Chapter 46 - Happy Life

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I looked at Krieldyr. He just smiled. His smile was there again. So I fell more and more in love with him. That was one of the things I liked about him. I also didn't think he was so handsome. Her hair is white while mine is yellow. "I want to marry your daughter," Krieldyr said. The vampires around were shocked. I surprised my parents again because their smiles grew bigger. Will they agree? I hope they agree. I love Krieldyr so much. "How can you prove that you really love our princess?" my mother asked. Krieldyr's smile still lingered. He grabbed my waist and held me close. I felt the heat on my cheek again. “You have a spy, don't you? You also know that my own father cursed me and the only way to get rid of that is to kill the princess so you hid Icerielle. But before my father died he mentioned that Pure love cures the curse. And your daughter is the only woman who fell in love with me even though I looked like a monster of those times. The first day I saw the Princess she immediately caught my attention. After a while, I noticed that I was falling for him because he was nice to talk to. Believe me because I really love your son dear king and dear queen. I will never leave him even if my replacement is still alive. I even killed my own father to protect him because I can't afford to lose Icerielle in my life,” Krieldyr said. He suddenly kissed me on my forehead. This is how it feels when you love. It's really nice to love. I saw Khalil behind my parents. He was not happy. He is not happy but why? Doesn’t he like Krieldry? I'll just talk to him later. “I'm just trying to say what you have to say. You will also get married tomorrow,” my mother said. Krieldry and I were both surprised. Open soon? It’s hard to prepare for tomorrow. There is a lot to do. Lots to fix so why tomorrow? "Don't worry, when we found out what happened in the other kingdom we also found out that you love each other so I was able to fix your marriage immediately. I know you will be happy," my mother said. I approached my mother and hugged her. I'm so happy. I thought they didn't care about me. I was just mistaken. I didn't even think of their other reasons. I love them even though I think I'm choking. “Thank you so much mom and dad. I am so happy now and I know I will never lose my happiness. You are one of the reasons I am happy. If you don't let me out, I won't know Krieldry and we won't be able to achieve freedom. ” "Icerielle, come with us." Krieldry joined us in our embrace. It’s fun because we’re like a whole family. The next day those who served me arranged for me. I can only say one thing, I am the happiest woman today. It's scary when it's my wedding day. But it was also the worst day for me so far. I know that Krieldry will make me happy every day and I will do the same to her. "Why him?" my bestfriend said. I looked behind me as he suddenly appeared. What does he mean? "What's wrong with him?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He's not really smiling. “Why would you marry Prince Krieldry? I love you too Princess Icerielle. ” –Khalil I'm backwards. I can’t afford to love my supposed friend at all. The word loser is not trendy to me. I really don't want the bestfriend to stay together. What else did you become a bestfriend if you also became lovers? It’s okay with me if he’s just my simple friend but even then I don’t feel anything special about him. “I only think of you as a friend Khalil. A good real friend. I love Krieldry so I hope you just accept. He also makes me happy. ” He smiled at me and apologized. He also left. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry but he's not really the one I love. When friends are just friends. A friend is a friend. I was so reluctant to hit my only friend in my whole life because I knew it was wrong. In today's time, best friends are arguing and it's very sad to think that the generation is always different. Yes, you will be your bestfriend, but when you separate, will you still be your bestfriend? Because when they enter into a relationship that doesn't work out, they eventually lose the friendship, so I'm really against it. "Are you ready dear, Princess?" I nodded. Here it is. I was already in front of the church door. Who says the vampire burns in the church? We are not ghosts or ghosts. Gradually the door opened which made me lower myself. My heart is beating really fast. It was as if my heart was about to be removed from my body. I saw Krieldyr again. He is very handsome especially. I will never get tired of telling him that he is handsome because it is true. I don't have anything else to ask for because I already have the man that all women in the world ask for. I'm so lucky. All the vampires just turned to me as I walked towards Krieldyr. I was with my mother and father who were also very happy because they said that their only Princess would finally get married. I keep the tears from coming out of my eyes because they might ruin the structure of my face. "We are happy for you, my daugther," she said. "Thank you so much, Mom," I sad, happily. They gave me one last hug before giving my hands to Krieldyr. "I hope you take care of our princess and never make her cry." Krieldyr smiled again.
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