Chapter 27 - Forget me

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A day later Krieldyr decided to message Eura that he was at the resort. He did not say that Felxir was here so that he would not suddenly leave again without saying goodbye. Felxir already knew what Krieldyr had heard. Now she believes in her friend that Eura really wants her in case it just suppresses her feelings. Felxir already understands that it is also for his own good at Ezklisea Academy so he does not admit it. But for Felxir, it's okay if Eura is aamim. He would be even more inclined to return to Arcanea when he knew someone besides his family was waiting for him. They just didn’t really understand the two and even led to being ignored. "What did you say to Eura?" Felxir asked. "I didn't say you were here. I said I had bodyguards with me because Mom ordered it too. When she finds out you're here, she'll definitely avoid it and won't let me know again," Krieldyr replied. "There, it's really good that you're good at thinking. I also don't want to ruin their outing with his friends," Felxir said. "By the way, Faria really likes you, what? She only saw you once, she was immediately interested in you. You must have been mistaken for Archean." In Krieldyr's mind, it's a good thing that Eura was also quick to think of an excuse. He was almost mad at Faria. It was difficult for them to know that the two were Archeans. "Later it will go here. It's a good thing they didn't take the main beach house. This is where we went to the biggest and widest," Krieldyr said. Felxir fixed it first. Krieldyr decided to take a walk outside first. It was night so he knew there weren't too many archeans outside. He just wanted to watch the stars in the sky. "I'm telling you! You're the one I saw in Central Domain who is also studying at Ezklisea Academy!" Krieldyr was startled when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw Faria smiling at him. "Excuse me?" Krieldyr's excuse. "Aren't you Krieldyr? Don't you remember me? I can't be wrong, it's you!" ika is Faria. Krieldyr smiled at him. He let it sit next to him. There was nothing he could do if Faria met him now. "He said you're an Archean. Even though you really look like a human being, I felt something else about you. I became even more curious about you when I saw your friend's closeness to a vampire," Faria blurted out. "Why do you seem interested? Are you sure I'm that?" Krieldyr asked laughingly. "I'm sure it's you. Your voice is just the same. Why do you want to deny it? Is Krieldyr really your name? Why do you name the prince?" Faria asked in succession. Krieldyr turned to him. He already knew what he would do to stop Faria from asking questions. This woman is smart so she also needs to be confident in it. Whether Krieldyr wanted to introduce him to who he really was he couldn’t. Krieldyr touched Faria's forehead. Faria was dumbfounded by him. He felt the thrill and joy that Krieldyr seemed kind to him. Eventually he felt dizzy and had a headache. "Sorry," Krieldyr whispered. "You'll meet me at the right time too." Faria fainted. Krieldyr immediately disappeared and returned to his room. He had to erase Faria's memory of him so that it would no longer be an obstacle to their plans. "Faria, wake up! What happened to you?" panic said Kendra. "Why is Faria lying on the sand?" Eura asked nervously. "I don't know either. I've been looking for him before and then I just found him unconscious," Kendra replied. "It's better that we take him to his room first," Lei suggested. They immediately took Faria to her room. His friends are still trying to wake him up. Eventually he regained his sight but was still able to close his eyes because of his headache. "Aray. Why is my headache?" Faria asked. "What happened?" "You don't remember anything?" Kendra asked in shock. “All I remember is I went out to freshen up and stargazing in case I didn’t know what happened then,” Faria replied. Eura receives a message from Krieldyr that she is the one who made it to Faria. He erased Faria's memories of him so as not to interfere with their plans at Ezklisea Academy. Eura immediately deleted that message and she felt nervous. He didn't want his cousin to break up so he carried out his plan. "This is the medicine, drink it. It's good that we always carry those when we roam," Lei said. "Well no one else saw you and we immediately noticed that you lost consciousness. You don't really remember anything?" Eura asked. She wanted to know if she really remembered nothing about Krieldyr. "I haven't talked to anyone else. Maybe I just felt dizzy. I shouldn't have gone out," Faria replied. Eura nodded. Now it is confirmed that it no longer remembers. He was to blame for Krieldyr so he would just cover up what it did to erase Faria's memory of her cousin. Also, he thinks that Krieldyr also has the right not to be teased by his friend. It is also doing so for the good of the Kingdom of Arcanea. "I'm feeling a little better. Thank you so much for the three of you, huh?" ika is Faria. "Go straight to sleep, it's already night. I'll get ready to go to sleep. The door of this beach house is also locked so no one will come out first," Eura said. They left Faria's room. Lei left for Faria to sleep there as well. Kendra went into her room. When Eura was sure they were asleep. He sneaked out to talk to Krieldyr. "What are you doing here?" Eura asked. "I just want to visit you. Coincidentally, I also plan to rest and relax so I came here. Don't say confidential things about me or Felxir again. I heard what you talked about earlier. Faria almost suspects me. "I'm the prince. You know that's dangerous for our plans," Krieldyr said. Eura apologized and promised not to repeat it. He admitted that he was wrong. "Did you hear we talk?" Eura asked nervously. "Yeah and I know you've wanted Felxir for a long time too even if you haven't admitted it yet," Krieldyr said smiling.
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