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Taste my Pain Chapter 16   Cue the pin drop sound when Lucy gave out a large beam of white light towards Rogue's bellow. As the two opposing roars crashed into each other, Lucy held it for as long as she can. With both dragon roars losing its powers, she narrowed her eyes and praised Rogue's endurance in her mind. Activating her wings, she dodged the updating shadow flying towards her and flew up to the sky where she looked down to Rogue. Balls of shadows flying pass her, she heard a little girl's scream where she turned back to see Asuka with her eyes closed and yelling out of sheer horror. Widening her eyes to see such a small girl screaming, she dived down to the young child with her arms outstretched. "Asuka!" she yelled out. Reaching over to Asuka before a ball made of shadows could come to the child and severely hurt her, she hugged the girl tightly and turned her back to face the ball. Biting her lips as she was anticipating the impact, the ball hit her back which made her bit onto her lower lip to prevent her from screaming in Asuka's ears. Her hands covering the young child’s ears, she gave out a string of curse words which made her blood boil in fury. As her back throbbed in pain, she fell onto her knees with Asuka looking up to her in bewilderment and shock. "Nee-chan?" she questioned. Slowly, she raised her head and forced herself to give Asuka a reassuring smile which looked like she was doing everything that she could to make sure that she appeared fine. "I-I'm fine Asuka... Don't worry," Lucy reassured as she silently hissed to the burning pain in her lower back. Looking over her shoulder, she could see its impact on her and hated how everyone was aiming for her back rather than her front. Tears rolling where the child felt pained to know that her saviour was hurt, Asuka crawled out from Lucy's hold to grab onto her hand gently. "Nee-chan... Why aren't you getting up?" she questioned again before being carried away by her mother who thanked the blonde for her help. Wendy immediately running up to Lucy, she knelt next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder in worry. "I'll heal you now," she whispered where the blonde said nothing in return. Holding out both of her hands, she was about to chant until Lucy clicked her tongue. She wasn't liking how Rogue managed to hurt her after using such disgusting methods to expose herself. In the distance, she could hear the echoes of Sting's laughter which annoyed her even more.  "Lector! Did you see that?! The blondie got knocked out by Rogue!" he cried out, pointing over to Lucy with his body bent forward where he slapped his knee in pure humour. She looked over her shoulder to glare at Sting, she wanted to break him and make him suffer. "Once I get my hands round your neck, let's see who's laughing," she whispered which made Wendy widen her eyes and frown. "Focus on our fight, Sting!" Natsu growled as he punched the male blonde in the jaw. Sting giving Natsu a look of amusement, he gave a punch back in return where they then continued their fight with Lucy slowly getting up. "It's fine Wendy, I'm fine to continue fighting. The more I hear Sting’s arrogant taunting, the more I want to silence him to shut him up." She meant what she said. She's been training for roughly five years with her friends’ nonstop day and night where she was the first to get attacked on the back. She's been training with dragons. And with dragons, their mental thinking was far more advanced than any ordinary human. They were prehistoric beasts.  They knew what they're doing when it came to training a human, and by training Lucy who had royal blood flowing within her veins, they trained her mind to work much differently compared to humans now.  She could no longer follow the normal fighting ways. Her mind was now like a predator's. She now waits for her enemy to strike and expects the unexpected... But how was she able to do that when she's been away from actual humans for like five years? Glaring over at Rogue, he smirked at her. Angrily, she turned her head over to Natsu who was being pushed back into a corner. "Goodness, this is starting to get very annoying... What should I do..." she whispered to herself as she watched the pinkette give out heavy pants who was keeping his eye contact with Sting. Without any notice, Sting and Rogue regrouped and Lucy widened her eyes when she noticed their stance and similar movements. If her assumptions are correct, then that meant that a Unison Raid was going to happen. "Unison Raid!" they both called out where she balled her fingers into tight fists. She was indeed correct. Watching them punch the air, the shadows from Rogue and the light from Sting began to fuse together to make one fatal blow towards Natsu's direction. Her head moving over a bit, she watched Natsu look up groggily. He was too tired to move. He was mentally and physically preparing himself for the attack head-on. Panic taking over her body since it wasn't her nature to let those standing on her side of the ring get hurt while she was still able to fight, her body began to flame up with stars waltzing around her fingertips. Running in front of Natsu, she got into stance while everyone around her was worried for their sake, screaming at them to run away from the attack's direction. "Celestial Flame Dragon's Roar!" Releasing out her flames and stars combined, the only thing she could do was hold off the attack until it faded – But wrong, the Unison Raid continued at its fullest strength, making Lucy slowly get pushed back with herself getting tired along the way. Unable to hold back, her roar