The Interfered Fight

1756 Words
Taste my Pain Chapter 15   Everyone all dropped their jaws as they watched Lucy bellow out a powerful pillar of water towards the Salamander who wasn't expected it to come out of the Celestial Spirit wizard. The guild hearing him groan at the impact where the sound of the impact was loud and sounded powerful, it didn't take them long to know that Lucy had an advantage over Natsu with the element of water. The blonde standing tall, she whipped out her keys and narrowed her eyes. "Open the Gate of the Golden Bull and the Gate of the Scorpion! Taurus, Scorpio!" Immediately, her two spirits came to her call with both of their keys sandwiched in between her fingers. "You two, let's go with what we've been training for!" Lucy said with confidence as the both nodded to their understanding of what she had meant by training. Getting into position, Lucy gritted her teeth. She would rather keep her secret hidden from the guild, but she needed to drill her improvements into their dumb brains before a repeat of their insults occurs once again. "Now!" she boomed. "Sandstorm Axe Aldebaran!" they, Taurus and Scorpio, yelled out in unison as Scorpio shot out a pillar of sand from his tail to Taurus who absorbed the sand using his axe. The buff humanoid grinning, he swung it over to Natsu as he hoped that it'll be more painful to him than how he had mistreated his master. It was a powerful direct hit just like what they had wanted. Both of the spirits high fiving each other with a grin, they gave Lucy a thumbs up before going back to the Celestial World without another word where she stood dominantly on the side of the grounds. Her head thrown back; she continued her attacks. "Roar of the Celestial Dragon!" Lucy then bellowed. Clicking her tongue behind her roar, she knew that the secret was now out and soon all Dragon Slayers were going to be running after her in hopes of answering their questions. Now everyone was flabbergasted. All quiet as they stared at Lucy, they watched her wipe her mouth annoyingly before moving their attention to Natsu who groaned and was lying on the dusty ground. The severely injured Natsu refused to give up while refusing to hurt the Celestial mage in front of him. Even though that was the case, he had no choice but to fight. As much as he wanted to give up, his pride was on the line. He was a Dragon Slayer, the Salamander of Fairy Tail, and Igneel's son. "Lightning Flame Mode!" He then vanished from her sight which she quickly activated her wings. She was used to using her wings, so her body knew when she wanted them to be activated. So, flying high into the air, she clicked her tongue once again in annoyance. Looking down, she began to look around to look for the pink-haired i***t that was using lightning as his source of speed. He wasn't in her sight which was strange for she learnt under the wing of the lightning and thunder dragons. She should be able to hear his movements. She was taught to catch up to those that used these elements. "Lightning Flame Dragon's –" She was too late to react in time as a beam of light shot past her to only hit someone behind her in the air. With wide eyes, she turned her body around where her eyes landed on Natsu who was pushed back from the force of the light beam. His eyes as wide as hers, her eyes landed on the injury on his right shoulder. There was blood seeping out of the injury as gravity did its job, without even thinking, she reached out in attempts to catch him where his scarf fluttered out of her reach with his body falling towards the ground. "s**t," she cursed under her breath where she sharply turned her body to dive down after the falling Fire Dragon Slayer. Her arm outstretched again, she flew down and caught him before he managed to collide to the ground below them. Noticing something flying towards their direction a second time, she recklessly used her wings to barricade herself and the pinkette which made her grit her teeth as the beam pierced through her wing and ripped it. Hissing in pain, she noticed how quickly they were dropping toward the ground.  Mustering as much strength as she could to hold onto her flight, she opened her wings to levitated inches from the ground and dropped Natsu. With a hiss, she stared at her damaged wing. In annoyance, she held a hand over Natsu who was clutching onto his injury and quickly healed him, so Wendy didn't have to bother exposing herself to the dangers that were hiding. "Water Dragon's Blessings," she scowled where a sphere of water appeared in front of her palm. The orb absorbing the injuries, she furrowed her brows. Everyone was worried sick as they all began turning on their heels to look for the guilty attacker. Their eyes scanning around them, Lucy narrowed her eyes when she noticed two new presences nearby. "Don't move!" Lucy bellowed in command with ferocity in her tone.  