Chapter 30 - Bracelet

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Now the two are in the Central Domain again. They were leaving early because they were hoping that they would arrive early, Icerielle. The two of them have also learned how to deal with the tracker that will be put in their bag when they have a long vacation and need to go home. "How many students are there?" Felxir said. "Maybe those are new students. It's another year," Krieldyr said. "Of course. I've lost it in my mind. Time is really too fast. I am not aware of how much we're doing," Felxir said. "For now, let's first learn about the Domain that Professor Jann says. It is possible that the students will have tasks in the Earth Domain. He strongly feels that the entire Domain will be entered by the students in our batch," Krieldyr said. Felxir frown. He didn't know that that was possible. All he knows is that only people can access another Domain. "I thought we wouldn't be able to get in there? It's a good thing Fire Domain didn't come first, otherwise we might break up right away," Felxir said nervously. "That's it. We just need to prepare. We are sure that we will be able to go to the Earth Domain this semester. The high positions allowed the Ezklisea Academy for the students to have tasks. This is also my chance to find Earth's Deity. It's a big thing to learn their magic, "Krieldyr said. "What are they planning now? It's like we didn't hear that from Megan. Their habits are really getting worse," Felxir said while looking at the ceiling. They both have no idea what will happen in the Earth Domain. All they can say is that Professor Jann's plan is their clinging. Certainly the professors have a briefing included on what they will do. After a few days of their stay in the dorm they finally saw that Megan and Icerielle had arrived. They really waited for the two so that the plan could be carried out immediately. "I'll come out first, Felxir. It would be better if they could give me that rock. It's dangerous if you still hold that rock," Krieldyr said as he volunteered. “The thing is, I don’t really like that plan at all since it might endanger you and your identity. You are the prince of the Arcanea which means you are one of the most important archeans. This is really risky but if I will be the one who will do it, there is a high chance that I might not counter what they put on it considering that they are really vampires. I just wish you good luck, Krieldyr,” Felxir said. Megan smiled when she saw Krieldyr outside, near their dorm. In his mind it was exactly as if Krieldyr was even ahead of them. Icerielle was nervous looking at the jewelry box she was going to give to Krieldyr. He didn’t know if it was right that the two of them and Megan would do it. He was swallowed by saliva when Megan suddenly pulled him closer to Krieldyr. "Hi, Krieldyr!" Megan's happy greeting. "Did you get back here in the morning?" Only now did Megan react like this so some vampire students looked at them. "Or is that you?" Krieldyr said, pretending to be surprised at Megan's call. "You always get us here first. After all, you're coming from closer than Icerielle and I," Megan said. "Felxir and I also don't want to keep up with a lot of people. It's hard to line up so we're really early," Krieldyr replied. Megan liked that better because it was exactly their plan to give Krieldyr the stone against the Archeans. He could no longer wait to see the effect it had on their opponent. Megan hopes it's effective so they won't have a hard time finding another fight with the Archeans. "Is that so? Oh hey, I'll be ahead of you two. It's embarrassing in your moments," Megan teased. In Megan's mind, if Krieldyr had been a vampire she would surely have liked it too. By the way, Megan doesn’t want a non -pure vampire. He could have turned Krieldyr into a vampire but that kind of vampire was too low for him. Megan looked at Icerielle giving a reminder to give Krieldyr the box with only the bracelet. They thought of a bracelet to make the hand move more and move more widely. While Icerielle has not yet handed over the box Krieldyr works his way to counteract the stone's effect. Krieldyr also agreed with the incident because it is in the box and the fluorescence will not be visible when its validity is revoked. Icerielle smiled at him so he kind of lost focus. Icerielle suddenly turned away because she was nervous about handing over the box. He knew Megan was watching in the distance so he couldn't clap. "Do you have anything to say?" Krieldyr asked. He smiled to pretend that his weight was normal. He saw out of the corner of his eyes that Megan was just hiding. Krieldyr was complacent because he already felt his spell bite at the removal of the stone's ability to weaken the Archeans. "I am embarrassed to give it to you. It's just a simple gift for you. I made that bracelet myself so I hope you like it," Icerielle said nervously. Krieldyr did not hesitate to take it. He smiled at Icerielle again and even pinched her cheek. "I really love the things that were done for me. I appreciate your effort for this gift. Thank you so much, Icerielle," Krieldyr said. "Really? It's good that you love that. I am so embarrassed I actually gave it to myself," Icerielle said shyly. "Open it so you can see the look. I hope you really like it." Icerielle actually made the bracelet. He was only used by other vampires' protective gear for its own sake. Icerielle has no choice but to follow them since she is just serving them.
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