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DEMITRI I followed Jesse, as he chatted happily. He was an easy to like sort of fellow, but I was not overly listening to him. I was still in shock at everything I had heard. Trying to turn humans into Vampires. Change fate. Impossible. "....when she hit the change, things got really interesting", I was brought out of my thoughts by Jesse's words. "Sorry, what?" I asked. "I was just saying that things got really interesting when Eternal began to change", Jesse repeated. "Change? What change?" I was confused, what was he talking about. "The Vampire change, I thought Achille would have told you," he said. "I.. no, he did not.. she cant be. She is not even twenty years old yet." He smiled, "come see", and he opened a door to our right. The room was all white, very hospital like. Machines beeped to a steady rhythm, along with the drip, drip, drip of the IV. And there on the bed, fast asleep, and covered in wires and tubes was Etna. I hated to see her like this. "Does she know yet?" I asked Jesse, trying to keep the unease from my voice. "No, we were planning to tell her when she wakes up of course", he explained. "I should be the one to do that if you do not mind". "Of course," Jesse sounded like he understand. The door opened behind us, and Amia walked in. "This is Eternal?" She enquired. She had obviously been kept out of the loop a bit. "Yes, but you need not worry yourself with any of this," said Jesse. "I wanted to speak to Demitri actually," full of surprises these humans. Jesse looked puzzled, but did not say anything. Amia broke the silence between them. "Alone" she insisted, "Ill meet you in your room once I am done." He left, with only a backward glance at Etna. She obviously had a hold over all the men in her life. "I am sorry about all this," she began. "I never meant any of this to happen. But when Achille sets his sights on something.... Do you think its possible? Another opinion would be nice," she asked. I had to be honest, "no, I do not think it is possible. More than that, I do not think it is right. No one should mess with fate. Everything happens for a reason. I am sorry, but you should die when your meant to." She looked shocked, and then smiled. "Thank you for being blunt. I like that. I shall leave you with Eternal and go speak to my brother. I am sure he will be back soon after to check in how she's doing, but I can give you enough time I think." Without giving me chance to respond, she left. Full of surprises. I rushed to Etna's side. Took hold of her hand. She looked more pale than I remember. Her breathing shallow. Her heartbeat slow. I had to get her out of here. I looked around. There was no one else here. No cameras either. No security at all. I began unplugging machines from the walls. I then cleared all the wires and tubes from Etna's body. I peered out of the door. The corridor empty. No sound to be heard. I rushed back. Picked up Etna bridal style. I ran. As fast as I could. Out of the building. Into the night. Even if someone saw me, I was too fast. It was too late. We were going home.
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