
1047 Words
James' POV I can't believe Thomas actually asked her. I'm excited as hell for him. I left the lunch room to go find him. I knew he'd be going to his locker by now. Our lunch was almost over and his lunch was about to begin. Since he turned 18 and found out Shelby was his mate he has been so torn about the whole thing. Not because he don't love her but because she's human. Jenna's heart broke when she found out too but for Shelby. We both know how crazy they are for each other. We are, as you may have guessed it ... Werewolves. We get our Wolves at 16. We don't shift until 18 and we get our Mates at 18 too. It's very rare we get human mates. It's probably happened 2 or 3 times in our whole history. Those were extraordinary humans. As far as what has been documented or told through word of mouth, no other species has been mated to a wolf either. "So you finally got some balls?" I said as I came around from behind him patting his shoulder. "I guess Shelby told you I asked her to prom. I just thought why not. She is my mate. We are friends. I can sense her fondness toward me." He answered so matter of factly as if the logically response were better than an emotional one. "Dude!" I smirked slightly shaking my head. "When are you just gonna let yourself be happy and not worry that she's a human?" "You know that having a human mate isn't exactly a great thing. Being in my position it's a huge weakness because she is weak." He huffed. "Mate bond or not ... I fell in love with her a long time ago." "It's the eyes isn't it?" Jenna came up from behind me teasing Thomas. She scared the crap outta me. I didn't even sense her. Sneaky! Sneaky! I gotta watch this one. She surprises me in different ways every day. She is going to make a great Beta. I turned 18 too, right around the time Thomas did, and knew Jenna was my mate. I've been in love with her for years, but she isn't 18 yet and doesn't know. "She's went to her next class already." Jenna said as she saw Thomas looking around to hopefully see Shellie. "We got to find some way to tell her about us and what we are." "I totally agree. Even though she's human they might be able feel the mate bond. Given it's probably not as strong because she has no wolf, but could still be present. Eventually she will start getting curious if she can feel something. I just wish we knew how it worked with humans." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. In our history the very few times we were granted human mates that is all it said. Plain and simple ... they had a human mate. Not one piece of evidence was recorded on the humans and what it was like for them to be mated to us. "She turns 18 in a couple of weeks. We better do something fast. Just in case it does affect her." Jenna said. "I can't wait because my birthday is 2 days after her's." Excitement obvious on her face. "Ready to be a shifted she-wolf?" I chuckled. "That and ready to mate you." She said with conviction. My face fell and she laughed. "Plus I'm excited to know what my wolf looks like. She said she's beautiful." I bet she is, given Jenna is the most beautiful girl alive. I need to stop. I chuckled to myself. "How do you know if I'm your mate or not?" I teased her. "I already know. I can feel it." She was so confident about it. My heart swelled. "Anyways ... What about Shelby?" Thomas kinda whined. "I can't figure out how to be with her, tell her about us, and still hold onto my position without people either freaking out, being disgusted or disappointed, or my dad choosing Liam instead." Thomas was stressed to say the least. Liam, his younger brother, has been waiting for him to slip up to take his place. He's the greedy type, for some reason. He never use to be like that. Just to let you know ... Thomas is the next Alpha and I am the next Beta. "I have a few ideas." Jenna said. "We'll talk when we get home. When we have more time and more privacy. Me and this sexy beast have to be in Biology." She was pointing at me and smiling. I love her smile. I love her. "Great! I need all the help I can get." Thomas exhaled. After we parted ways with Thomas, we were walking down the hall to Biology, I stop and turn toward Jenna. "Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?" I felt so scared she'd say no. I have too many feelings for her. "Of course. Is this to hang out, talk business, or a date?" She asked putting emphasis on date. I couldn't help the smile I had. "Definitely a date. If you want that." I shyly said. I could feel the heat of a blush creeping up on my face. She looked down with her finger over her mouth in a thinking kinda way. I don't know why I suddenly got nervous and anxious. "I have a question!" She said with a smirk. She looked at me and my heart skipped a beat. Why does she have to be so cute? I nodded to her to continue. "What took you so long?" She asked giggling. She knew she had lingered long enough to make me doubt what her answer would be. I grinned as I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. This girl, right here, is gonna be the death of me. "You're heartless." I joked as we turned to walk to class. "I gotta make ya sweat and keep ya on ya toes." She laughed as we turned into the classroom. --- I definitely love this wild mate of mine. She definitely is my perfect match. Thank You Moon Goddess!! ---
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