Something's Wrong

1297 Words
Shelby's POV My heart and gut were in knots. What will my mom say about me staying out away from home all weekend. Not like it should matter, I'm 2 weeks from being 18. I hope Tony is gone or passed out when we go get my stuff. We pull up and I see Tony's truck. I hate this place. Hopefully I can sneak around and get what I need without being seen. My mom probably wouldn't care if I left. Hell she is hardly around anyways. I don't even know why she got with Tony. Tony on the other hand would probably show his ass about me leaving. I have no clue why except that I do everything around the house. I'm like a maid. I walk in and the house is quite except for the tv in the den. I quickly and quietly shut the door and check the den. He's passed out in his recliner. Thank God. Maybe he's in a drunken slumber and stays there. I sneak upstairs as quickly as I can, making every effort I can to be as quiet as a ninja. I go into my room and hurriedly pack all I need till Sunday. I don't have a lot but all I need is about 3 or 4 outfits. Clothes is all I have been allowed to have anyways. As I'm sneaking back down I hear him moving around. 'Please dear Lord let me get out the door without being seen.' I say inside my head. I tiptoe from the bottom step to the door. Right as I touch the door I start rejoicing. "Where the hell do you think your going?" Tony asked in a drunken slur. My heart stopped. Crap! I just need to go as fast as my little legs can carry me to the car. "I'm going to my friends for the weekend." I say calmly. I don't really turn toward him. I want to stay by the door. If need be I will run. If I sass him he's gonna bring it back ten fold and that means beatings. "Like hell you are!" He screams at me. He starts coming towards me. "You ain't got any friends." I tense up but remember Jenna is outside. I open the door to head out. I see Jenna and think I'm home free. Thinking he won't do anything in front of people. All of a sudden he's at my back and grabs me from behind. As he's dragging me back inside I look at Jenna in panic. Before the door closes I see her pick up her phone, fear in her eyes. Jenna's POV I was sitting in the car waiting for Shelby. Daydreaming about James. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see the door open. I look over to see Shelby with fear all over her face. Panic in her eyes. I notice an angry looking man behind her and before he can pull her back in all the way I grab my phone. "Hey Jenna, what's up? Miss me already?" James' smooth voice comes over the phone. "Not now!" I scream. "I brought Shelby home to get her stuff and I think something is wrong. Someone pulled her back in the house. He looked pissed." "What??" His voice in panic now. "We are on our way." "Hurry. I have a really horrible feeling about this!!" I say hanging up. Bout 10 minutes later they show up. I'm already crying at the door. It's locked and without being able to shift, I'm not strong enough to break it down. I can only stand here defenseless, beating on the door, and scream while goddess only knows what is happening to my friend. "What the hell is going on?" Thomas roars as he's getting out the car. He already has his Alpha tone since he's 18. It makes me bow automatically and whimper. "I can hear her screaming and crying." I say through sobs. "I'm sure he's beating her." I fall to the ground in front of the door crying as James moves me to the grass. He goes back to the door with Thomas. I watch as they converse about breaking it down. "Don't just stand there! Save our Luna!" I scream. They don't even glance back. They don't hesitate to break the door down with kicks. It splinters and they go in. Thomas' POV As soon as Jenna said 'Save our Luna' both of us didn't hesitate to kick the door in. She's right. Shelby will be our Luna. We have to protect her at all costs. The Alpha rules but the Luna is the heart of the pack. We looked around. Nothing. We all of a sudden hear muffled screams and cries upstairs. We race up almost knocking into each other going up the stairs. We go to the room where the muffled cries are coming from. "Ready?" James says. "Without a doubt." I say. "Let's get our Luna." James says with a smirk. He loves to fight. But as a future Beta he loves our future Luna more. We break down the door to a horrifying scene. He has Shelby tired up by her hands at the ceiling. He has her in just her bra and panties with a whip in his hand. She already has bruises forming. I also see bruises that look like they've been healing a few days. She has blood on her and her back has whip marks already. I can see scars. I'm guessing this isn't her first time being whipped or beaten. How could we have been so blind? She never seemed to be going through anything. We should've knew something was up when she never wanted to go home. I feel like a failure to my mate. I will never leave her again. "What the hell do you punks want?" He snarls in a drunken slur towards us. "I want my girlfriend." I say confidently. I don't care at this point what anyone thinks anymore. James takes a second to look at me, I guess he was shocked I am calling her my girlfriend, but it's brief. I take a few steps in. Ready to shift and rip his head off his shoulders. I can feel Asher pushing to the surface. He's pissed beyond belief to see our mate like this. I guess James can sense what is happening. He mindlinks me to get Shelby and he'll handle the man. I go to Shelby and before her mom's boyfriend can get to me James has him pinned on the ground growling. She has passed out now. I'm guessing from all the pain. I take her down from her ties. I wrap her in the bedsheet on her mom's bed. I go as fast as I can without causing her any more injury. I take her down to the car. I place her in the backseat. "Is she ok? Is she alive?" Jenna screams. I take a breath and focus my calm. "She passed out from the pain. That asshole was up there beating her with a whip." I say as I hear Jenna gasp. "Go get her stuff all you can fit in your car. James will ride back with you. We will meet at your house when y'all are done." She nods in agreement as she runs towards the house. I get in and start the car. Before I put it in drive I look back in the backseat and see her unconscious body. 'What have you had to endure baby? ' I say to myself as I put the car in drive and head to Jenna's. --- What has she had to deal with? For how long? Does her mom know? ---
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