
453 Words
ETNA The night of the meeting was upon us. It was set to start at midnight so there was still more time for arrivals, but a lot had turned up already - a lot more than we ever could have hoped for. It was a shame we were all there in such awful circumstances, it was nice to meet so many new people and all of them so lovely, not a disgusted or scared look anywhere!! I was enjoying myself a lot, talking to the older Vampires was interesting, but quite a few of them had bought younger people in my situation with them. We could completely relate to each others feelings, excitement and anxiety! All waiting to see what our role would be in the years ahead before we changed. All wondering when we would change, and what it would feel like. I was talking to a group of these new friends when Demitri came rushing over with a big grin on his face. "Excuse me, can I just borrow Etna for a minute, so sorry". He grabbed my hand and half dragged me over to two women who by the looks of them, hadn't long arrived! "Ladies, ladies, you must meet my new friend and she must meet you two! You have something very unique in common which I am sure will instantly bond you!!" He was practically jumping on the spot with excitement! "Demitri!! As excitable as ever I see, please let us get through the door first!!" Said one, and they both laughed. They were obviously related, could even be twins, both very similar in looks! Very long black hair, dark golden eyes, small stature. Demitri ignored them and continued, "Etna, this is More and For". We all greeted one another politely, while Demitri giggled more. It was getting rather annoying. "Let me try this again! Eternal, this is Evermore and Forever" he barley got the last words out he was laughing so much! The three of us smiled, and rolled our eyes. It was funny, but not as funny as Demitri was finding it!! "Our parents had the same idea as yours then" said More. "No originality!" Said For. "I hate it," I joined in. "Don't worry, you can hate it with us now," smiled For! Demitri had finally calmed down a bit, "I am sorry my dears, I am not sure why that tickled me so." "You know what they say about small minds" said More. "Easily amused" finished For. And now it was our turn to laugh at Demitri! Our laughter was cut short. Quinn called the room to attention and asked everyone to grab a drink and sit down - the meeting would start shortly. 
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