The guild froze to only turn back to Lucy who was tending her burnt wing. Her hand open to have a small ball of water in between her and her wing, Wendy took a step forward in worry. "Are you okay Lucy –" "Wendy, stay back!" she growled, turning her head to look at the girl before the air shifted much to her annoyance. A Shadow Roar came flying in her direction where she quickly reacted by throwing the water sphere to the roar which stopped it. Straightening herself quickly, Lucy sensed another attack coming her way as the air shifted once more. "Celestial Dragon's Roar!" Luckily she was able to deflect the white ray of light. Looking over to the trees, she glared at the two shadowed figures that tried to hide but didn't do a good job since she was able to spot them from where she stood. "Who are you, and what do you want?!" she yelled out. The two figures walked out from the shadows. "Ohh, Blondie was the first one to find out and deflected our attacks?" the blond man said with a sly smirk on his face. "Sabertooth! What do you want?!" Makarov asked as he yelled out in frustration of an interfered fight. He didn't approve such unethical behaviour within his guild property. Sting grinned. "Calm down old man, we're just here because we sensed some powerful magic when passing the place. I mean, why would we be here with some weaklings?" he mocked before glancing over towards Lucy and Natsu in amusement. Looking back at the old man, he snickered. "Cut it out Sting, let's just see who owns that power then leave this place," Rogue said calmly as his eyes met with Gajeel's. Sting sighed and looked around before meeting eyes with the snarling blonde once again. "Ah, it's the blondie over there with Natsu-san," Sting beckoned. Staring at her, he grinned. "She emits powerful magic... She's something alright, much different than how I remembered her to be." Lucy cursed herself under her breath for not blocking her scent and presence. Snarling, she glared at Sting. "I have no business with you, or with your petty curiosity," she said boldly. With no time to waste, she finished her healing process with Natsu who shot up from the ground. "Woah! What happened?!" he questioned out loud. Lucy rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest before growling at Natsu's cluelessness where he, on the other hand, looked at her and began moving around. No pain. No injuries. "Luce, did you heal me?" he asked softly as he looked at Lucy in awe. "Yeah, I did. Got a problem with that?" Flicking her hair to the side, she opened her mouth to say something but decided not to where she closed her mouth in annoyance.  Closing her eyes to exhale a breath of agitation, she felt the shift of air again and opened her eyes immediately as Sting made his move. "White Dragon's Roar!" Sting bellowed out as he was dropped by Lector with Rogue following his actions into the training ring. Both landing, their eyes widened in shock as well as everyone else as they saw what Lucy was doing with Natsu watching everything from the side of her. Lucy was eating up Sting's ray of light as her hand stopped it from coming any closer to her face.  Wiping her mouth, she glanced over to Sting who was looking like a gaping fish out of the water and smirked. "You know, I'm not as weak as I used to be, and your light tastes... Artificial..." she stated. "What the heck?! Aren't you the summoning chick? And for your information, my holy light isn't artificial – It's pure!" Sting argued, feeling offended by her statement. She rolled her eyes before taking a step forward with pride and courage following. Her eyes unnerved, she held onto her smirk and placed a hand over her chest as if she was hurt in the heart. "Me, a summoning chick? I'm a lot different than how I was before," she chuckled darkly.  "She's a lot stronger than before," Natsu clarified to which she rolled her eyes too. Before she was weak and was called weak, and now it’s the opposite. Taking no interest in what he had said, Sting rolled his shoulder. "Rogue, take care of that blondie while I take care of Natsu-san," he instructed where Lucy snarled at his words. "You're blond too, stupid!" she yelled, pointing at him before looking at Rogue. "Don't you even dare to try and fight me." Rogue unphased by her words, he took a step forward with his eyes plastered onto her like a predator ready to attack. "Fine by me," Rogue bluntly answered before he ran towards Lucy, ignoring her rebuttal to his partner's words. Natsu told Lucy to watch out in which she flipped him off. She had to admit it, but she felt happy that she's fighting alongside with Natsu. It's been a while. "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" Rogue bellowed. Lucy gave herself a little stretch before smirking. Taking in a deep inhale, she went into action. "I'm full of secrets too you know, Light Dragon's Roar!"
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