3. Lies

1487 Words
Charlotte POV " Charlotte?" Andre had a clear look of surprise on his face. Had he not known I was coming? Lillian had been the one to call me so it would follow that she had told him about the call. " Mother called," I said stepping forward. We had never been hugging people but seeing Andre semi healthy was such a huge relief that I almost did hug him. " I knew she was calling but I didn't expect you to show up." Andre was still wearing his look of surprise and his tone conveyed as much as well. " Why wouldn't I? When she called she said-" " What does it matter what she said. We should all just be happy that Charlotte is here," Anthony said cutting me off. I turned just in time to side step him reaching to put his arm around my waist. " Right," I drawled out the word, eyeing Anthony and his openly unwanted display of affection. All of this felt very off from the phone call I had gotten from Lillian earlier but I couldn't place where this was all going. " Speaking of Lillian where has she gotten off to?" Andre asked moving to sit up. He winced at the movement and I immediately stepped forward. He laid back gingerly, settling himself against the sofa. He was obviously in a huge amount of pain, why wasn't directly apparent yet. " She-" Anthony was cut off mid word as we all heard the distinct click of heels coming down the hall before hitting the steps. I sucked in a breath, holding it as I listened to the clicking drawing closer. Lillian rounded the corner, a smile slowly spreading across her face as she took in everyone in the livingroom. " Well Charlotte, how nice of you to come so quickly after my call." Lillian came forward holding her arms out for a hug that I stepped away from. Something was very off about the overly pleasant Lillian welcoming me with a smile. I could count on one hand the number of times my mother had actually given me a genuine smile and this was not one of them. I narrowed my eyes at her choosing my next words carefully. " Of course I would come. I'm not a monster," I commented, eyeing her suspiciously as she exchanged a pointed look with Anthony. Anthony nodded before disappearing toward the kitchen. Lillian leaned down and whispered to Andre, who nodded at whatever she said, before standing again and gesturing for me to follow her. Lillian followed Anthony, heading for the kitchen. I followed at a distance, glancing over my shoulder at Andre who seemed to have fallen asleep in next to record time. The kitchen was the same it had always been, white cabinets and white marble countertops lined the walls, a wide island taking up the center with bar stools along one side. There was an eight burner stove built in to the island and a dual oven in the wall next to the giant fridge that had always contained nothing more than rabbit food. Anthony was standing at the island, making tea as we came in. " Have a seat Charlotte. I'm sure you want to know what's going on," Lillian said gesturing to the far side of the island. Anthony slid a mug of tea across the island to me along with the cream and sugar before settling himself against the counter beside the sink. He began sipping on his own mug, a smug smile playing on his lips. Lillian leaned on the counter across from me, taking a deep breath before sipping from her own mug. " Andre was stabbed." I jerked, my head snapping up and my back becoming ram rod straight. " Who-" Lillian cut me off with a wave. " He made a bad business deal with another company that is associated with the mob. When things went south they wanted their money back. When your father couldn't deliver, they gave him a timeline. He didn't meet the timeline so they showed him they meant business. He now has three days to pay off his debt or they will-" Lillian stopped short, her voice cracking. She attempted to continue but instead did a great impression of a fish out of water. " I get the point. How much money does he need? I have some laid back-" " You don't have this kind of money," Anthony chuckled as he sipped his tea again. Leave it to Anthony to act like a true jackass when it came to someones life. I felt my face heat as anger bubbled in me. " How much?" I ground out pointedly at Lillian. " Ten million dollars." Ten million dollars? I had money but no where near that kind of money. " How do they expect anyone to come up with that kind of money in three days?" I asked in shock. " Well thankfully someone has offered to pay off the debt in exchange for a small favor," Lillian said it like it was a happy thing but her voice portrayed an ominous undertone. Anthony shifted as she spoke, turning so he was looking straight at me. " Well what do they want?" " I'm glad you asked. They will pay off the debt as long as you marry their oldest son." What?! I must have misheard Lillian because there was no way that she had just told me I needed to marry someone to save my father like she was telling me about a new book she was reading. She honestly didn't expect me to agree to this...did she? She had said it all with such confidence that it was like she knew without a single doubt I would agree because it was for my father. " Well Charlotte?" she pushed. " I- I need a moment." I jumped off the stool, dashing back through the livingroom and out the front door to Ty's truck. I leaned against the cool metal, forcing deep breaths. My head was jumbled as my thoughts tumbled over each other. What about college? What about my job with Ty? Would they really kill Andre if he didn't pay them? Who was this mystery son that was my supposed husband? Would we have to be married before they paid off the debt or would we have a chance to get to know one another? Could I really marry someone I didn't know to save my father from a painful death? Could I live with myself if I decided not to marry this mystery man and my father was killed? I didn't have an answer to any of these questions. My mind was spinning and whirring so fast I didn't hear Lillian walking up behind me. " Charlotte!" I jumped almost coming out of my skin at her voice. " I know this is all very sudden, but I need an answer. There aren't any other solutions and I don't want to be a sitting duck if the time runs out." Her voice was clipped as she spoke. I knew she had to be under a huge amount of stress but the thought of giving up my life to save my father was no walk in the park either. I pushed Lillians nagging from my head as I turned away from her again. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to think the unthinkable. In a world I refused to marry the mystery man, could I live with the death of my father? Could I live with Lillian haunting my every waking minute with her grief and heart break? Was I really capable of being that cold hearted? I took a deep breath, starring off down the dark street as I spoke. "I'll do it. I'll marry him," my voice was devoid of emotion, but my heart was shattering with every word. My every hope and dream dying on my tongue as I spoke that one sentence. " Good. I knew you would do the right thing. Now come back inside, we have a couple more things to discuss." " Mother, I don't have it in me to discuss anything else. Can't it all wait till morning?" I muttered, running a hand back through my hair. " No, considering we have to plan a wedding in less than three days. Now come inside." I turned following Lillian on instinct. My whole life, I had been trained to follow her every command, and this was no different. As we walked the short distance to the front door, I felt my body going numb to everything around me. I felt like a stranger guiding someone elses body, devoid of all emotions and connections. It was like gliding along as a shadow, unable to change my course because I was merely what showed up in the light.
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