Chapter 19 - Super Classmates

1961 Words
“Krieldyr, let’s go right now. Get up from there,” Felxir commanded to Krieldyr that is still enjoying his sleep. The day is still too early but Felxir decided to invite Krieldyr to go to their school. “Huh? What time do you think it is? Why are you waking me up this early?” Krieldyr asked. “Just get up. We will go to school early because we will wait for Icerielle and Megan in front of our campus. I got a very interesting idea,” Felxir forced Krieldyr. “Here you go again with your ideas, Felxir? Just make sure that we will not be in danger of whatever you are planning. Remember, we already have an established plan and just one wrong move and it will fall apart,” Krieldyr said to Felxir. “Don’t you have trust in me? Just join me in this, okay?” Felxir insisted. Krieldyr didn’t say another word and got up from his bed to prepare for going to their school. After the two were ready, they proceeded to their campus immediately. Krieldyr and Felxir are patiently waiting for Icerielle and Megan to get there. Beforehand. During their walk to the school, Felxir told Krieldyr to make it look like they are excited to meet them. “So this all the plan, just wait for them here like a stupid person? We got up too early for this kind of plan. I’m still sleepy, you know and I might not focus on our studies because of this,” Krieldy said with an annoyed expression. “Ohhh? The only thing that we need to do is to praise their appearance, okay? I recently learned that most of the girls like that their beauty is being praised. You’ll never know, this plan might work so that they would be more open to us. Or, are you embarrassed about doing something like this, Krieldyr?” Felxir explained. Krieldyr sighed, seemingly fed up with what Felxir was saying. In just a couple of minutes, Felxir saw that Megan was on her way towards them. “Krieldyr, prepare yourself. I could see Megan right now,” Felxir whispered. “I don’t know what to say, Felxir. Well, whatever. Whatever happens, happens,” Krieldyr said. “Hey, Krieldyr. Why am I only seeing Megan?” Felxir whispered. Felxir looking at Megan did not seem suspicious as everyone in the vicinity is mesmerized by Megan’s almost perfect appearance. “She has this kind of beauty that would make everyone feel astonished, just like me,” Felxir said. Felxir voice is loud enough for Megan to hear but he makes it look like he’s whispering to Krieldyr. Krieldyr almost laughed out loud at the last part of what Felxir had said. “Hi, Megan” Krieldyr greeted Megan. As Megan approached them, she gave a sweet smile to both Krieldyr and Felxir. She greeted them back and just passed them. “People nowadays,” Megan whispered with a smile she couldn’t hide. Krieldyr still heard Megan’s whisper using his enhanced hearing. He smiled at Felxir and gave him a thumbs up to confirm that what he whispered earlier seems effective. “So?” Felxir asked. “She seemed happy, maybe your crude words have an effect,” Krieldyr said. “Huh? What do you mean by crude words? I meant everything that I said, though it doesn’t change the fact that we’re investigating them. Do you believe in my method now?” Felxir replied. “Whatever,” Krieldyr said. “You should put a lot of trust in me next time, okay? Anyway, I’ll go first to my class since our mission for this time is already accomplished. I’ll just wait for you there if you have any other thing to do. I just hope that they will also be our classmates,” Felxir said. “Fine, you can go first. I’ll wait for Icerielle here. Just make sure that you reserve a seat for me and also to them,” Krieldyr said. Felxir hastily went inside their campus to catch up with Megan. Krieldyr just watches him run and be scolded by a professor nearby. Their academy lets the students pick what subject and what sections they wanted so Felxir and Krieldyr are classmates in all of their subjects. Krieldyr was also able to message Icerielle on which subject he would take so she could have an idea about his subject. He’s just not sure if Icerielle will decide to get the same class as him. Krieldyr sat on one of the benches as he waited for Icerielle. There are still thirty minutes before the start of their first class so he waited patiently for Icerielle. After a few minutes, Krieldyr saw Faria enter the gate of their campus. After Faria, was Icerielle. Krieldyr panicked as he might be spotted by Faria and he would not be able to meet Icerielle. Krieldyr decided to turn his back for a moment and just use his ability to feel Icerielle's presence before he turned back again. He just faked fixing himself. “Krieldyr? What are you doing there? Are you waiting for someone?” a voice from a girl said. Krieldyr was surprised by what the girl had said. He immediately turned back and was relieved as he saw that it was Icerielle. Krieldyr panicking made him unable to determine that it was Icerielle’s voice. As Krieldyr looked around, he also saw Faria which was barely hand to hand with Icerielle which is the reason he couldn’t distinguish Icerielle’s presence before she approached him. Krieldyr just vowed as an answer to Icerielle’s question. Faria wondered why Krieldyr is talking to a vampire. She thought that Krieldyr might not be aware that vampires existed, that's why he’s with