Finally meeting my mate

1284 Words
Alexander POV Nervous. Sick to his stomach. Butterflies in his chest. Alexander paced the castle steps. He’d already walked to the riverside to do some stone skipping to take his mind off her. His mate. During sparring, he’d heard a couple of the warriors talking that she was supposed to be back today. So after training for three hours straight to get out all of his frustration and anxiety, he’d gone to his room. Well, to Christian’s room to take a long shower. He put on his best suit. He wanted everything to be perfect. “Hot date?” Christian asked, causing the corner of Alexander’s mouth to tug up slightly. “Finally going to meet my mate,” He gulped when his nerves got the better of him again. “Congrats man, go get her,” Christian slapped him on the shoulder. The last few days had been nerve-racking. Between his fight with Marcus and his yearning for her, he’d also had to set all of the girls he’d slept with since he’d gotten here, straight. Some had not taken it well. At all. While pacing the steps, he thought of all of the things he would tell her. What would they talk about? Should he take her to the garden? He’d heard it was beautiful at night. But wait, hadn’t Marcus and Sarah’s meeting spot been in the garden? No, bad idea. Thoughts of his best friend and her started flooding his mind again. What if….what if she preferred him? Alexander’s heart sank… If his mate rejected him, he didn’t know what he would do. Probably go back to drinking and w*****g around. Though he was now technically a rogue. His dark thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone jogging up the steps. It was Marcus. When their eyes connected, Marcus paused his ascent. After a moment of awkward silence between them, Marcus was the first to speak. “I hear your mate is coming home today,” Marcus began, “I just wanted to say. Good luck. I’m sure she’ll be over the moon with such a good guy as a mate,” Marcus’ hand paused midair in an attempt to comfort him, but he changed his mind at the last second, giving him a sad smile instead. Alexander was happy to meet his mate, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit sad for his friend, even though the bastard had slept with her after he knew who he was to Alexander. He wasn’t ready to forgive Marcus just yet though. After what felt like an eternity, he saw lights coming up the winding road. His heart started to thud in his throat. This was it, the moment of truth. “Alpha Alexander, can I talk to you for a moment?” Pastor Alastair seemed to pop up out of nowhere. “Not now!” Alexander couldn’t help but snarl, almost biting the man’s head off in the process. He didn’t wait to see if the man went back inside or not, all of his attention on the car that was coming closer. The closer they got, the more Alexander started sweating. s**t, maybe he shouldn’t have worn a vest. The car stopped in a few feet away from the steps, near the elite parking. She was the first to exit the vehicle. She was a vision, even in a simple T-shirt and jeans. His wolf was up inside of his mind. He too, wanted to see their mate. Their eyes connected and a smile lit up her beautiful face. Alexander didn’t even notice the other people stepping out of the car behind her. Though he could hear them chatting and making plans to have fun... or something. He was too preoccupied with the Princess that was coming his way. Only five more steps, and they would be face-to-face. Four. It was like his heart was attempting to leave his body. Three. He could feel it pounding in his throat and his eyes felt like they were bulging. Two. They weren’t bulging, right? He didn’t want to look crazy. One. He wiped his sweaty palms on his dress pants, opening his mouth to say something as her intoxicating scent wafted toward him. But she beat him to it. “Goodnight, Alpha Alexander.” She nodded, before walking into the castle. Alexander couldn’t believe it…didn’t she feel it? Didn’t she smell him? Maybe she had a cold or something? He could hear his wolf snorting at his ridiculous thoughts. Or maybe…maybe she didn’t want him. Was this supposed to be a rejection? He hung his head in defeat, but when the wind blew in his direction, his head snapped up. Mate! His wolf let out a growl that rumbled deep within his chest. He suddenly noticed the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She threw her head back, laughing at something one of the warriors she had come with had said. He watched her as in a trance. The way she used her hands while talking. The way she started laughing at her own joke even before she finished it. He watched on as one of the warriors stepped closer to her, while she twirled a strand of her long blonde straight hair between her fingers. All the while he was enticed by her scent, which blew towards him in waves. It was like he was under hypnosis. “Want to spend the night with me?” The warrior who had been speaking to her suddenly asked. Alexander’s wolf was up inside his mind, his hackles rising. He let out a loud snarl, causing everyone’s eyes to snap to him. “MINE!” The words escaped his lips, as he took long, determined strides toward her. She looked confused at first, and he could even see a hint of fear in her eyes. But when he was close enough, he saw her nostrils flare and the word mate form on her lips. The man who had been trying to seduce her held up his hands as if to surrender while slowly stepping away. It wasn’t like he’d planned at all. When he’d thought his mate was Sarah, he’d wanted to talk, to get to know her… to take things slow. But when he reached this delectable woman, he stepped up to her and placed his face against her throat, snaking an arm around her waist while taking a deep whiff of her scent. “Mine,” he said once more, his wolf and him sharing control. “I’m sorry man, I—I didn’t know,” The warrior apologized before he could hear all of them walking away. At least that’s what he thought they did. He couldn’t focus on anything but her. “What’s your name?” He finally asked, pulling away. She hadn’t moved or attempted to stop him. She just stood there, with her eyes closed. “Alexandra, but you can call me Alex,” She smiled, her light green eyes boring into his. He let out a deep chuckle. “I’m Alexander, but you can call me Alex,” He smiled. She let out a hearty laugh, throwing her head back like she’d done for the warrior mere seconds before. It appeased his wolf, who let out a deep purr. Alexandra giggled, leaning her forehead to his. “You smell divine,” He closed his eyes, inhaling once more while sparks danced on his skin everywhere they touched. “I bet you taste divine too,” He growled playfully causing her to giggle once more. “Well, mate, how about we get our bodies aquatinted,” she whispered. So far for taking things slow.
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