
1765 Words
Sarah POV It was like invisible hands were touching her everywhere. Very skilled invisible hands. “If you’d e—excuse me,” She smiled politely at the Alpha she’d been speaking to, before making a beeline for the downstairs bathroom. She pressed her thighs together, trying to relieve some of the tension that was building inside of her. She shut the door and quickly locked it, before holding onto the sink with her eyes pinched shut, and a lip between her teeth to keep the scream from escaping her. f**k. She’d just climaxed. It was fast and rough, leaving her breathless. Sarah stood on shaky legs, harsh pants escaping her as she started to come down from her high. The o****m had been amazing, which confused her even more. How was this even possible? It didn’t click until she opened the bathroom door, and non-other than a smug-looking Marcus stood waiting for her. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked, with his cocky smile still in place. It was him. He was somehow making this happen. “Why are you here?” She asked, completely ready to walk past him, but what she wasn’t counting on was for him to take a deep whiff of the air before his eyes darkened. The normal honey-brown irises disappeared in a sea of black. The sight alone was such a turn-on, she didn’t remember why she was angry. “Get back in the bathroom and hold onto the sink,” Marcus commanded, stalking toward her. Sarah was conflicted. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell him to f**k off or if she wanted to hike up her skirt and tell him to f**k her. She looked at the space behind him, willing her feet to move, but instead, she remained frozen on the spot. “I won’t ask you again, Princess,” His voice dropped to a husky whisper. She must be losing her mind because his commands only turned her on more. No one other than the council and her Father could or dared to command her. She walked back inside and held onto the sink, watching Marcus follow in through the mirror. She heard him lock the door before the clacking sound of his belt buckle could be heard. The sound sent a tingle straight between her legs. What was it about this man that had her going against everything she thought she stood for? Their eyes connected in the mirror while Marcus let his hand slide up her leg and under her dress. Sarah’s breath hitched when he pushed aside her lace panties and let his fingers slide up and down her p***y, before plunging his fingers inside. She closed her eyes and bucked her hips against his hand. As much as she hated to admit it, she had missed this. “f**k,” He breathed out, “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you,” He admitted, causing her insides to turn to mush. He pushed his face into her hair, before whispering. “Sarah, I want you. Can I f**k you?” She huffed a laugh. First, he commanded her to get into the bathroom, then he started to finger f**k her and now he was asking permission? “Is that a yes?” He asked, while his fingers roughly plunged in and out of her. She could feel his erection pressing against her ass. “Yes,” She moaned before his fingers were ripped out of her. She wanted to protest, but the air was knocked out of her when he sheathed deep inside of her. He placed his hands over hers gripping the sink. “Hold on tight,” He whispered, before plunging in and out of her roughly. Sarah cried out, closing her eyes, but Marcus’ deep voice admonished her. “Eyes on the mirror, Princess. I want to see how you come all over my c**k,” He breathed in her ear. And she did. Twice. Marcus’ weight leaned into her, both of them trying to catch their breaths. He pulled up his pants and buckled his belt, before pulling down her skirt and straightening it out. He spun her around. “I’m sorry,” He said. “I’m sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention.” Her eyes darted between his. She could see that he was genuine, but she needed a question that had been bothering her since the strength trial to be answered. “I understand what happened. I know that Alexander somehow confused me for his mate, but I need to know…. Did you sleep with me when you already thought I belonged to another?” “Yes.” He didn’t even try to hide the truth. It was the thing she loved and hated about him. “So you just used me then? Get a taste of the Princess before she finds out about her mate?” She spat, trying to walk to the door, but Marcus caged her in. “Hey, hey, listen,” He whispered, pressing his body to hers. He leaned into her, his nose running from her pulse point to her ear. “It wasn’t like that. I know it looks bad, but hear me out.” Sarah pulled back slightly, to look into his eyes. She needed to see if he was being genuine with her. “When Alex told me you were his…I was confused. I felt so conflicted. I knew I needed to end things, and I was going to. I honestly stumbled into your room by accident. I know it sounds hard to believe, but I didn’t plan on what happened.” He looked into her eyes for a long moment, before continuing. “I knew only one thing… I wasn’t going to give you up. I had every intention of fighting for you, but in the end, my guilt won out. It was a d**k move. I know. I just, I didn’t want to lose you.” All of the anger she had been holding onto, disappeared. Sarah did the only thing she could after hearing such a heartwarming confession. She kissed Marcus on the lips slowly. He pulled her impossibly closer and kissed her deeply. “We should probably head back to the party,” Marcus smiled. “But I smell like you now,” Sarah said, causing a rumble to escape his chest. “I like it,” he growled playfully. “Come on, before we go at it again,” She giggled, unlocking the door. Marcus intertwined their fingers as they stepped out, when a sudden flash blinded them. “I must say, I never took you for the naught type, Princess,” the voice of Julian St. James drawled. Marcus’ face shifted to a scowl. “You have a photo of me and the Princess, congratulations. It proves absolutely nothing,” “That’s where you’re wrong, Harper. I--,” Julian paused for dramatic effect, “have a picture of you and the Princess exiting the bathroom together while she looks thoroughly f****d. Though I bet I could do a better job,” he added. Sarah squeezed Marcus’ hand to stop him from escalating the situation. Though she knew the press already speculated they might be having s*x, this picture would leave no doubt in anyone’s mind. It would cause the Royals’ already rocky reputation, to crumble further, giving the rebels further cause to arouse people’s anger toward her and her father in their religious Kingdom. “What do you want?” She asked. “Ah, I always knew you were a smart little cookie,” A malicious smile spread over his face, “I want Harper to leave the trials. Go home. I want a shot at winning the crown. You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn,” Julian stated, letting his eyes travel over her body. Even just his eyes on her made her feel dirty. Marcus moved in front of her, blocking her from view. “How about this, you stop looking at her and I’ll let you keep your eyes,” Marcus threatened lowly, causing a bark of laughter to escape Julian. “Nice try, Harper. You have until tomorrow morning to think about my offer before my picture here makes its way to the tabloids,” They watched Julian walk away with a bounce to his step. Sarah wanted to kick herself for being so careless, racking her brain for a solution to their new problem. She wondered if Julian was the new King the ‘rogues’ had been talking about. “What if we were mates?” Marcus asked suddenly, bringing her back to the present. Sarah smiled sadly. “Even if you can’t smell me because of the scent blocker… I can still smell you. We’re not,” she shook her head. That would have been the perfect solution and it would have stopped the trials. “I have another confession to make,” Marcus groaned. “I might have asked a witch to cast a spell on me so I wouldn’t be able to find my mate… I was stupid at the time. But I just know we’re mates. I can feel it. In here.” He said, making her melt even further as he placed her hand on his heart. “We could ask Aurora to lift the spell… it would be the perfect solution. It would end all of our problems…. If we were mates, the council wouldn’t be able to object,” She smiled, before it faltered, “but if we’re not….” She trailed off. They might actually have to give in to St. James. “Don’t even think about it. I’m not giving you up. Not ever again.” He said sternly, placing a hand on her cheek. A soft smile graced her lips before she nodded. “If we’re not, I’ll speak with my father… he’ll understand,” Sarah smiled. She leaned forward, wanting to place her lips to his. “Princess, I—” A messenger suddenly appeared in the hallway, his eyes darting between the pair. “What is it?” Sarah asked, stepping away from Marcus. “It’s your Father,…” The man trailed off, seeming uncertain. “What is it?” She asked, “Is he back?” “He is,” the man nodded before taking a long pause, “But there’s been an accident….” “What kind of accident?” She asked, as dread spread through her. “Your Father, he’s not well. He’s very ill.”
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