She would do just that

1307 Words
Sarah POV Sarah’s hands trembled as she zipped up her black floral dress. She was going for classy, not sexy. She wanted Alastair to think his plan was working, without having him touch her in any way. She was nervous though. Sarah had always had the kind of face that clearly gave away what she was thinking. A face with subtitles. When she checked her make-up one last time in the mirror, a face turned up behind her, startling her. It was Marcus and his face was full of emotion. Sarah turned around to face him. “I’m so sorry,” Marcus spoke, pulling her against him. “I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t care,” He whispered, with his face in her hair. Sarah closed her eyes, basking in his scent. She inhaled deeply, seeking comfort from him. She realized she would have to change clothes again after this, but it was every second in his arms was worth it. “I’m sorry too,” She whispered. Marcus pulled back with a smile. He brushed the hair from her face and planted a long lingering kiss on her lips, the kind that caused her insides to turn to mush. She hated that she couldn’t just stay in his arms all night long, completely avoiding the rest of the world, but she had a responsibility toward the Kingdom. She needed to find out what was going on. She needed to put a stop to it. “Marcus, I have to get ready to leave,” Sarah said, still snuggled against his chest. “Where are you going?” He asked, pulling back and looking at her face and dress. “I’m having dinner with Alastair,” She wanted to sound confident about her plan, but she couldn't meet his eyes. Sarah could feel his body tensing. When she finally had the courage to look up, Marcus’ brown eyes were filled with anger, while his jaw ticked. “You’re still going through with your plan?” He asked through clenched teeth. “Yes, I am.” She could feel her hackles rising. They were going to have another fight about it, but it was the last thing she needed right now. She was nervous enough as it was. Lucky for her, Marcus seemed to be thinking the same thing. She watched him take a deep breath before he cupped her face in his large hands. “Please, be careful,” He pleaded, looking deeply into her eyes. “You’re not…angry with me?” She asked as she watched his expression soften. “Oh, don’t get me wrong. I hate it, I really do, but if that’s what you want to do. I’m not going to stop you. As much as I want to protect you, I know you are very much capable of protecting yourself.” Marcus said, warming Sarah’s heart. He was such a perfect man. “Besides,” He grinned, pulling her against his chest, “I’ll punish you later. How do five slaps on the ass sound,” he whispered in her ear. “How dare you?” She gasped in outrage. “Don’t pretend like that doesn’t arouse you. You seem to be forgetting that your arousal is the only part of you that I can smell,” Marcus growled playfully. Sarah blushed when she realized she’d been caught. “I’ll be back later tonight,” His demeanor changed. “Please, be careful. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you.” I love you. Is what she wanted to say, but she didn’t dare put her heart out there like that. And it seemed too soon, especially considering they weren’t mates. “I’ll see you tonight,” She nodded as a small smile formed on her lips. It was a terrible idea for him to come back to her room, but she needed to be with him. It was the only drive she had that kept her going through all of the misery around her. Sarah quickly threw off her dress and jumped back in the shower. She couldn’t risk Alastair suspecting anything. “You look lovely,” Alastair complimented as he stood up from his seat to pull back hers. “Thank you,” Sarah smiled politely. She knew she was supposed to say something along the lines of you don’t look so bad yourself but she just couldn’t get her lips to move. And she knew that if she said it, her face would not match her words. “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered the omegas to make my favorite meal. I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know me better,” He said. Sarah didn’t know what to say, which was a first. Who did that? Wasn’t the reason for this date to get to know each other? “How…nice,” Sarah gave him a tight-lipped smile. What a jackass. The first course consisted of … oysters. When the servant lifted her tray, her carefully constructed smile faltered. She couldn’t eat those balls of snot. She just couldn’t. they were slimy and most importantly… Alive! “I hope you like oysters. I love them,” Alastair said, slurping in his first piece. Sarah’s stomach started churning at the sight, “not to mention, they’re an aphrodisiac.” Sarah couldn’t wipe the disgusting look from her face as she watched Alastair licking, sucking and slurping the shelled creatures. “Aren’t you going to eat?” He asked, suddenly noticing that she wasn’t touching her food. “I don’t like oysters,” She shrugged. “You should try one, it might surprise you,” He said. “No, that’s okay,” She shook her head, but that asshole stood up and walked over to her. He held the oyster in front of her lips, trying to coax her to eat. “I said NO!” Sarah raised her voice, getting sick of his attitude. Big mistake. Alastair stalked back to his seat, throwing the oyster across the table, before slamming his hand down. “I thought we could have a nice night. Some dinner, maybe dancing, but you just had to act like a spoiled brat!” He yelled. Sarah should have apologized and kept up the act. She was trying to make him believe that he was getting to her after all, but she just couldn’t. It wasn’t in her nature. So what did she do instead? She opened her big mouth. “Spoiled brat? Me? You’ve got some nerve speaking to me like that! You know what you are? You are nothing but a narcissistic,…” That’s as far as Sarah’s smart mouth could speak before she was slapped in the face by Alastair. Sarah was stunned into silence. With her mouth hanging open and tears in her eyes from the impact, she held a hand against her throbbing cheek. She’d never been slapped before. By anyone. “I wanted to play nice and do this the easy way. But you’ve made it clear where you stand,” He spat, saliva flinging around. Her claws elongated on the hand that wasn’t holding her cheek. She was so angry, that she was contemplating murder. “Don’t even think about it! The guards around won’t hesitate to kill you or your father when I give the order,” He sneered. Sarah had never seen him so angry before. “You want to play this the hard way? So be it! Now get out of my sight, I can’t stand to see you much longer!” Sarah marched towards her room as tears burned in her eyes. Tears of anger. She couldn’t wait to kill him herself. And when the time was right, she would do just that.
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