stopped abruptly, allowing the attack to her directly. As she stood there, with palms facing Sting and Rogue's Unison Raid, she pushed the attack away from her as much as possible with her hands. Pulling her right arm back, her fists flamed up with stars glowing brighter. With clenched teeth, she managed to punch the pillar with all her might where it broke apart. In relief, she dropped to the ground leaving Fairy Tail speechless. "She saved us... Well Natsu," Macao whispered in awe. Everyone in Fairy Tail planning on attacking Sting and Rogue for payback for hurting their family, the Twin Dragons remained in a threatening formation as they focused on their next attack. Not giving up, Natsu charged forward but Erza grabbed his scarf and pulled him back. "Not so fast," Erza whispered. With eyes glowering in anger, she wanted the two to pay double the damage.  Looking back to Lucy, her eyes widened when Lucy slowly got up. Standing straight with her eyes on the ground, she tilted her head back to take in a deep inhale. "I shouldn't be pushed back..." she whispered herself before opening her eyes slowly to stare at the clear blue sky. “I am not longer someone that will be getting pushed back during every battle…” Lucy reminded. She needed to be strong. For her dragons, her friends, and for herself. Looking down, she opened her mouth. "Celestial Dragon's Roar!" she bellowed where a ray of shooting stars went flying to the two opponents. Lowered herself for a bit and threw her hands up to the air. Swinging it in a formation like drawing a "C" in the air, multiple flames and stars collided into Sting and Rogue. "Fire Dragon's Lava!" Rogue jumped out when the last few came to their direction. "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" He stopped the others from hitting Sting and ran to kick Lucy from behind. Being pushed back, Lucy was caught by Natsu who ran to her. "Are you alright?" he questioned in worry. "I'm fine and watch your own back," Lucy whispered before pulling herself up where she pushed him away. Slightly disgusted by his touch, she glared at Sting and Rogue who went back into formation right after she managed to separate them apart. "Unison Raid!" Sabertooth's Dragon Slayers both yelled out again. "Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" a voice suddenly boomed which didn’t belong to either Natsu and Lucy’s who were still on the field. Everyone all froze when the unknown flames stopped the raid from reaching the two on the field. They looked around in question as they wondered who was helping from the sidelines. "If Natsu is right next to Lucy, and Lucy isn't in the right conditions to use Dragon Slaying Magic, then... Who did that?" Levy questioned before a large shadow went over the guild. "How dare you attack the princess!" the voice boomed, making everyone look up as a powerful flamethrower was released to the two who got severe burns from not managing to move away in time. A red dragon landed on the field and everyone that was standing around was stunned to see a large enraged dragon standing before them. "Why is there a dragon here?!" everyone questioned out in unison. The dragon didn't say anything as it craned its head to look down at Lucy who was swaying slightly in her spot. "Lucy, are you alright?!" the dragon questioned with concern lacing in each word as he snapped his head around to find Lucy standing there with injuries on her body.  "Igneel?" she whispered as tears welled up in her eyes. "Igneel!" she yelled as she ran over to the dragon to hug his leg.  "Are you alright Lucy?" Igneel asked. Nodding her head, he picked her up using his tail and gently placed her on top of his head. "A dragon aye?" Sting smirked. "A great beast to slay..." Lucy widened her eyes as well as the other present Dragon Slayers. Getting up on Igneel's head, she felt her anger pulsing through her veins. How dare they say something like that to her dragons! "Dragon Force!" she yelled out as the wind began to pick up around her where it then circled around her like a raging tornado. Breaking away, she stood there with patches of scales on her face and body where her canines peeked out between her lips. Looking more powerful than before, she snarled to the male blond that dared to mutter slaying a dragon. She disappeared from Igneel's head to only appear in front of Sting and Rogue. With force, she kicked the two into the fencing and stood tall and proud where she had landed. "Don't you dare use that word around my dragon, or even mention what you've done to any of my beasts!" she yelled. Looking at the two coldly, she stood there and glared at them. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu said before once again, charging up to the two. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu then punched Sting in the stomach. Igneel practically taking up the most space in the field, he watched his son with impressed eyes. "Igneel, they're about to do their Unison Raid again! I don't think I can hold the attack off once again!" Lucy yelled. She ran over to the fire dragon with Natsu hesitating behind her. The dragon nodded his head as he knew that were limitations to one's capabilities of being a royal. "Princess, I think you know what's best."  