Chapter 7: Anger

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I looked over the paper from the local clinic. Pregnant. I breathed deeply as Lisa taught me. I figured this out on Tuesday. The official results didn't do anything but confirm. I looked down at my phone. I texted Ryan on Tuesday. No response. I think he blocked my number, or I never had an actual number from him. I did contact his secretary. That woman reminded me a lot of my mother in all the bad ways. I ended up blurting out I might be pregnant, and she invited me to the office. I sighed, folding the paper and heading up. It was the weekend. If he wanted to meet me today, it probably wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. Especially seeing that he didn't just text me back. The only thing I could do was face it. I entered and headed up to the top floor. I have been here a couple of times over the summer. I knew the way. When I exited the elevator, his secretary Stacey and a man I didn't know were standing next to her. I was confused. I thought Ryan would be there. "Ms. Hall, I'm glad you could make it. Please have a seat. We won't take up too much of your time. You believe you are pregnant?" I sit where the man pointed. "Who are you? I was expecting to speak to Ryan today", I told them. They look at each other, and something unspoken passes between them. I don't know what the look meant, but it annoyed me. "I am Mr. Michael's attorney." He puts a strange emphasis on his last name. As if I didn't have the right to call him Ryan. That man's child was growing inside of me. I think formalities are moot at this point. "We spoke, and I am spearheading this situation," he continues. He sent his lap dogs to deal with me. The next time I see that man, I am going to strangle him. My anger rose, and I crossed my arms. "I know this situation is probably scary, but if I remember, you have a lot of promising things in your future. We wanted to present you with some offers", Stacey says. Mr. asshat lawyer pulls out some documents and starts to talk. "I think with you being so close to graduating, your best option will be an abortion. Mr. Michaels is prepared to pay for the procedure and give you a lump sum for your inconvenience and the signing of a NDA." My face clearly said how I felt about that. The false kindness he showed me changed, and he continued speaking. "Or you can have the child. Paternity will determine if it is his child. He will do everything in his power to gain full custody. I can assure you I am good at what I do. He may have to raise this child, but you won't be getting any money for it. That would ruin your little plan, right?" Plan, did they think I did this to trap him? The soft spot I had for him hardened instantly. f*****g coward. I guess he did get my message and sent his guard dogs to get rid of the problem. I wasn't going to make unreasonable demands on him. I know how much he loves Jake, and I didn't want him to miss the chance to raise this child. I didn't want anything. I chuckled it was mean. The only thing I've gotten from my mother is her ability to act like a b***h. I pulled that persona around me. "You can tell Mr. Micheals" I put the same emphasis on his name that the ass of a lawyer did. "I don't want anything from him. Seeing as you are so good at your job, do me a favor and draw up a contract for him to sign away his rights. It will be a cold day in hell before I let him anywhere near my child. " I stand. Stacey grabs my arms. "Think this through clearly. You are just graduating from college with no job, yet how would you raise a baby? He will not be paying you support. If he is involved, it will be him taking full custody. " Her voice is cajoling. I stared at her coldly. "Ma'am I am going to say this one time only. If you touch me again, I will kick your ass", she drops her hand quickly. She had just met complacent Tiera. She thought that meant she could bully me. I'm sick of people pushing me around. f**k her, his lawyer, and especially Ryan Micheals. He didn't have to get anyone else involved. I had already apologized for throwing myself at him. I was nothing but professional before and after. I just wanted to give him a chance to be a father. "Ms. Hall, I didn't mean to upset you so much. Let's calm down and discuss", the lawyer tried to be soothing. I blinked at him. "I am leaving. I am not having an abortion. I am not asking for his support. The purpose of this meeting was for us to discuss his involvement. I was always going to give him the option to walk away. This child is important to me. They will be brought into this world. I will love them enough for both of us. Deliver him this final message. He can file to waive his rights. He can be done. If he wants to be a civilized human, he can contact me directly, and we can discuss this whole situation. " If not f**k him. "If I hear from the two of you ever again, I will go to every news outlet possible and slander that man from here to the other side of the world. I will ruin every bit of his reputation. Am I clear?" I stared blankly at both of them. I marched out of the office and headed back to my car. How f*****g dare he? The woman you loved who didn't care for you, that child you would willingly adopt. Yet, the idea of your child makes you send that bullshit at me? What the f**k? I put my head down on my steering wheel for a moment. I focused on breathing, but it wasn't working well. Billionaire