Truth revealed

1393 Words
Marcus POV He rubbed a hand over the mark Sarah had left on his cheek. It was nothing compared to the mark she had left on his heart. Marcus couldn’t put it any other way. He was in pain. It was the worst pain of his life. The pain of heartache. When his first girlfriend had found her mate….he’d thought that had been heartbreak, but what he felt now… was a hundred times worse. Everyone had stopped eating and had stared at him in the dining hall, wondering what he had done wrong. He’d expected Sarah to be happy after spending the whole night with Alexander, but she seemed to be very angry. He wondered if Alexander had told her something about him. Maybe… but he deserved it. What he’d done was wrong. “Great job, Harper,” the grating voice of Julian St. James reached his ears. He didn’t want to have to deal with that i***t right now. “I see you’ve paved the way for the rest of us. I was worried there for a while when I got word of your little romance, but it seems to have faded just as quickly,” He chuckled. Marcus paid him no attention. He was too stumped about what had brought on Sarah’s sudden bout of anger. Shouldn’t she be over the moon that she had found her mate? Was Alexander not treating her right? No… he had to stop his thoughts there. He couldn’t go there and ruin what was left of his friendship. If there even was anything left that is. “I’m going for a walk,” He told his friends, who he saw sharing a look in the corner of his eye. “If you wait a minute, we’ll finish up here and join you,” Noah suggested. “No need. I want to be alone for a while,” He replied, walking out without looking back. He didn’t stop to talk to anyone on the way, but made a straight line for the forest instead. During his walk, he thought of many things. He wondered if his friendship with Alex was reparable. He wondered if he would ever get over Sarah. He thought of how he needed to appoint a new Beta once he returned home. Home. The word had brought him comfort and a sense of peace only days ago, but now it left a sour taste in his mouth. He would be returning with nothing. No, he would be returning short of a Beta… and short of a best friend. After a while, Marcus decided it was best to return to his room. He’d had enough dark thoughts for one day. He needed some peace and to be surrounded by friends. Maybe they could get a drink at one of the bars in the local town near the castle. Upon returning, Marcus was pleasantly surprised to find Alexander there, but his surprise quickly turned to hurt when he realized he was discussing the details of last night with Noah and Benjamin. “Hey, man,” Alexander greeted him with a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. So much for hoping his friendship could be restored. He reprimanded himself for being so negative. It just needed some time, that’s all. “Marcus, the funniest thing happened last night,” Alexander began with an awkward chuckle, “I’d like to tell you how meeting my mate went,” Marcus sighed deeply. No. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t sit here with Alexander and listen to him talk about his happiness with Sarah. It wasn’t right. His wolf’s ears had even perked up at the thought of Alex and Sarah. He just couldn’t listen to it. “I think I’ll pass, but congratulations,” Marcus’s face stretched to a wobbly little smile that faded in an instant. But when he turned to leave, thinking he would catch up with Christian or Elijah, Benjamin stopped him. “Marcus, you really need to hear this. Trust me.” He nodded at Marcus while gesturing for him to take a seat on the bed. Did his friends really hate him so much for his mistake that they wanted him to suffer? “So, last night, I was waiting on Sarah,” Alexander began. Marcus clenched his hands into fists at his side. This was going to be excruciating. “Anyway, when they arrived… I was so nervous, but then the weirdest thing happened. She walked right past me.” Marcus, who had been looking at his feet, looked up instantly. “What?” He managed to ask. “Yeah, she was like Goodnight, Alpha Alexander and I was like, what is going on? Is she going to reject me? But then the wind blew in my direction, and my Goddess, the scent I had thought was Sarah’s, was her best friend’s! Can you believe that?” Alex asked with a big smile on his face. “You should see her….she’s perfect,” Alexander got a dreamy look on his face. The look of a man totally smitten. “And you want to know the best part? Her name… is Alexandra! You just can’t make that up. It was meant to be,” Alexander was all smiles. “But that means…” Marcus trailed off, his own face lighting up. “Oh yeah, sorry for punching you, man. And for rejecting you and for challenging you in the trials. I might have gotten carried away. I’ve yet to ask Alexandra about how I mixed up their scents, because, you know, it might be awkward. Hey, remember the night I met you? I thought your best friend was my mate at first. Haha. Yeah, that might be weird,” Alexander rambled on. “You know what this means, right?” Benjamin smiled at him. Marcus returned the smile, until… “That means…” He thought back to his conversation from earlier with Sarah. I just wanted to say, congratulations…. I hope now you understand why I did what I did… why I ended things… I mean, sleeping with my best friend’s mate was a pretty shitty thing to do… “I’m pretty sure I told Sarah earlier today that I slept with Alexandra,” He said, horrified. “You slept with Alexandra?!” Alex yelled, jumping up. “No!” Marcus quickly responded. “But I thought…. I thought she’d spent the night with you and I wanted to explain to her why I broke things off….Goddess, this is such a mess…” Marcus placed his face in his hands. “No wonder she slapped you,” Noah said. “I have to—Auw!” Marcus suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side. “What’s wrong?” Alexander asked, looking at Marcus as if he was being attacked by an invisible enemy. “I—I don’t… know,” He grated out. “It’s as if tiny needles are piercing my skin all over my body,” He stumbled towards the door. “I n—need to speak w—with her,” He gasped when another sharp pain shot through him. “Nope. Not like this. You are in no condition to talk to anyone right now, let alone her. You really need to think about what you’re going to say.” Benjamin said, pushing him toward the bed. “Yeah, no winging this,” Noah agreed. “We need to brainstorm on this one. Oh, and maybe ask for Alexandra’s help. Or the woman might kill you.” Noah interjected. “She probably thinks you were sleeping with two women at the same time,” Benjamin added another thought. Oh s**t! This was bad. “Oh wow, yeah, that’s bad, dude,” Alexander said, shaking his head. Marcus didn’t know if he wanted to hug him or punch him in the face. It was him and his bloody nose that caused this entire mess! As much as he wanted to get up and sort this out right now, the pain in his body wasn’t allowing him to do anything. It was as if someone had switched from pricking him to stomping on his insides now. But even when in pain, all he could think about was Sarah. How was he going to fix this?
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