
341 Words
DEMITRI My jaw hit the floor. Utterly speechless. In strolled Jesse with his hands in his pockets. Behind him, Amia. Sweet human Amia, who was no longer human. There before me stood the first ever 'made' Vampire. "It cannot be," I muttered, forgetting all manners I stood up and walked to her. Taking her hand in mine, I felt for a pulse in her wrist. Finding none, I looked to her face. She grinned. A big teethy grin, with fangs. The rest slowly caught on. Etna was intrigued, Leanda as shocked as I. Quinn's lips set into a hard line, his teeth clenched - I'd never seen him look so pissed off. "You managed it?!" Exclaimed Leanda. "All thanks to Etna here. Her change was the key," said Jesse with a big grin. "Introductions, introductions" said Achille, jumping from foot to foot like an excited child. "I'm Jesse," said Jesse. "This ones best man, and this ones brother" he pointed to Achille and then Amia. "Amia, sister, husband," provided Amia. "Demitri, as you all know, pleasure to meet you again." "Etna" "Leanda.. and this is Quinn" she added, it was obvious he was not going to speak. She put her hand in his and whispered something in his ear. "Now then, more drinks, and Jesse will explain all" Achille practically skipped to the drinks cabinet. It was getting a bit small in the living room, but somehow we all fitted. While the rest of us sat, Amia stayed by the door. "She can't join us," Jesse said when he saw me looking over at her. "Amia is still having some adjustment issues". "The grass is not always greener on the other side hey?" Said Quinn, finally finding his voice. Amia laughed, "Very much so Quinn, there are new challenges none of us expected. And as of yet, we do not know if these challenges are unique to me, or to all made Vampires apposed to born." "All? Are there more?" Asked Leanda shocked. "No no, just Amia.. for now" said Achille.
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