Christian blends in

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Christian POV To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. This had been Christian’s motto over the last few weeks since being invited to join the trials. Other than introducing himself at the start of the games, Christian had kept quiet, silently observing the people around him. To say he’d learned a lot was an understatement. He had grown so skilled in his ability to blend in, that the people around him hardly seemed to notice him anymore. For example, Christian would stroll around the castle and its grounds daily when there wasn’t a trial. He would stroll through the kitchen as if he had any business being there. The first day, he’d gotten weird stares from the staff that worked there and the supervisor had kindly asked him to leave, but by day seven, they didn’t even seem to notice him anymore. The same happened during his strolls around the castle grounds. He would admit that he wore bland clothing for the occasion, anything to blend in better. Also, the fact that he wasn’t taken seriously by the other Alphas, other than Marcus, also helped. But one would not believe the things he’d heard when they thought no one was listening. The kitchen omegas loved to gossip. They talked about people’s love lives most of the time, but Christian had learned a few interesting facts though. Take Penelope Abercrombie for example. The woman had taken her father’s seat on the council, though said father was also still seated on said council. (Christian had raised an eyebrow at that one. How was that allowed?). That same Penelope was also a massive harlot. She’d apparently had every man in power in the vast vicinity, even going as far as trying to seduce the King. The kitchen women were still out on that one though. Some thought it had worked, but it had been so bad that the King had kicked her out of his room, others were saying that the King had been ready to marry her, before his mysterious illness of course. While another group was convinced the mighty King would never fall for such a trollop. Though he’d heard the King was quite the harlot himself. Christian had also learned that Penelope was trying to get pregnant to be able to become a Luna (or the Queen). He made a mental note to keep all of his body parts away from that one. The last thing he needed was another kid that wasn't his mate's. He'd made that mistake before, and he wouldn't be making it again. He didn't expect to have a second chance mate though. He was pretty sure that the Moon Goddess had abandoned him after the crimes he had committed. He’d also learned that those same ladies had a lot of respect for their Princess. They talked about her hard childhood, growing up without a mother, which Christian could relate to. Though his mother was technically alive, the woman had been all about power and not so much about nourishing or love. They loved that Sarah was both kind and fierce, and they frowned upon the Council and the King for making her chose a husband instead of letting her rule by herself. He’d learned they all agreed that the Pastor was a creep, which he agreed with too. “I slept with Andy again,” one of the omegas had sighed one day. “Girl! I told you to stay away from him.” They argued back and forth, trying to understand the masculine mind, until suddenly, he found all eyes on him, and before he knew it, he was drinking coffee and eating cookies with the ladies, talking about men. The moment the words, Girl, you are preaching to the choir, left his mouth, accompanied by a certain hand gesture, he decided to stay out of the kitchen for a while. It was messing with his manhood. The warriors on the other hand, when not talking about women, talked about training and war tactics, which was very interesting. Even after their restrictions to stay in their rooms, nobody batted an eyelash at seeing Christian wander around. He did wonder why that was though, they must have been so used to his presence that they didn’t notice him anymore. During his strolls through the castle though, that’s where he experienced the most entertainment. The rooms were not soundproofed like they usually would be in packhouses, and Christian was surprised at the lack of security, though that was before Alastair had taken over. Now it was much harder to make it all the way up to the Princess’ floor of the castle. But Christian still learned a few things. Marcus was banging Sarah, and from the way the man acted around her, he had a suspicion they were mates, but it wasn’t his place, so he stayed out of it. Alpha Julian was banging his own omegas, which didn’t surprise him either, though he’d spent more time hanging out around that particular suite than socially acceptable, listening for any sounds of protests. He was worried those poor girls were being abused, but to his shock, Julian actually treated them very well inside the walls of his suite. Though he was now sure they all joined into the activities. Which was weird. Alexander had been banging anything that moved until he realized Alexandra was his mate. Though he couldn’t blame the man. He’d gone through a similar faze after losing Mackenzie. He knew exactly what that felt like. He’d seen Penelope sneaking out of quite a few Alpha's rooms during his strolls. Seems the kitchen ladies were right about that one. And he’d learned that the King’s harlot days were behind him. He’d noticed one particular name being called every time something happened in the Royal suite. It was the name of council woman Arabella. It seems as though those two were in an actual relationship. After he’d found out, he observed them from afar and noticed the two sharing sweet glances every time they were in the same room. Christian was surprised though, for such a seemingly religious pack, they sure knew how to sneak around. But most importantly, Christian had heard the guards that were closest to Alastair talking about this so-called new King Sarah had heard about during her time in Edinburgh. The way they said it, had Christian wondering if it was Alastair at all. Yes, the man had a creepy obsession with Sarah and had quite possibly poisoned the King, but it almost seemed as though someone else was pulling the strings. However, he could be wrong. Today, his curiosity got the better of him and he crept through the only place in the castle he hadn’t dared stroll before. The council headquarters. They had a whole separate wing for whatever it was they were doing. Christian waited until it was time for the guards to switch shifts, before sneaking inside. He snuck through the halls, expertly placing his feet so that his footfalls wouldn’t be heard. He treaded on quietly until he heard a voice coming from one of the rooms. The door was open a c***k, so he decided to look inside. “Yes, the plan is in place. I’ll have her in my pocket soon enough. Hmm, yes, yes, okay,” Alastair spoke into the phone. The person on the other end must have praised him because when he hung up the phone, he had a huge creepy smile on his face. But what Christian saw next, had his mouth hanging open. I need to warn Marcus and the others! He thought, quickly sneaking away. However, his panic caused him to lose focus and be less aware of his surroundings. The last thing he felt was something hitting him in the head before all went dark.
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