
455 Words
DEMITRI Sitting with everyone else watching Leanda and Quinn was quite an experience. Hearing the shock, disbelief and sadness through the audience. Also the disgust at being address by Quinn. I hated that! He was a better man than most in this room. This showed most when we began discussing strategy. A lot just wanted to storm the place, fight to the death, free our kind. "There are lots of us here, they would not stand a chance against an organised attack from all of us," Kitwana, a Vampire of only about three hundred years, said with cheers from others. I stood up, "There will be defences. Remember who ever this is, knows what we are! They will know that at some point there will be an attempt against the lab". There was a mumble of agreement. Quinn walked forward, "The place is heavily guarded, also with cameras and defences. It will not be simple just to storm the lab, Master Demitri is correct." There was a few ideas bounced around before Etna next to me stood up. "I have an idea", everyone looked at her, she looked quite self conscious. "We know a lot about the underground lab, but we do not have eyes on the other lab, with the volunteers. That would have less security and be easier for some of us to get into and see what we can find out from that side, especially as they wont expect anyone there to know what is actually going on." "What are you proposing Eternal?" Asked Leanda. "That a few of us that have not yet changed, volunteer for the tests." "We would not be able to protect or help you once you were inside, so it is out of the question," argued Leanda. "I would volunteer," shouted a young one I had not met yet. "And I" shouted another. Soon we had twelve volunteers including Etna. "If they want to volunteer, why not let them?" Asked Kitwana. "There would need to be a risk assessment, and it needs to be thought through properly," replied Quinn. "Ha, what do you know, pathetic human!" Kitwana had barley finished his sentence when Leanda and I descended upon him! "You will not insult Quinn!" I said. Leanda's eyes glowed with anger. "S-sorry," he stuttered. "Quite alright," spoke Quinn. "Its not though, we all need to be treating each other with respect and consideration, especially in these times, whether human or vampire, young or old!" Said Leanda. There was a mumble of agreement that ran around the room. "Lets continue this tomorrow night. Some of you have not long arrived, and must be exhausted. Time for food and rest," I announced. I had had enough for one night!! 
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