like a vacuum. I continued to let her be all over me as I was pissed as hell that Geo was flirting with her friend’s brother and that he clearly had the hots for her. I took a lot of my very lacking self control not to punch him in the face when he kept putting his hands on her. That and the fact that she looked so relaxed with him, where as she froze like a deer in the headlights wherever I was near her, was also grating on me. It also irked me that she didn’t seem in the slightest bit bothered that Kim was all over me. I wasn’t normally one for pubic displays of affection but I was entertaining Kim alot more than normal. I had started to feel sorry for her when her drunk friend was sprouting off about the Olympics until I realised that she had valued

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