Chapter 15 Trivial Matter

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"Wait up! I think you forgot something!" Simon said as he stopped him from leaving. "What… What is it?" Stanley asked nervously. "You forgot to slap yourself!" the crowd spoke in unison, as they reminded him kindly. Stanley did not forget, of course; he was just trying to sneak out of it. But the circumstances did not allow him to do so. Left without a choice, he slapped himself across the face. Finally, Simon told him, "You can go. Don't be such a show-off next time." Stanley was pissed but he did not dare to retaliate. He got into his car and, hiding behind the safety of the door, he shouted as a last attempt to regain his lost reputation, "Just you wait!" Only then did he leave with his tail between his legs as the crowd booed him. Simon thanked everyone, and the crowd dispersed shortly after. He then turned to Katya. "You can go now and do whatever you want. I'm going to class." "Are you sure you will be fine? What if that guy comes back for revenge?" Katya said. "I will be fine. What can he do here? I don't think he has the guts to do anything to me. I know his name and I'm sure he's afraid that I'd look for him. Besides, he won't find out where my classes are in such a short time," Simon said, "And you can't be tagging along with me 24/7." His words managed to convince Katya and she left the campus. It was almost noon. Roland was still lying in bed inside the hotel room, fast asleep. His phone rang again. He answered and said, "Hello?" "Are you awake?" Paul asked fawningly. "Yeah. What's up?" "Um, can you introduce me to Mr. Burton today? I need his help." "Yeah, I got you. Wait for my call. I will talk to him." Roland hung up straight after. On the other side, Paul's smile vanished as soon as he hung up. "F*ck! Do you think you're my boss? You're just Mr. Burton's lackey! If not for Mr. Burton, I won't even look at you! I even let you sleep with my girl. What more do you want? Get this right. If you manage to introduce me to Mr. Burton, I will let this slide. But if you can't, I'm going to f*cking murder you!" he muttered into the phone. Simon's class was over at noon. When he walked out of class, someone called his name from behind. "Simon!" He turned his head and saw Heidi. He waited for her to catch up with him. "What is it?" he asked coldly. He did not even treat her as a friend anymore. "Can we talk? Outside the campus, I mean." The look in Heidi's eyes was a little different from before. When she looked at him, he even found her a little pitiful. This moved him but he maintained a poker face and said, "What do you want to talk about? What's there to talk about anyway?" "Don't worry. I'm not trying to get back with you. And since I asked you out, it will be my treat. Will that work?" she said, looking earnest. "Nope." Simon recalled how Heidi would not even let him kiss her during their time together, and how she had cheated on him with Paul for a long time, and a sense of humiliation and resentment rose inside him. He could not bring himself to forgive her after he recalled how much she had hurt him. With that said, he turned around to leave. "Simon!" Heidi shouted behind him, sounding a little mournful. "I just want to talk. Is that too much to ask? Do you hate me that much now?" Her voice seemed choked with emotion. "Don't worry. I swear I don't have any ulterior motives," she added. Simon sighed. It was his fault for being so soft-hearted all the time. They went to an expensive coffee shop. Simon was seated across Heidi. "What do you want to tell me? Get straight to the point." Heidi looked at him. Simon looked like a completely different person. His clothes were expensive and he looked like a well-bred young man. She had dated him when he was at his poorest but was not patient enough to wait for him to be rich. There was no one to blame but herself. "I know I'd be too shameless if I asked to get back with you now. I just wanted you to know that I'm no longer dating Paul," she said. Simon frowned. "I don't want to hear anything about him." "I know I've made a huge mistake. I regret it so much. Can we really not get back together?" Heidi asked, pleading with him once again. Simon shook his head. "No." Heidi's expression dimmed. "Paul is an asshole. I really regret ever dating him." She felt awful. Simon did not want her; Paul had ruined her. "What happened?" Simon asked. Heidi was silent for a second before saying, "Nothing." "No, something must have happened. Tell me." Heidi started crying but she still refused to say anything. "Say something. If you're not going to tell me, I'm leaving," Simon said. "Don't go," she said, "I will tell you. I will tell you everything…" When Simon heard the full story from Heidi, he felt a deep resentment. He resented the fact that Heidi took him and his sincere love for granted, only to trust a bastard like Paul. "You can't complain. You chose him," he said. "I know." Heidi was sobbing as she said, "It's not your fault. It's mine. Can you help me take revenge?" Simon did not say anything. Several minutes later, he finally said, "Okay. I will help you get your payback." "Thank you. Thank you, Simon." Heidi did not know what to say other than these words of gratitude. When she heard that Simon agreed to avenge her, she felt a faint trace of hope rising inside her. Nighttime. Several men were seated in a private lounge inside a luxurious hotel. Paul and Roland were with a few young men who looked well-bred and influential. These men were dressed in expensive clothes. It was obvious at a first glance that they came from extraordinary families. "Here's to you, Mr. Burton." Paul leaned in and respectfully poured a glass of wine for Todd. Mr. Burton's real name was Todd Burton. He was one of the three major scions in Wimborne, the son of the chairman of the board of Decan Group. Todd clinked glasses with Paul and drank his wine with a haughty air about him. Then, he heard Roland telling him, "Paul's from a decently rich family. He has been wanting to meet you. Oh, and he said he needs your help."
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