asshole. I don't need him. I don't need anyone who isn't going to make me prosper. I chant that to myself over and over again until I start to calm down enough to drive. My phone chimes. Tyler offered me to come to his place to hang out. Holding on to this fury, I drove to his home. I force myself to knock politely instead of pounding on the door. I would get rid of everything that was not good for me. I needed to see if he was truly a friend. "Hey, Tie, I didn't think you would be here so soon", he smiled brightly at me, ushering me in. His apartment was nice, but his parents were loaded and actually cared for him. No big shocker. "Is anyone else here?" I asked him, standing as he sat on his couch. "Nope," he stated, popping the P. A smile wanted to tug at that, but I held it back. He looked at me, and concern crossed his face. "Are you okay?" his tone was soft. "I am not. Why did you want me to do this project with you? Why would you be giving my name to your investor friend? Do you want something from me?" I asked impatiently. Hurt crosses his face. "I told you, Tiera, I get a good vibe from you. I don't make friends easily. Most people use me because of my family's money. " He states, his face closing up. "That can't possibly be true," I hissed. Angry, he won't just tell me what he wants from me. Was it s*x? At this point, I would do it if I could secure this investment. I need some guarantee my baby and I will be okay. "Oh, then what's the reason", he asks, leaning back. His demeanor was cold. The coldness I could handle. "Is it s*x?" He raises an eyebrow before shaking his head and standing up. "I think you need to leave. I don't know what the f**k has gotten into you, but I won't be insulted." "I'm not trying to insult you; I just need this to be clear. What do I need to do to make sure you help me?" "Being a good person and a friend was all, but obviously, that isn't in your wheelhouse. Now leave", he thunders at me. I shook my head again. This can't be genuine. Nothing is ever genuine for me. I had to struggle. I had to scrape to survive. My head spun sickeningly. Did I ruin it? Am I self-sabotaging? I tried to turn and leave hurriedly, but the lightheadedness made me stumble. He catches me. Concern peaks through, and I lose it. I started to sob pathetically in his arms. He sits us down and just rocks me back and forth. I slowly start explaining about my family and how I am cutting them off tomorrow. My therapy sessions and what I learned. Ryan, my stupid decision to have s*x with him, and my absolute fear of having no one but now being responsible for another life. We sat quietly for a while. I stopped crying and wiggled out his arms. The sick feeling got to the point that I needed to find a bathroom now. I rushed to his bathroom. Finally, it stops, and I weakly clean my face. How embarrassing. I just needed to leave. I walked to his door only to see him leaning on it. His face is unreadable. I am agitated as he points to his kitchen, and I sit. "Have you eaten?" I shake my head no. He grumbles, pulling something out of the fridge. The silence is heavy, but I don't break it. Homemade chicken noodle soup is placed in front of me with some crackers. I sniffle into it, eating slowly. "Tie, what am I going to do with you" he finally asks, smiling at me. I started crying again. Hormones suck. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that meeting just made me so mad. I doubted one of the only good things I have. Please don't hate me." "I had doubts about you. Did you really not know who I was? Did I open a door for you to be fake and phony for riches and fame?" I flinched. He believes them all now. I wasn't doing that, but I do need a chance. "You dispelled the rest of them," he tells me softly, wiping tears from my face. "First, you are a gorgeous girl, but I'm not attracted to you. I get sister vibes from you. Let's start there. Second, your questioning me actually makes sense. I would have a hard time believing this as well, but when you spend decades around fake, you crave something genuine. I have felt more at peace and had more fun this past week talking to you than in the past three years of college. Third, I want you to hear and believe this. I just want a good friend." He finishes. I saw the vulnerability in his eyes, and I nodded at him. "I'm glad that got through your thick skull. We obviously need to talk, but first, if I find out you aren't eating and starving my niece or nephew again, we will fight." I smiled sheepishly. I was too nervous earlier to eat, and this morning sickness was all-day sickness. "Sorry, sorry. They weren't too keen on food earlier either, but this is good. Thank you." I smiled, dunking a cracker in the savory broth. He squeezes my hand before grabbing me more soup. His calm demeanor came back as we discussed the emotional baggage I had dropped in his lap. We talked for hours, and I realized I had support. "What if we do a family theme? Matching outfits with actual children", I blurt in the middle of the movie we were watching. "Brilliant, no one will see that coming." He gushed. "Tie and Ty taking over first this school project, then the world." I laughed but fist-bumped him as he grabbed his notebook. We worked for hours, and I felt more settled with every passing moment. I was right on Monday. I made a friend. A good friend I would have for life.
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