Chapter 14 Humiliation

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"Beat him up! Break his legs! Don't stop until I tell you to!" Stanley said as he gritted his teeth and pointed at Simon. The group of men walked menacingly toward Simon. Then, the crowd heard the sound of an engine revving behind them. They turned to look and saw a white car speeding toward them. The car stopped and out came a blonde and blue-eyed foreign woman. The woman had a seductive figure, a pretty face, and an incredible air of elegance about her. Belatedly, the crowd also noticed that she had come out of a Bentley. They started discussing among themselves excitedly. Even the men who were going to beat Simon up stared in shock. They watched as the foreign woman walked over to them, her beautiful eyes focused on them. "What are you waiting for? Stop staring at her and beat that bastard up!" Stanley shouted. His voice snapped the men back to their senses and they raised their clenched fists at Simon. To their shock, the foreign woman swung her long and fair leg, along with her hard high-heeled shoes, at them. Who could have withstood the impact of a heel-amplified kick? Moreover, her kicks were so swift that it did not take long for her to knock a few men to the ground. Soon enough, she put her leg down and swung her fist instead. She caught the remaining men by surprise and punched them until they were disoriented. She finished them off with a kick each and those men collapsed as well. The men were left writhing on the ground and groaning in pain. The beatdown was so sudden and swift that it left the crowd stupefied. It took a second for them to shout, "Nice! Well done!" Stanley was the most shocked among them. He could hardly believe his eyes. His friend, Fatty, and his men had never been defeated in a street fight before. How could a mere woman beat them up and render them immobile on the ground in such a short time? Looking at the woman's Bentley, he realized that Simon was someone that he could not afford to offend at all. It seemed that the best thing to do now was to run. He turned around and ran toward his car. "Little wimp! Stop!" a voice thundered from behind him, snapping him out of it. He was the one who said the deserter would be the wimp. "Didn't you say you'd be a wimp if you ran?" Simon asked, sneering. The students who had been watching them roared with laughter. Stanley's face turned red. He knew that he had thoroughly humiliated himself. Simon walked up to him and gave him a pitying look. "Honestly, I don't want to waste time on you. I will let you off if you call me your hero." Humiliation weighed on Stanley like a boulder. He wished that he could disappear on the spot. Calling Simon his hero? He did not want to. However, the crowd was goading him on. "Go on! Call him your hero!" one said. "Yeah, honor your hero!" said another. "You ran, so that makes you the wimp! Are you going back on your word, you freaking coward?" yelled another. With such intense pressure on him, Stanley knew that he had no choice but to call Simon his hero. Otherwise, he would never be able to hold his head high in front of the other students in the university anymore. He was forced to bow his head and say resentfully, "Hero." His voice was as soft as a whisper. "What? Speak up! I didn't hear you," Simon said. Stanley gritted his teeth and shouted, "Hero!" The crowd laughed even louder. In Stanley's ears, their voices were harsh and almost ear-piercing. He never felt so humiliated in his twenty years of life. "By the way, you said you wanted to get even with me, right? Do it quickly," Simon said. The students laughed again. Stanley was close to tears as he said, "My hero, my savior, I know I messed up big time. Can you please spare me?" "Hey, you were the one who said you wanted to get even. Don't go back on your word." "No, no, forget I ever said that," Stanley said sullenly. He would be crazy if he did as he threatened. "Really? If you go back on your word, what does that make you?" "I… I…" Stanley was beside himself with anxiety. "A dog!" said a loud voice, bursting forth from the crowd out of the blue. Everyone erupted into laughter. Stanley was so embarrassed that he trembled with anger. It was a terrible feeling to experience. However, he could not deny the fact that he had started it all. There was nothing he could do about it. "You said what you said, and I still remember giving you a warning," Simon said, "I told you that I'd spare you if you apologize to me, but if you don't, I'm not going to let you off that easily. Unlike you, I don't go back on my word. Since I said it's not over, then it's not over." Stanley was on the verge of going down on his knees to beg for forgiveness. With a sullen face, he said, "My hero, can you just pretend that I didn't say anything?" "Hey, man, don't call me that. I don't remember saving an a-hole like you," Simon said earnestly. This prompted more laughter from the crowd. "How do you want this settled then?" Stanley said helplessly. "Well… I was going to let it slide but you insisted on making a fuss. Let's do it this way then. Since you nearly ran me over, pay me $10,000 to make up for my physical and mental trauma. Oh, and also slap yourself and call yourself a bastard. We will call it even then," Simon said. "What? $10,000?" Stanley was in shock. "My car just hit you lightly." "Since your car hit me lightly, why did you demand $200 as a maintenance fee earlier?" Simon retorted. Instantly, the crowd laughed again. Stanley turned beet-red. He had no answer to that. "You even said you went easy on me. Under ordinary circumstances, how much would you have asked for? Do you think I will be fine after your car runs into me? Is $10,000 too much?" Simon said. Stanley was almost on the verge of running to the closest building and throwing himself off the roof. Not only did he fail to get $200 from Simon, but he was also about to lose $10,000! But, he did not have that much money on him! He had no choice but to step aside and call his father. It took a scolding but he did manage to scrape together $10,000 and gave it to Simon. Then, he turned around, ready to leave.
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