2. Unwelcome

1777 Words
Charlotte POV I threw my duffel on the unmade bed. I had been in such a rush this morning that I had left it in a mess. Looking around my one room cabin I took a quick inventory of what needed packed. I grabbed up a small basket of clean clothes up ending it into the duffel. I knew that there had been plenty of jeans and t-shirts in the load so that took care of that aspect of things. I grabbed some panties and bras from a draw shoving them in next along with a handful of mismatched socks followed by a pair of sandals. I grabbed my make up, hair stuff, and toiletries from the bathroom, throwing them in a ziploc before shoving them in the now stuffed duffel. I yanked the zipper shut before turning to my nightstand. In the drawer was my .380 Taurus. Guns had never been my forte until I was almost mauled by a fox. Ty had spent the better part of a month teaching me how to shoot and clean a gun before gifting me this one. I never took it to campus but after my run in with the fox, I carried it anytime I was out and about on the farm. Ty had even helped me get my conceal carry license so I could carry it in town. I pulled it out, sliding it into it's holster before slipping it onto my hip, tucking it safely in my jeans. It had become second nature to carry it and now should be no different. The drive from Junction City to Kennsington would take about six hours and there was no telling who or what I would encounter on the way. I slung the duffel over my shoulder, shoving my feet back into my worn work boots before ducking back out the door, locking it behind me. I trudged back toward the equipment barn, the distinct sound of an idling engine growing louder with each step. As I rounded the front I found Ty shutting the passenger door of his black Dodge 1500. Everything on the truck was black, the rims, trim, and even windows had been tinted as dark as possible. It was also equip with a black brush guard and light bar across the front. " I packed some snacks and drinks. It's a long drive back to Kennsington and with it getting dark in a few hours I figured best for you not be stopping to many places," Ty said coming around the front of the truck. He took my duffel from me, tossing it into the backseat before shutting the door again. " Ty I- I don't know how to thank you." Ty pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me for a moment before holding me at arms length. " Don't thank me kid. I would do it for anyone. Call me when you get there." I nodded as he gave my shoulder a squeeze. I didn't think I was capable of saying anything in that moment without crying, and there was no time for that. Ty stepped back opening the drivers door. I climbed in, scooting the seat up to fit my short legs. Once I was situated Ty shut the door and stepping back and waving. I kicked the truck in drive, waving to Ty as I headed down the drive. I knew he would be okay without me for a few days but the thought of leaving Gravestone and Ty behind for an extended period of time felt like I was losing a piece of myself. I turned up the radio, drowning out the fear and sorrow that were settling on my chest like a weight. For now, I would go see my father. Once things were settled, whether it be good or bad, I would return to Gravestone. I made the right at the end of the driveway, heading for Kennsington and god only knows what kind of crap storm was there. **** Six hours seemed like an eternity as I drove, each mile feeling like it drug more than the last. Even though Ty had been kind enough to pack me snacks I hadn't touched any of them, my stomach turning more with every passing minute. I feared what I would find when I finally arrived at Kennsington Memorial Hospital. At a little after seven PM I pulled into a parking spot outside the hospital. It was a white building with bright neon lights shining through almost every window. Mother hadn't mentioned what hospital Andre was at but this was the closed one to home so it made the most sense. I climbed from the truck, racing toward the front entrance. My heart was thundering in my chest as the automatic doors took entirely to long to open. There was a bored looking receptionist sitting behind a desk, tapping away on her phone as I came in. I stepped up to her and without taking her eyes off her phone she spoke. " How can I help you?" she drawled, popping a piece of gum she was chomping on. " Andre Kessings room?" With a long sigh she put her phone down long enough to tap a couple of keys on her computer. " He's been discharged," she drawled again, returning to tapping on her phone. " What do you mean discharged?" I asked, my voice coming across more clipped than I intended. " I mean they sent him home," she snipped back, popping her gum again. " Thanks that was 'super' helpful," I said turning back toward the sliding doors. The sarcasm in my voice was so thick I was sure it was still hanging in the air as I stepped out in the parking lot again. I pulled my phone from my pocket, taking a deep breath before dialing Lillians number. It rang three times before going to voicemail. I tried two more times, both ringing three times than going to voicemail. I sighed, climbing back in the truck. The fact that Andre had been discharged could mean a multitude of things. There was no way to know for sure he was okay unless I could actually see it with my own eyes which meant one thing and one thing only. I would have to go home. **** I was parked on the street, a short ways from my childhood home. It was much the same as the day I left. There was a perfectly manicured lawn and flower beds lining the short driveway. The windows that faced the street were all lit from the inside but I could see no movement behind them. The garage doors to the side of the house were closed up, giving no hint to if both luxury sports cars were home. My options right now stood at hiding out here until someone left and hoping for the best or facing my quickly mounting fear and knocking on the door. Both had their down falls but the biggest one came with knocking. There was a 50/50 chance I would knock on that door and one of my parents or the hired help would answer. Of the two I was hoping it would be the hired help. I groaned, steeling my nerves as I moved the truck up the driveway. I stopped by the door, killing the engine and quickly jumping out before I lost my nerve. I dropped the brass knocker against the door, the thud of it hitting against the plate sending an ominous feeling through my body. I wait a moment, preparing to bolt when I heard the locks clicking on the other side. I held my breath, sending up a silent prayer that the maid would be answering. Apparently the lord was fond of jokes because as the door swung open the last person in the world I wanted to see stood on the other side. " Hello Charlotte," Anthony smirked, his eyes raking up and down my body as he blocked the door. I instinctively took a step back, a wave of revulsion rushing through me. The last time I had seen Anthony was a week before I left for college at a business dinner. Many of my fathers business associates had been there mingling and chit chatting. I had stepped out to change shoes, the strap of my heel had broken. When I exited my room Anthony was standing across the hall, a sinister smirk on his face. He had stepped forward blocking my path as I tried to escape down the hall. He'd reached up, running a finger across my jaw, down my neck, and across my shoulder before coming to a stop at the neckline of my dress. My body had broken out in a cold sweat at his touch, my stomach churning. He'd only said one thing before he had disappeared again down to the party. " One more year Charlotte, and I will claim you as mine. There will be no stopping it." I pulled myself back to the present reminding myself to not show him fear. Anthony thrived off making other people feel small and inferior to him. I couldn't let him have that advantage when I still needed answers. " Where's my father Anthony?" I said crossing my arms in attempt to look tough. I could tell by the glint in Anthonys eyes it wasn't working. " What, no 'Hello Anthony'? No 'I missed you'? Nothing to show your affection for me? He chuckled stepping forward to lean against the door frame. " You know as well as I do that there will never be any affection for you from me," I ground out through my gritted teeth. " Never say never darling." There was a humor in his eyes that made my stomach church. I didn't have time to analyze it though because it was that moment I heard a voice call out. " Anthony, who was at the door?" The voice was slightly gravely and weak but unmistakable none the less. I ducked between Anthony and the door frame, my hip brushing his in the narrow space. The feeling sent another shiver of revulsion through me as I caught sight of the figure stretched out on the sectional in the living room. He was pale, and his hair grayer than before. He had put on some more weight, which was evident by the pajama pants and t-shirt he was wearing. There was an IV pole set up behind the couch, a single tube running from the bag to his arm. He was unmistakeable even in this state. " Father."
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