Ill intent

1194 Words
Sarah POV Marcus’ words barely registered after the news she’d gotten from the guard. Her father was injured. No, ill was what he’d said. How can one leave perfectly fine and come back ill a few days later? She’d been on cloud nine after her reunion with Marcus, but it had been short-lived. A thousand thoughts flashed through her mind. She imagined her father with the worst injuries possible. Did he lose a limb? Was he in a coma? Was he poisoned? “Sarah?” Warm hands cupped her face, bringing her back to the present. She found herself staring in apprehensive-looking brown eyes. “Do you need me to go with you?” Marcus asked, still cupping her cheeks with his hands. She wanted to close her eyes and lean into him. Revel in the comfort he was bringing her. But she needed to see her father. She needed to know what was going on. “No, um—I need to find out what’s going on. Alone.” She spoke. She didn’t want anyone to see her father in his weakened state. He was a proud man. He wouldn’t like that. “Okay, come see me later?” He asked, squeezing her hand. Sarah nodded before withdrawing from his grip. “Is he in the hospital?" She asked as she walked alongside the guard, expecting to be taken to the hospital wing. “No,” the guard hesitantly spoke while walking, “Pastor Alistair insisted he be kept in his room.” Sarah paused in her tracks. Why the hell was a Pastor making decisions for a King? And since when was Pastor Alistair a doctor? She felt the worry inside of her shift to anger. Who the hell did he think he was?! She hadn’t spoken to or seen much of the Pastor since their falling out a while ago. He’d warned her that Marcus was only using her for her body. Even if that had been the case, it was none of his damn business. This whole abstinence thing was getting out of hand. Other than the clacking of her heels, the corridors they walked through were silent. But something felt off. It was as if something had shifted within the castle. As they finally reached the King’s wing of the castle, Sarah was surprised and furious to find warriors standing guard at his suite door. “I’m sorry, Princess, we have orders not to let anyone pass.” One of them spoke firmly. “What do you mean? Stand aside at once. I demand to see my father!” She commanded. When the warriors refused to move, Sarah let her Royal aura roll out of her. Two of the warriors fell to their knees immediately, but the one who refused her passage held his ground as tears sprung in his eyes at the force of her power. “Enough!” A deep voice boomed. Surprised, Sarah released her aura to find the Pastor had excited the King’s chamber. “Pastor, why am I not allowed to speak to my father?” Sarah demanded, folding her arms in front of her chest. “Princess, your father isn’t well. He needs his rest.” The Pastor spoke nonchalantly. Sarah looked from him to the guards before returning her gaze to the man in front of her. “My father would want to see me. I demand you to let me through,” She grated out, moving past Alistair, but the guards stepped in front of her, blocking her path. “Are you serious? I am second in command after my father. Step aside!” She was getting really pissed now. When the King wasn’t in the Kingdom or in this case, unable to rule, his heir was in command. It was an unspoken rule. “Actually,” Alistair smirked sinisterly, “the King has transferred his power to me during his… absence.” “What?!” She scoffed. “You can’t be serious!” “But I am. Your father and I both agreed that a woman is unfit to rule without a strong male by her side. But don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be better soon.” It was the way he said it that gave Sarah an eerie feeling. Her mind jumped back to Marcus and their plan to end the trials. “What about the trials?” She asked, hopeful that they would be delayed now that her father wasn’t well. “What about the trials? In these troubled times, it is important for the people to have their entertainment, surely you understand that don’t you, my dear? It is more important than ever to keep the Royals in a positive daylight, especially with the Rebels attacking packs left and right.” He explained. How the hell did they expect her to focus on a stupid dating show when her father might be on his deathbed? Sarah was about to open her mouth to argue when the opening of a door caught her attention. One of the doctors working in the pack hospital stepped out of the room. “Dr. Grace, how is he?” She asked, hoping to get some good news. “Princess,” The older woman startled. “Your father is not well. He seems to have been….poisoned.” The look the doctor shared with Alistair did not escape Sarah. What weren’t they telling her? “Can I see him?” She asked, trying to get around Alistair’s ridiculous command. “I’m afraid he is too weak to have visitors at the moment,” she said, unable to meet Sarah’s gaze. Sarah watched the doctor's retreating form before her attention snapped back to the asshole in front of her. “You know what? I’m taking this matter to the council! There is no way my father would transfer his power to you,” She spat. “Please, feel free to do so. I’m sure they’ll agree with me,” He had a cocky grin on his face. Sarah clenched her fists at her side as the Pastor stepped past her, before stopping abruptly. “By the way. Your interactions with Alpha Marcus are very inappropriate. I might have to speak to the council about sending him away.” “Send away one of the viewers' favorite Alphas? Are you sure that’s wise, Pastor?” She challenged. “Sarah,” All of a sudden, he moved forward, stepping into her personal space. “You’d do well listening to my advice. You never know what can happen.” He twirled a strand of her hair between his fingers. Sarah had never noticed how young the Pastor looked. It was like he was aging backward. “And I’ve told you before, call me Alistair,” He whispered as his eyes flickered to her lips. Sarah quickly stepped back with a look of disgust on her face. What the hell was this man up to? She needed to sort all of this with the council, and she needed to do this quickly. She had a feeling that nothing good would come from having Alastair in share of the Kingdom.
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