She shook her head, "I'm not ready for it!" "We all agree that you're capable of perfecting it." The blonde sighed and heard the Twin Dragons yelling out their next move. Turning on her heel to face them, she hoped for the best. "Twenty-four Dragon's Raid!" After her call, she was immediately surrounded by a large number of flames in all sorts of resembling colours. Purple for poison. Red for flames. White for Holy... The list goes on. As the flames waltzed around her, it quickly joined together as Lucy held out her palms facing towards Sting and Rogue. Immediately, from that point, the attacks went clashing. Rainbow flames against black and white rays. Lucy's magic was much stronger as it sliced through the Unison Raid made by Sting and Rogue. Watching the two get thrown back, Lucy tiredly grinned as they retreated. "Take that a-hole," she grinned. Igneel opening his wings, he looked up and gave out a powerful victorious roar which shook the ground beneath them before looking down to his princess who was smiling up at him. The blonde being exhausted, he caught her with his tail and placed her on his back where she rested with her eyes closed. Before getting ready to return back to his world through the opened portal, he heard someone say his name. "Igneel, is that really you?" He looked down to the owner of the voice where his eyes landed on Natsu. "Yes, my son. It is me – What do you need?" he answered calmly. "Why are you here when you vanished years ago?" he questioned with the Dragon Slayers all walking to his side, waiting for Igneel's answer. Looking back at Lucy on his back, he smiled earnestly. "I was in my own realm, waiting for our princess to arrive home," he answered. "I missed you so –" He was interrupted by Lucy who began coughing out loud with blood. Hearing his foster father curse to himself, everyone present all flinched when Igneel looked up to the portal and gave out a loud roar. Transforming into his human form, Igneel carried Lucy protectively, "Everyone inside the guild! Take me to your infirmary quickly!" Mirajane and Wendy dashed ahead. "Follow us!" Mirajane cried out as the two lead Igneel into the building in shock. A few minutes of hasty running, Lucy was placed on the bed where Wendy went straight into action by healing the blonde. "You've grown quite a bit Wendy," Igneel muttered as he watched the Sky Maiden heal his princess. "Thank you Igneel," she thanked shyly as she continued her job. Moments later, two women came running into the room. "Cherita, Gradneeney... Thank heavens you've arrived. Her powers are going berserk now!" Igneel said where Cherita held her hand up to stop the man from yabbering on. "We know. Starisha summoned Loke and asked him to get the bracelet. To think she didn't open the box once she got home and wore it," Cherita sighed as she shook her head. "Help your child heal Lucy." Grandeeney nodded and walked over to Wendy's side who looked at her fostering mother with watery eyes. "What is it, my child? You grew up into a beautiful girl. Have you gotten close with my human-hating counterpart?" she asked softly. Wendy wiped away her tears. Before long, Loke came running into the infirmary and dashed over to Lucy's side. Without further haste, he slipped the bracelet onto Lucy's wrists. Soon, Lucy's breathing went back to normal and stopped suffocating from her power. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, Grandeeney took a few steps back once the healing process was complete. "Good job Wendy. You've improved so much," Grandeeney praised as she patted on Wendy's shoulder. Wendy shook her head to the compliment as she shyly placed her hands behind her back. "I wouldn't have done it perfectly without your help Grandeeney." Natsu began to question the dragon's presence out loud and everyone froze into sudden remembrance. "Why are they all even here?" "Don't bother answering him you guys," Lucy suddenly instructed, making everyone look at her as she sat up. "You have nothing to know about. It's none of your business to ask something in which we have no interest in explaining." The pinkette snarled over to Lucy and got up from his seat. "Why can't I know about our dragons?! Did you forget that they’re practically our parents?" He opened his mouth to say something but closed it straight after he felt a chilling aura coming from Igneel behind him. "When have I taught you to speak in this manner Natsu?" Igneel questioned in a low tone. Lucy ignoring the little father and son moment, she looked over to him with confusion in her eyes. "What happened?" Igneel snapped his head back over to his princess. "Your powers went out of control after performing the Dragon's Raid. You need a lot of strength in that, and being, ahem, recovery in energy is faster," he replied, faking a cough in between his words as he hinted that her royalty lineage allowed her to recover much faster. The blonde nodded before Cherita placed her hands on the back of her hand. "Promise us that you'll never use that spell unless of an emergency Lucy." "Why? You all mentioned that I could control it," Lucy questioned. "You're too weak to use it. We made a mistake thinking that you can, but after seeing this, I don't want to risk the chances of losing you. Lucy... Once you use it, it'll be hard to maintain your energy levels," Grandeeney answered. Lucy thanked them for their help and the dragons all bowed their heads to her in respect. "We said that we'll protect you, and we're keeping our word," Cherita stated before they all excused themselves to go home through the window. Watching them all leave, Lucy smiled to herself for having such great dragons by her side. "What was that!? How did you meet our dragons?!" Natsu asked in excitement after being able to see his father since forever. Lucy looking away from him, she stretched her arms out to reach someone standing nearby her with a soft smile. "Wendy, I'm sure you'll meet her again," she cooed as she pulled the crying Wendy into a hug. "Don't worry, they're all watching over you."
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