Icerielle. The thought that Krieldyr is also an Archean becomes unclear to her. She just continued walking until Krieldyr and Icerielle couldn’t see her anymore. “Then, I’ll go to the classroom first, I think?” Icerielle said. “No, no. Actually, the one I’m waiting for is you. So how’s your day?” Krieldyr replied. “Oh, really? I thought that it would be someone else since you seemed so surprised when I talked to you. Anyway, guess what?” Icerielle said with a smile on her face. Krieldyr frowned trying to figure out what Icerielle was going to say. In the end, he doesn’t have any idea what it is since he’s used to Icerielle being so random at many times. “What is that?” Krieldyr asked. “We are super-classmates this semester!” Icerielle said happily to Krieldyr. “It’s also a good opportunity for us to get to know each other, right? I purposely didn’t message you back since I want this thing to be a surprise. I want to see your reaction the moment you know this.” Icerielle was surprised when Krieldyr pinched her cheeks. Icerielle chuckles, she feels that this is one of the moments that she can be genuinely happy. She felt very blissful as she saw Krieldyr being also happy with what she did. As Krieldyr finished laughing, he said, “ You really made me nervous, I thought you were angry at me or something bad happened to you. You made me worry for nothing. And here you just want me to be happy but well, you’ve made it. So anyway, if we are super classmates, let’s go together to our class.” Krieldyr brings out the chocolate that he bought some time ago. “Here, take this, Icerielle,” Krieldyr said. “What’s that?” Icerielle replied. “Chocolates. I bought them while waiting for the start of this semester. I thought about you when I saw one and I thought that you might kike it so I bought it anyways. Are you okay eating something like this or is something sweet not your thing?” Krieldyr said. “Oh, no. It’s the opposite. I like sweets and that specific one that you bought is my favorite chocolate. I don’t have time to buy this myself so I haven’t eaten this for ages, I mean like for two months so this is so very amusing that you got it for me. Thank you very much, Krieldyr. For giving me this and also thinking about me when you saw this. I appreciate all of it,” Icerielle replied. Krieldyr smiles, making it obvious that he was very happy that Icerielle appreciated what he did. He said, “Don’t mind it, I just really thought about you at that time.” Icerielle immediately opened the chocolate that she received and took a bite on it. She said, “It’s so delicious!” Krieldyr passes a lot of chocolate to Icerielle after. “Wait, this is so many. Is it really for me?” Icerielle asked. “Of course, it is yours,” Krieldyr answered. “Woah, I never had this many before. I just can’t simply afford something like this,” Icerielle replied. “Eh? With your looks, I doubt that that is really the case. I think you are a daughter of rich parents. You might be using a complete skin care routine with how glossy and pretty your skin is,” Krieldyr replied. “You’re kidding, right? I’m not even that beautiful. My looks and my skin is just normal. Maybe I just got the good genes from my parents,” Icerielle said. “Whatever the reason is, I know to myself that you are indeed beautiful and nothing can change it. So stop saying that you are not that beautiful. There’s nothing you can get by having negative thoughts,” Krieldyr replied. Icerielle hides her smile to Krieldyr. Her thought is dwindling to the situation where she could have a relationship with others. She knows that they are not permitted to fall in love with a human being. “Felxir might reserve us our seat in the class. Hmm, is Megan not our classmate?” Krieldyr asked. “Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the same schedule as us. She chose subjects that are earlier since she likes to do things early and she likes that her class schedule is filled up so that there’s no large free time in between them. But don’t worry, she has three classes that are the same as ours,” Icerielle replied. “Ohh, I thought that the two of you will be getting the same classes all throughout. Well, don’t worry about it, Felxir and I got you,” Krieldyr said. The two went to their class and they saw Felxir already waiting for them. As Felxir noticed them, he immediately stood up to signal the two of them. “Thank you for reserving seats for the two of us, Felxir,” Krieldyr said. They sat down still waiting for the professor to show up. “The time is somehow fast and we’re already in this year. What is your plan after you graduate, Icerielle?” Felxir asked. “Maybe just living a normal life. Finding a job that is fitting for me. My family is not that rich so I don’t have any business to inherit. I’ll just need a job so my Mom and I can live happily,” Icerielle replied. “Is that so? Then you can just apply to Krieldyr’s family business. I’m sure that he’ll never forsake you,” Felxir replied. “That’s interesting, but if that’s the case, I think Megan’s family will hire me instead since she already talked about it to me,” Icerielle replied. “I see, so your future is somehow secured. However, if you need something, don’t be afraid to ask, okay?” Krieldyr said.
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