Chapter 47 - Apartment

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As Krieldyr accepted the jewelry, he didn’t feel anything at all. He was confident that he is able to negate any effect that the thing has against him. Krielydr wore the bracelet in front of Icerielle. Icerielle and Megan were both surprised which made Krieldyr bewildered. “Hey, is there something you have to be surprised about?” Krieldyr asked. Icerielle suppressed her emotion and answered, “Yes, I never thought that what I created would be so pretty when you’re the one wearing it.” “Oh, yes. You’re right, Icerielle. Krieldyr's handsome face was highlighted because of it. Maybe I should get one of those things,” Felxir said then laughed. “Should I get you one?” Icerielle asked. “Don’t worry about it, Icerielle. I’m just kidding. I know that bracelet is special since you made it yourself. It will be rude of me just to ask one,” Felxir said. They both made an awkward laugh at the same time. “Anyway, thank you for this, Icerielle. I’ll be sure to treasure this,” Icerielle said. “You’re welcome,” Icerielle said. “So, are the both of you ready?” Megan asked. “Yes, we are ready. The announcement came out very early. I’m not yet ready to go to the Earth Domain,” Felxir said. “Our service will be here in just a matter of time. They announce that we will get there with a service but there won’t be any other guidance after we arrive at a place that we are going to stay in,” Krieldyr said. After Krieldyr said that, a man dressed up like a butler approached them. “Hello, Sirs and Madams. I’m Thomas and I’ll be your guide as we go to the Earth Domain. Please follow me to the vehicle,” the man said. The four followed Thomas and they were amazed by what they saw. Is this really a vehicle? I can’t see any horse that would pull it. But I don’t think that two horses will be enough for this kind of thing. It looks very massive. Krieldyr thought to himself. “Please come inside the car,” Thomas said. “A car, huh? So this is what you call this thing,” Megan said. They went inside the car and were still amazed at how it looked. Thomas also went in and sat at the front of them. Icerielle and Megan sat in the middle seats of the car while Krieldyr and Felxir were in the back seat. After a few seconds, a sound that is like an engine started. “I bet the four of you are surprised about this thing,” Thomas said. “Yes, what is this thing? I’m very excited about this!” Krieldyr said. “This is the invention of humankind. This is the result of the collaboration between the researchers from the Fire Domain and the researchers from the Air Domain. Those people are actually your seniors in your Academy. Some of them could still be called young, that’s why the administration created the project that you guys will have to accomplish,” Thomas said. “I see, there is really no way that they just want us to go there and be willy-nilly,” Felxir said. Thomas laughs. He added, “The academy that you are in is not just like that. We persevere to get the highest excellence that we can get.” “So, what is this project you’re talking about?” Krieldyr asked. “I’m aware you know that you need to have a big project before graduating from the academy. So for a period of time, you will have to figure out the best technology you can have and present it to the judges. And there’s no perfect way for you to figure that out but to visit every domain. The people there have different expertise so it’s really important that you can visit all of them,” Thomas said. “But we are told that there will be no guidance after this, does that mean that we have to figure out our own way to get to the other Domain?” Megan asked. “No, just like today, someone will fetch you and transport you to the next domain. However, I will not be the driver again and that person does not have any idea about the project. So you wouldn’t be able to get information to whoever that person is. After I drop you off at your apartment, you will be on your own but don’t be afraid, every group has their own respective observer so you’ll not be endangered. But don’t let your guard down, we will never perfectly predict the future after all,” Thomas replied. “That’s tough, then the four of us should think of a plan already before we could get in the apartment,” Icerielle said. “That’s right. You can ask me any question you have and I’ll answer them depending on the matter of the question. This is the only time you got,” Thomas said. “Then, what should we expect in the Earth Domain?” Felxir asked. “I’ll not answer that. You shouldn’t focus your question on things that you can have the answer to during the time period