Payback's a b*tch

1303 Words
Sarah POV Sarah groaned into her pillow and tossed the blanket that was covering her aside. She had wanted to ignore the knocking on her bedroom door, but since they weren’t going away, she had no choice but to answer. “What?” She snapped, as she yanked the door open. Alexandra pushed her way inside. “Oh my Goddess, why aren’t you ready yet? You know how much the Pastor hates tardiness.” “Did you…only just now wake up? I tried mind-linking you during training, but since I couldn't get through, I decided to do it alone.” s**t, Sarah had forgotten about training, and all of her other duties, and on top of that, she was going to be late for the Sunday service at the temple of the Moon Goddess. Sarah had never understood why they needed services. She worshipped the Goddess in her own way, but alas, the Pastor had a lot of power and respect in their Kingdom and therefore, no one was excused from Sunday service. “Here, put this on, hurry!” Alexandra threw a white dress in Sarahs’ face, pushing her into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. “And the Moon Goddess spoke….” Sarah zoned out, holding back a yawn, as the Pastor droned on. She was seated in the very first row, next to her father and members of the Royal council. As usual, the church was packed. The Kinloch pack was a very religious community. They were all about the Moon Goddess and abstinence. Waiting on one’s mate was considered honorable. Not that Sarah knew many that upheld that vow of purity. Sarah’s mind drifted further to the date that was planned later today. It would be a four hour date that would consist of an activity and dinner. Though she wasn’t included in the planning of the TV-show, she had gotten to pick the activity for today and had opted for horseback riding along the coast. It was one of her favorite things to do when she wasn’t preoccupied with training or war planning. “Thank Goddess, that was the longest sermon ever,” Alexandra huffed as they queued to exit the building, earning her an angry glare from the older woman in front of them. “But the most educational,” Sarah added, with a smile. It seemed to placate the woman, who turned around and continued moving toward the door. When the Pastor stepped out of the church, the community flocked toward him, hanging onto his every word. “It really is cult like, isn’t it? The way they worship him,” Alexandra whispered. Sarah nodded in agreement. She had never understood the power that man had, even over her own father. “Let’s go get some lunch. Then you can tell me what had you so exhausted this morning,” Alexandra wiggled her eyebrows, causing Sarah to groan. “He what?!” Alex gasped, spilling her champagne in the process. She had wanted to do a 'bottomless' brunch, but Sarah had politely declined. She needed to be sober for her date. “Will you keep your voice down?” Sarah admonished as if anybody could hear them. They were four stories up, eating on the balcony of her suite. “How was it?” “It was… mind-blowing, body-numbing… the best o****m I ever had,” Sarah sighed with a smile on her face, thinking back to the amazing experience, while Alexandra let out an exciting shriek. “Well, not surprising since no one has ever given you one…other than Duracell,” Alexandra chuckled. Sarah gasped, throwing a strawberry at her. During the years, Sarah had ordered all kinds of c******l vibrators, but of course, being who she was, she always made sure to order them in Alexandra’s name. “But that was before we decided to call it quits,” Sarah added solemnly. She didn’t quite know how to feel about that. It was silly really, to feel sad. She had only just met the man. “What? Why?” Alexandra asked, her brows pinched together. “I guess it comes down to me not wanting a husband. Plus we’re not sure if he’ll win and he said it wouldn’t be fair to the Alpha I would marry…” “What a load of bull! I think you both are j—” A knock on the door interrupted their hushed conversation. The make-up artist and hair stylist had arrived. It was time to get ready for the date. Sarah fidgeted with the sleeve of her asymmetrical black dress shirt, with golden details. It was long at the back, and short at the front and fitted at the waist, complimenting her hourglass figure. Her dress team had opted to combine it with black riding pants and long riding boots, perfect for their date. Her make-up artist had gone for light, nude make-up, while her hairstylist had chosen to straighten out her curls, and had put her hair up in a high tight ponytail, complimenting her high cheekbones. As she walked toward the stables, she could already see Marcus waiting for her in the distance. Her steps paused for the slightest of moments when she saw his attire. Like her, he was wearing a pair of black riding pants. It was such a contrast to his usual dress pants. The way they stretched over his tight ass. Who knew the man had such a treasure hidden underneath? But when he turned, Sarah almost stumbled. Was this even allowed on TV? My Goddess, give him something to cover up! Sarah ogled the bulge in his pants. Just when she was thinking she would never be able to focus on his face, she saw Miranda. The woman appeared from behind the huge building containing the horses and walked over to Marcus. She smiled at him while twirling a strand of her long black hair around her finger. Sarah’s eyes zoomed in on the hand that touched Marcus’ arm when Miranda laughed at something he said. Sarah had intended to remain calm and polite this time around. She would not let him get under her skin, no matter what he did. But seeing Miranda so openly flirting with her date, set something primal off inside of her she didn’t know existed. She wanted to punch someone in the face. She could even feel her wolf, Sierra, stirring beneath the surface. Marcus laughing at something the sleaze said was not helping either. “Well, isn’t this cozy?” She grated out with a menacing smile on her face. “Princess,” a startled Miranda stepped away from Marcus. “I—I didn’t see you there.” “Clearly,” Sarah stated, before looking at a smirking Marcus. “I did,” he said in the faintest of whispers, making her blood boil before they had even started. “And um, my eyes are up here.” He added with a wink. Sarah felt her face heating and opened her mouth, but before she could spit out the snarky comment that sat at the tip of her tongue, she noticed the drones taking flight all of a sudden. Show time. “Princess Sarah, I’m looking forward to our date. You look absolutely stunning,” Marcus smiled reaching for the bouquet of flowers he had placed on one of the haystacks near the entrance of the stables. Sarah was caught off guard by the gesture but quickly recovered. “Why thank you, Alpha Marcus. You look dashing as well,” She smiled politely, smelling the flowers. As of a sudden, her smile stretched and her eyes shined with mirth when she thought of the perfect way to get back at Marus for his flirting with Miranda. Payback’s a b***h.
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