
497 Words
QUINN When she opened her mouth, I felt like my own heart stopped. Not in a lovely, skipped a beat, kind of way. But in a blood running cold way. I could not believe they had turned her. Not just the how, but the why? The audacity of them, to defy destiny! She has a date, just like me. That should be that. It is not that I would not want to spend eternity with Leanda, of course I would. But it is wrong! Some things just are not meant to be! Life is unfair, but that is the way of it! I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard them talking about 'adjustment issues'. "The grass is not always greener on the other side hey?" I sniped. I had not meant to say it out loud. Amia laughed which shocked me, "Very much so Quinn, there are new challenges none of us expected. And as of yet, we do not know if these challenges are unique to me, or to all made Vampires apposed to born." She said "All? Are there more?" Asked Leanda beside me, hand still in mine. "No no, just Amia.. for now" said Achille. For now? There was an element of pressure there I did not like. Of course it was not directed at me, but I could not help but feel my anxiety levels raise. I tried to focus on what Leanda had whispered to me a few minutes ago, breathing in and out calmly. "So what is the problem then?" Asked Etna. "The bloodlust is lot worse, its been a few months and I still really struggle to control myself. This is as close to a human as I can get." "She is also not as strong." Added Achille, "obviously all newly changed Vampires have a surge of strength, but hers is not on par. Not that it really matters as it is still hundreds of times stronger than a human. She is just, something in between I suppose, with a lot of things". "Interesting," said Demitri. "Is it?" I snapped. My temper boiled over. Why were we sat here discussing this. Like it was normal. Like she was normal. "She is a freak! An abomination. This should not have been allowed to happen!!" I could not take anymore. I made to leave the room, meaning to leave the house. Hoping never to set eyes on that woman again. Or her stupid friends. It was I that was stupid in that moment. So angry. I forgot what I had been told only minutes before. I did not make it to the door. I am sure if I had have been paying attention I would have seen Amia's eyes change. Within seconds I was flying across the room onto the floor. I hit my head on the wall. I was not knocked out straight away. I remember her teeth sinking into my neck. I remember Leanda voice shouting my name.
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