allotted to you. I advise you to ask about other important things,” Thomas said. “Then, can you tell us about the previous projects that the students of Ezklisea submitted? I appreciate it if it is from the winner of the project,” Krieldyr asked. “Now, that’s the question I wanted to hear,” Thomas replied. After two hours of travel, they arrived at their destination. “Then, kids, I’m off. It’s good meeting the four of you,” Thomas said. The four bowed down and thanked Thomas. The car went off and the four remains standing in front of the apartment that they will be staying in. “Wow, it’s huge,” Felxir said. “As it should be,” Megan replied. “Is our Academy so rich that they were able to get us this kind of apartment? There are a lot of students that will also partake in this project, right?” Krieldyr said. “I think it’s because we are the top students so they gave us this kind of treatment,” Icerielle replied. “That makes sense,” Felxir said. “You guys can overthink all you want there, I don’t have time for that kind of thing. I will be going inside first,” Megan said. Megan rushes through the door and opens it with the keys given to them by Thomas. The others didn’t say a thing and just simply followed her. The inside of the apartment is fully furnished and every new technology can be found inside. The apartment has two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and a balcony. Megan went first to explore the house and decided on which room she and Icerielle will stay. “Alright, guys!” Megan shouted. The three, who are still on the ground floor, look up to Megan upstairs. Pointing in one of the doors on the second floor, Megan said, “This will be the room for me and Icerielle. The other one will be for the two guys. There will only be a few meters between our rooms so please behave yourself or both of you will be dead to me.” Megan went inside the room and jumped into bed. “Traveling with that car is really amazing but it’s tiring even if all we do is talk and sit,” Megan said. “I’m sorry for having Megan shout there. But as Megan said, please treat it with care,” Icerielle said. Suddenly it blows hard. It's cold. I just hugged myself. I am not the Princess. I just hope so. "You're not the Princess." I felt a face close to my ear. I had goosebumps. I turned to him. He averted his face. Black, black, black. He who loves black. He's pretty handsome. They are the same as Krieldyr. No, they look very much alike. He looks rude. He was not familiar to me. I just saw him now. I wonder why he looks like Prince Krieldyr? And why is he in the palace if he is not Prince and guardian? Maybe his position is high? I really don’t know a lot more. "W-Who are you?" I asked him. His expression did not change. He doesn't even smile or frown. He approached me again. I was retreating. "Hu-Don't come near me!" I drove him away. I slapped him. He grabbed my right hand and pulled me closer to him. The tightness of his grip. His nails dug into my skin. I winced in pain. "I didn't like it. Why do you know?" I try to change the aura around me. I was really hurt by his hold. "It's none of your business young lady." He brought his face closer to mine. I was nervous about what he might do. I just closed my eyes. "Yes, I'm not. Forgive me!" "I don't care." He whispered. "I didn't want this. Believe me." I felt his warm breath on my neck. I just sighed. She smells but I want to cry. My hand is bleeding because his nail has sunk. They can smell my blood. "Dear, they can't smell your blood." He smirked. I was more afraid of him. Is he a mind reader? Didn’t they binlock whoever was going to read my mind? That's why he said I'm not the Princess because he can read my mind. I am dangerous to him. The three of them already know my secret. Fairy, Krieldyr duke and this man. "Exclude me." He suddenly bit my neck. I burst into tears because of the point of his fang. This is my first time someone has bitten me. A man I have never known. He is a monster. Damn you! "Same blood." What will he say? The pain is gone. When I woke up, the man was no longer in front of me. I turned around. His presence was gone. I was grabbed by my neck. My wounds healed immediately. I licked the blood on my hand. I went inside. Maybe that's where that man came from. Maybe that's a bad conscience. Maybe he's not really from the palace. I thought about it. Do vampires have an opponent? Or someone is a traitor. I'm just an i***t and not in the mood. I still haven't removed my hand from my neck. I'm afraid it might happen again. I shouldn’t have experienced this if the Princess hadn’t disappeared.
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