
1066 Words
Thomas' POV The school day went by so slow. I just want to see Shelby. I have been nothing but anxious and conflicted since finding out Shelby was my mate. Don't get me wrong even if there was no such thing as mates I would definitely choose her every time without a doubt. I, however, can't live that carefree life like everyone else. I'm next in line to be Alpha. My little brother Liam is just waiting, like a snake in the grass, for me to slip up. I wish we could switch positions. He's the ruthless one and I'm just me. I'm sure if we had brothers between us he would find some way to dishonor them or mangle them so they'd be unfit for Alpha. I honestly fear for my life sometimes. After our mom died, Liam turned cold as ice. I miss my little brother. He constantly finds any little thing to run to our dad to tattle about on me. It's getting ridiculous and out of hand. Asher, my wolf, can't stand him. The last bell has rung and I finally can see Shelby before we leave. I get excited to see her, but don't have the guts to approach her and talk. I always wait till she does. Fearful I'll blurt out to much about what we are in my nervous state. "Hey Man!!" James yells from down the hall. Being werewolves we are tall. Being Alpha and Beta we are taller than other wolves. I picked James to be my Beta as soon as I found out what Alpha was and that I was one. Being Alpha means getting to pick your Beta. What better choice than my best friend. "Hey!!" I shout back. The girls up and down the hall have a gasping and giggling fit. Apparently, we're the hottest guys at school. Who Knew! I only do this because James and I think it's so funny to see how the girls react. I smell her before I see her, but when I see her my heart stops. She is the most beautiful being I've ever laid eyes on. Since 3rd grade she's always stood out to me. No mater what this is my girl. My Mate. My Love. My Luna. I was homeschooled till 3rd grade because at that time I was being educated on werewolf things. All werewolves go through this. None of us attend regular school until 3rd grade. We are taught the basics of the pack and how important our secret is to keep. As soon as I graduate, instead of college like normal humans, we werewolves go through a sort of upper schooling. Anyone in a position has to go through 2 years of extra training. Not just physical but mental. I can't take over as Alpha till I'm 20. Omegas can attend a traditional college or university. All types of jobs are useful in our community. We may be werewolves but we function the same. We also do not restrict what our omegas can do and assign them life long jobs. The ones that would rather do whatever are rotated in different jobs to gain different experiences. Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, Zetas, and Warriors have to have extra training designed for there specific fields. We in upper positions also have warrior training too. It's a lot. It's neverending. All the upper positions are assigned by me when I take over. Each new Alpha has new higher ups. If I don't pick someone the next in line for that position is picked, be it male or female. We don't discriminate in our pack. Thanks to my mother who helped my father see how wrong our ways were. If that person doesn't have any children then we usually get a second born from another pack in that position. "Hey." Shelby says knocking me out of my train of endless rambling in my head. "Hey." I say as I feel the blush creeping up. "Can I come hang out with you today?" She asked excited. "Sure you can. We all can hang out at my house." Jenna said behind us. "Wanna sleep over?" "That would be great." Shelby answered. A touch of relief in her eye. She has never slept over at Jenna's. "Wanna spend the whole weekend?" Jenna said. "Are you sure that's alright?" Shelby asked shyly. Goddess I love her. "You know my mom loves you more than me at this point, right?" Jenna replied with a chuckle. "That's understandable. Especially with your level of sass." James laughed out. Jenna glared at him sticking her tongue out. These two are definitely made for each other. "What about our date?" James asked. Now my interest was peaked. From the look of her face and raised eyebrow so was Shelby's. "We can still go. I have a perfect idea ... Let's double date." Jenna squealed. "That's sounds great. You sly sly little devil you. Sneaky. Sneaky." James laughed. He definitely is going to have his hands full with her. "Well they aren't pushing themselves, so I am offering help." Jenna said while she was staring between us. I could tell Shelby was ... excited? Maybe her feelings for me are what Jenna and James say they are. "I'd love that." Shelby said. "I love being around y'all. " My heart sank for a moment. What if she sees this as just another 'hanging out with friends' thing. "I'm up for whatever." I say with a shrug. I notice Shelby's shoulders lower a bit. Maybe she does like me. "Great!" Jenna shrieked. This girl is too excitable. We all laughed. "Do you need to go home? Want me to take you?" Jenna asked. "Yeah. I can sneak ... I mean run in and get some stuff." Shelby said. I noticed the words and look. What was going on at her home? Are her parents that strict about her staying overnight? She's almost 18. "Ok. Let's go." Jenna grabbed her arm going to her car. "Later boys!" We waved goodbye and I turned to James. He gave me a look that held many questions as well. "You noticed too, didn't you?" I asked "Yep. Something is going on." James answered. "Guess we are gonna have to reveal our secrets and her's." --- So many secrets have to come out. Can I handle that? Can Shelby handle that? ---
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